Chapter 26.

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I've decided my favourite part of embroidery on the tapestry above our bed is one tiny cherub in the top right corner, it has pink rosy cheeks, and a golden harp in its hands, there's little blonde curls cascading over his tiny little forehead and his chubby hands are playing the strings of his harp. Another cherub is flying beside him, smiling brightly while he plays his own tiny little violin.

Bucky stirs and he lifts his head from my chest, his limbs are sprawled all over me and the way his sleepy eyes are barely open is so adorable.

"What's the time?" He blinks repeatedly and then burys his face in my neck, "2, we slept all morning."

Bucky nods his head in the best way he can, "you're so warm."

I laugh and he lifts his head again and kisses my chin, he pouts and does it again. "I'm half asleep."

"Yes you are, go back to sleep!"

He doesn't need telling twice and grips me in his arms tightly, wrapping himself around me and snuggling against me.

He's lightly snoring in my ear in minutes and I can't help watching him, he's breathing slowly and looks so calm and content.

My phone vibrates on the night stand and I grab it before it can wake Bucky.

It's a text from Nat telling us everything is going to plan, however considering I don't know the plan, I'm not overly sure that's a good thing.

I stroke over Bucky's hair and he pulls me into him tighter.


I must've fell asleep at some point because when I open my eyes, Bucky is already up and out of bed.

Sitting up I check the time and look around, I only slept for half an hour.

"What're we doing with the rest of our day? We have to stay here right?"

Bucky nods from where he's sat in the seating area in his boxers.

As he turns on the chair, a vein in his arm pops and I hate the way my stomach jumps, he licks his lips and smiles at me. I realise I'm staring at him and he's taking great pleasure in it.

Bucky stands and I rake my eyes over his body, from his hair, to his face, stomach, boxers, his thighs-

Stop it.

Bucky walks slowly over to where I'm sat and puts his hands either side of me flat on the bed, his face is only an inch from mine.

"Are you checking me out?" He smirks and the way he looks at me, I can't help myself, I grab his neck and pull him to me, I need to be kissing him.

"Yes, always." I smile against his lips and he kneels on the bed before allowing me to push him down onto his back and climb on top of him, kissing him still, he strokes his hands along my hips and gently runs his fingers up my back.

Buckys hands are messily in my hair as he pulls me towards him and he lets me crawl down his body, trailing kisses as I go, removing his boxers and taking him into my mouth slowly.

Licking and kissing, working my hands, I watch as Bucky's eyes roll back and he watches me and then rocks his hips towards my mouth.

He lets out a strained breath and whispers, "Eden, fuckkk."

A smile graces my lips and he seems to like that, biting his lip and stroking my face.

Bucky's body shakes slightly and he uses his vibranium arm to easily pull me up so my mouth is on his, guiding me to slide him inside me and he watches every movement on my face as I let out a heavy moan.

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