Chapter 23.

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I feel a knot in my stomach, looking at myself in the mirror of this gorgeous bathroom, my dress is short, gold and floaty and I look like I was made to stand in this room as an ornament. The mirror in front of me is in a gorgeous gold frame, the entire bathroom is gold almost, they've matched it perfectly to the main suite, with blue accents standing out.

"Eden?" Bucky asks as he knocks on the other side of the door, "are you ready yet doll?"

I take a deep breath, opening the door to be met by his handsome face.

His eyes take me in, up and down and then again twice more, the side of his mouth pulls up in a smirk, his hair, beard, the shirt he's wearing that has the top few buttons undone to reveal his perfectly toned chest. The way his trousers cling to his legs in every right way, the blazer hanging over his shoulder, hooked onto his finger.

"Bucky.." "Eden.."

We smile at each other saying the other's name in sync, "you look.. fuck."

I can't remember ever hearing Bucky swear, and something about the way the word rolls off his lips-

Shaking the thought out my head I smile and take the hand he extends to me, twirling me under his arm and then wrapping it around me.

Bucky bites his lip as he looks me up and down again, he shakes his head and leans in to kiss me, his tongue brushing against my bottom lip and gently I open my mouth in sync with his, his tongue stroking against mine, taking the lead of this kiss like he can't bear to let me go.

He smiles, and I feel it upon his entire face, I'm out of breath, entirely surely my lipstick has come off and is smudged around my mouth.

"The red lipstick, I'm sorry." He breathes against my wet lips before quickly stealing one more kiss.

"I'll wear it more often." I smile and watch as his face pulls to show those smiling eyes I've grown so fond of.

Bucky pulls me with him through the door to the corridor, "I'm gonna enjoy taking you out to dinner Miss Stark."

I'm beaming, I can simply feel it in every inch of my body, stepping into the elevator I can check my makeup and luckily it's not budged an inch, those lip stains work wonders.

I pull my phone out of my bag to check for any messages from my father and Bucky puts his hands on my waist, looking up at him makes my heart jump, he's smiling down at me, "do you want to take a picture of us?"

Bucky grabs my waist and spins me to the largest mirror on the elevator wall, I hold my phone up to the side and begin snapping pictures of us, looking at this gorgeous man in the mirror as he smiles widely then does a funny pout and as I begin to laugh I see the way he looks at me while I watch him in the mirror, he's looking at the side of my head and has the smallest, sexiest grin.

I can't help but look at him, seeing that face in a mirror isn't enough, but when I turn to him he leans forward and kisses me again, only quickly, "I hope you got all that."

Now I'm smiling, sunshine veins back again, I'm absolutely taken with this man standing before me.

The elevator dings and we step out into the lobby, secretly I'm excited to look at the gorgeous ceiling again, but Bucky pulls me through and out into a waiting car, telling the driver the name of wherever it is we're going in German.

The city is alive as we drive through the streets, people walking, laughing, smiling, singing, music is played from restaurants and street musicians, I can't take my eyes away from the outside view of the car, taking everything in.

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