Chapter 17.

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It's not what I expected.

At worst I thought he'd call me some sort of name, but not quite like that.

I look at Bucky who is studying me for a reaction, movement, tears, who knows what he thinks is going to happen, or what I'm going to do.

Really, I have options here, I can go try beat the living shit out of Pietro, but being honest with myself, I don't have the strength, stealth or skills to pull that off.

My second option would be tell Bucky that he can do it for me, however then we have a repeat of the whole fiasco that just happened and my own worrying of what Wanda could or would do to him.

I like my third option the best, I feel, personally, that Peter especially would be proud of me choosing the grown up option.

Internally I think it out, the best course of action, and the first part, is making sure Bucky is okay with what he's just had to repeat to me, him being from a time that sort of language was absolutely unacceptable, I know in his head he'll be beating himself up for just repeating it.

I let a smile pull at my lips and Bucky frowns.

"I'm sorry he said that to you Bucky, that must've been really shitty to hear, and I'm sorry I made you repeat it to me."

His mouth drops open, one eyebrow raises, he's literally staring at me, absolutely gone out, this wasn't how he expected I'd react.

"You're not mad?"


More staring at me.

More confused face.

"You don't want to go kill him?"

"I think you attempted that well enough.." I laugh to myself as my mind goes to Pietros black eye, "and hurt him enough, on my behalf already."

Bucky lets out a strained laugh.

"Why are you so calm? It's freaking me out."

I pull him in to a hug and then look at the deep blue of his eyes, my fingers run through his hair.

"I'm calm because Pietro got what he deserved for saying that. I never expected he'd be able to say such a thing, and honestly, I'm more hurt than I am angry."

I softly smile and stroke my hand over Bucky's cheek bone.

"However I know that can't of been nice to hear about someone you're, well, doing this with." I laugh at my own poor attempt of describing what's between us and Bucky smiles in the way that makes his eyes crease at the corners.

"I want to make sure you're okay, and I want you to know that that, was not at all like this. Pietro clearly can see that, and he doesn't like it."

He gives me a soft side smile.

"A few weeks ago I know you would've stormed down there and-" "I'm not who I was a few weeks ago."

"You are, that little firecracker is going nowhere." He taps the end of my nose with his finger to make me laugh and when he licks his lips I have to step away from him.

"I'm gonna shower and then why don't we do something?" I try distract myself from my brain screaming at me to kiss him.

Bucky eyes me suspiciously as I sneak a quick glance at his lips, "I can meet you back here in an hour?"

I nod, "yep, that works."

You should've just kissed him dumbass!


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