Chapter 28.

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I find that being confined to the compound is a lot harder than either of us thought, we watch as others enter and leave, I see Peter go to school and come back multiple times, Morgan goes on a field trip to a museum with her school, my dad goes to multiple events, Steve visits a friend (which I'm convinced is a woman), Clint goes home to his family and comes back again two days later for only a few hours before leaving again.

Bucky and I for the first few days confined ourselves to his room or mine, we were still very much mirroring our time spent in Vienna but at home.

A week passes and it gets harder to ignore the restricted feeling, like the same faces and rooms may slightly drive you insane.

There's no new leads on Hydra, the terrifying Frankenstein doctor, Poland, Vienna, we're left in limbo as those who make the decisions think about what the best course of action is.

I know Steve is protesting on our behalf to give us some freedom, my father remains unconvinced, our safety is his priority, my safety is his priority, he thinks if they're unable to get Bucky then they'll surely get to me.

After two weeks of confinement, Natasha puts her foot down on our behalf and insists we're allowed out and have control of our own lives back.

This follows a very loud and shouty conversation she interrupts me having with my dad, saying if he trusts Bucky can protect me then we should be allowed to do as we wish, outside the same four walls.

Nat's order seems to work, and Bucky and I make our first trip out in what feels like forever, we choose the mall, somewhere crowded, that would be less likely to be an issue, where there's eyes everywhere.

It's a Saturday, so there's people galore, as I pull Bucky into one of my favourite makeup shops to restock, he dips his finger into an eyeshadow and takes my arm to wipe the powder off on to.

"Blue is nice." He smiles and I contemplate it, "it would match your eyes.."

This makes him blush, the man really fails when it comes to compliments.

I pull his chin towards me and plant a kiss on his lips. Casual affection between us has almost definitely increased while we've been stuck inside, all we've been able to do is be affectionate with each other.

Bucky has become a comfort like no other, I feel lost without him beside me, something Frankie was quick to point out was 'soooo cute' when she was allowed to come in to visit a few times.

I think of her and check my phone, I called her this morning but she didn't answer.

"Frankie?" Bucky asks as I frown at the screen.

"Yeah, still nothing." I shrug and push my phone back into my pocket, picking up a nude lipstick and testing it on my hand, I show Bucky and he nods in approval.

We finish up in the store and are walking hand in hand through the mall, Bucky's leather gloves feel hot in the summer heat and as I look at him I try my best to give him a smile.

Maybe coming out isn't a good idea, he has to hide, especially right now. A long sleeve tshirt, gloves, in the summer? He may as well have his arm out, there's nothing normal about how he looks, the odd person is still staring at him.

"I just imagine they're looking at you." He says when he notices me glaring at an older woman walking past turning her nose up at him.

"Why would they be looking at me?" I ask laughing and he grins with that adorable nose scrunch, "they're thinking, damn, she is so beautiful, what is she doing with him."

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