Chapter 1

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Naruto's POV

"Look bastard! If you want to survive, you have to work!" The old man yelled at us. Working with a hungry stomach is pretty hard. It's a usual thing for people like us. We are born to work, born to stay hungry, born for slavery.

My growling stomach didn't get unnoticed by my only friend Kiba who was working with me. He says,"I think I've got some dry foods saved for later. I'd like to share with you if you want." I say to him,"Will it be ok with you? I'm sure you don't have that much food to spare."

Kiba chuckles and says,"Since when you've started to act like a mature person Naruto? Don't worry, it'll be okay for both of us." I nod and start working before the old man gets mad at us and even think of punishing us

We live in Konoha which is considered as one of the five great nations ruled by Uchiha clan, the most powerful clan in the world. But the corrupted system of our country is making us live poorly.

A brief conversation between two girls who are working as well can be heard from a distance"Did you hear the current king announced his heir who's going to be next in line to become the king?"  "Is it prince Itachi? The prince with slightly long hair?"  "No, it's prince Sasuke."  "We are finished. The second prince is so merciless like I heard from father."

The grey haired girl says,"Yeah we all heard it. I thought there will be an end of our slavery if prince Itachi got the throne. I even hoped for getting  monthly financial help." She sighs. Kiba runs to them and says,"What are you doing! Do you know what'll happen to you, if they hear you! You'll get us killed. Shut up and get your works done!"

Those girls shut themselves immediately after being yelled at by a restless Kiba and start to do what they were doing. Kiba runs back to me. I ask him when he stops beside me,"Is that true what we just heard?" Kiba whispers glancing at his both sides,"Yes, I didn't think they'll give the throne to prince Sasuke who. Nobody didn't even imagine in their dreams to see him with the crown on his head. They really don't think us as humans."

The Uchiha clan is the most powerful clan also known as the clan of merciless people. But Sasuke Uchiha is something else. He really doesn't consider anything if something pisses him off. People may know about how brave, how almighty he's but his lifestyle is rumoured to be so mysterious.

People fear him, respect him by fear. People like us was hoping to see Itachi as the next king who is happened to be a bit kind man. But for some reason our current king Fugaku Uchiha didn't announce him as the next king who will rule one of the greatest nations and affect other kings as well.

I ask him,"What people say are merely rumours. Is it really possible for someone to kill a human like it's nothing?" Kiba says,"I can't tell that Naruto. The whole clan is like that. They would never treat us like they treat a noble man." Then he brings his closer and says being a bit cautious,"They are trash."

We hear the old man yelling,"I'll deduct the half money of yours. You aren't working well!" That made my blood boil. We are working the whole day, carrying large bricks in the scorching sun. Before I can say anything Kiba stops me. He says,"Don't even think of arguing Naruto! Otherwise he won't give you a single penny."

An old man protests,"You can't do that! My back is already bleeding and you are saying you'll deduct money because we aren't working! You'll just make your money bag fat with our money!"

The man before us chuckles nastily. He says,"Do you know what you qre saying, you lowborn? I can drag you to your death in front of everyone, do you know that?" The old man shivers hearing that and realized what he has done and there's no going back.

The man charges toward the old man who was working. The man curses,"You stinky bastard!" He hits the man with a large bat. The other man yelps in pain. Everyone was just standing and watching with horror.

The people who are in higher position in here like to show their cruelty to the lowborn. The man curses,"You don't even deserve to live. You stink of poverty that makes me sick. Die" The old man was begging for his mercy,"Please, forgive me. I'll be your slave for the remaining time I have before I die. Please don't beat me anymore ugh." The man doesn't stop.

I couldn't control myself. My body moved itself and I found myself running toward the fight. I have to stop the man before he ends up killing him. Kiba shouts from behind,"Naruto, don't go there!"

I couldn't bring myself to see a man to be killed in front of me who has done nothing wrong and is being beaten by some greedy people. I run in front of them and stand in front of the already bruised old man as a shield . The man curses,"You little rat, go the fuck away or you'll end up being dead too."

I plead to him clutching my both hands to my body,"Please sir, have mercy on us. It won't happen again." The man says," Stop showing your crocodile tears." He lands a hit on me too. I hiss in pain.

Before he can beat the shit out of me a car stops in front of our factory. The attention goes to the car which seems to belong from the government.

Some men get out of the car wearing expensive suits too. The bat fell from the hand of the man. I sigh in relief. Maybe I can save both of us.

We see them talking from a far. The man who was our owner nods and leads those men to us. We were standing there in a row. Kiba whispers yells,"What do you think you are doing!" I couldn't answer that.

The man before us speaks,"Here you lowborn slaves, I'm giving some of you great opportunities to change your luck." Everyone grasps and nobody really doesn't have any idea about what he is talking about.

A bald man with expensive suit who just came from that car speaks,"Ahem, We need some young useful slaves for Prince Sasuke's palace. The crown prince needs his own palace and they handed us a new project. So we need new and useful slaves to work at that palace. You'll be well paid."

Everyone starts to talk about it. I hear a old woman saying,"What is there to be happy about? they are taking young people." A old man pleads taking a risk,"Please take us too, we'll be useful and we are experienced." The bald man snickers and says,"Keep your mouth shut you old fools. This offer goes for the young men who are healthy enough to not to get sick in the middle of work. Not a offer though, it's an order."

He turns to our owner and says,"Harold, I'm ordering you to pick the best ones from here. A single mistake won't be tolerated. I want them there tomorrow in 9 AM."

The man bows and says,"I'll get it done my lord." We see the men getting into the car and leaving this old shitty factory. The man says,"So, I'll now pick from here quickly. See? I'm not that much of a bad man."

The man picked 15 of people from us. I and Kiba are one of them. Maybe now we can change our fate and make it a little better. I look at the sky and say,"I hope everything will get better."

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