Chapter 18.

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It's nearly five when we finally get home, and I find myself not wanting to go inside back to regular life and instead stay in Bucky's old car, having him talk about the 1930's and which car he almost bought when he was finally able to drive.

He has told me so many things about his life before, with Steve, and I find myself again missing my friend.

As we pull into the usual parking space, the compound seems unusually quiet, something I think I'm not alone in thinking.

"Where is everyone?" Bucky locks the car behind us and puts his hand on the small of my back as we walk into the main entrance of the building.

Normally there's people walking about, agents are more common than anyone, there's plenty of people that work here.

I frown, I hear no talking, no commotion, I can't even hear the sound of what is normally some argument going on somewhere or another.

Bucky slides his hand in mine and I look up at him, a frown on his face, he's concerned, I can tell by the way he slightly pulls me behind him.

When Sam appears at the top of the stairs I almost jump out of my skin, Bucky however doesn't flinch, am I that on edge or does nothing bother this man?

"What's with the hand holding? You guys together?" Sam asks as he jogs downstairs and I remember Bucky's hand is in mine.

I attempt to drop it but he holds on, "I'm supposed to protect Eden."

He states it so matter of factly, I almost find myself sad he doesn't tell Sam about our date.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, stepping from behind Bucky's back and pulling my hand from his finally.

Sam looks at me as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, "working."

I can tell he doesn't trust me, I've always known Sam wasn't keen on me, he's a protective friend, a great man, when I first arrived here, he thought I was after Steve, he thought we were too close and our friendship was more than what first appears.

"Right, well I'll be going." I hastily say and run upstairs, I linger behind a wall at the top that hides me from their sight but allows me to hear them. Most of the things I've found out that I shouldn't know are from hiding behind this wall, these extremely smart superheroes aren't exactly private with their comings and going's.

"Buck what are you doin'?"


"Starks daughter."

"What about her?"

"She's trouble, you know what she's like, don't let her suck you in."

I hear Bucky laugh slightly and I hold my breath, listening to what he's about to say.

"I know exactly what she's like, I know exactly what she's done-"

"And yet you're still letting her get to you like a damn Venus fly trap."

Bucky doesn't respond and I want to feel mad at Sam but I'm not, I totally understand where he's coming from. I am-was, like a Venus fly trap.

"It's different. She's different."

"No, she isn't."

Sam sighs heavily, so loud I can hear it.

"Look man, I just don't want you to get hurt. And she'll hurt you."

He's wrong, I won't.

"No she won't."

My heart feels like it lifts as he defends me.

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