Chapter 25.

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I try not to make it obvious how paranoid I am as Bucky and I walk hand in hand through the city back to the hotel.

"Eyes front," he tells me when I look at him for what's possibly the fiftieth time.

"This isn't how we'd walk and you know it." I pull on his arm and stop to lean my head against his shoulder and smile at him, purposely faking some sort of illusion if there does happen to be anyone keeping an eye on us.

"I want you at that hotel and safe, I don't care about appearances." He chuckles slightly and bumps into me purposely.

"We're nearly there anyway, then you can lock me up and throw away the key if you wish."

Bucky eyes me and he smirks, "don't tempt me."

I let go of his hand and step in front of him, walking backwards, "I'll even do the whole damsel in distress, I like playing a character."

His hands lunge forward and he grabs me by the waist, "I just want Eden, no characters." He kisses my neck and pulls me along with him.

I'm almost sure my father and the others have eyes on us right now, making sure we make it back ok, and this thought seems to pop into my head suddenly and it becomes all I think about as we walk the last few yards to the hotel.

I straighten up and resume the robotic motion that we had been using before, much to the confusion of my companion who gives me the most confused glances, that is until we step into the hotel lobby and he's grabbing at me all over again, making me laugh and pulling me to the elevator.

"I'm ready to crash into that bed." I say and pull off my heels, Bucky looks tired as hell, I'm not sure he's really slept at all since we got here, even a super soldier has to get tired at some point right?

He leans against the back mirror and pulls me with him, holding my back to his front he rests his head on my shoulder, "I could sleep for a week."

There's something comforting about standing like this, his arms around my waist, holding me in place while he rests his head against me, it's like he feels at ease with me, and it makes me smile to myself, letting myself relax against him and waiting for us to reach our floor.

The elevator dings and we step out, walking along the corridor to our room, Bucky opens the door and connects all the locks behind us once we're inside.

"So we're safe." I say and he nods, again wrapping his arms around me, my own arms around his neck and he nuzzles his face into my hair. "Bed?" He asks and I still, my body tensing for a moment.

"Yeah, you need rest." I quickly compose myself, mentally scorning my mind for diving straight to the gutter.

He pulls me with him through the fancy chairs to the separate bedroom and releases me so I can undress on one side of the bed, as he undresses and climbs in the other.

I stand awkwardly, knowing I can't just undress and get in like he does.

Can't I?

No. I grab my bag and begin towards the bathroom but Bucky let's out a small groan, "what're you doing?"

"Uhh, changing?" I bite my lip and he shakes his head and climbs back out of bed, he walks over to the clothes he wore to travel in, that he'd placed on a fancy lounge chair and throws the tshirt at me, "you can wear that, now bed."

The way he orders me, I gulp down the nerves creeping in me and nod, putting my bag back down and putting his tshirt on the bed, Bucky climbs back into the sheets and rests his human arm behind his head.

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