Chapter 46

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Naruto's POV

"Get in." Sasuke tells me. He's holding the door open for me. Sasuke helps me to get in the car as he said. I ask him after he follows me from behind,"Where are we going Sasuke?" Sasuke replies,"You'll see." I purse my lips and keep quite. I'll see after we reach the place.

The car stops and we both get out of it. I see the old palace. I ask Sasuke,"Why are we at the old palace Sasuke?" He turns to face me and gives me heart warming smile. He says,"I'll let you see a place. You'll like it." He pushes the wheel chair moving forward.

The old palace, where Sasuke grew up. This is the palace where I saw him first after they took me here as a slave. This palace is big, even bigger than the palace where Sasuke currently lives. I wonder why did he even change palaces? This palace is more than suitable for a king to live here.

Sasuke doesn't go straight to the palace. He starts to go to another way. We ended up in the garden. But there's a narrow alley that one can't notice easily if they don't snoop around. He takes me to the alley and after reaching the end, I see a even more beautiful garden.

The garden that we left was beautiful. But that isn't even comparable to this one. I can't help but keep my mouth open while admiring the scenery. Is this heaven?

"Do you like it?" Sasuke asks me looking at me curiously. I nod. He says looking straight,"Those flowers, big trees and plants, everything grew naturally. Nobody even comes here that much." This small heaven took my breath away.

Sasuke pulls me with him. I see a small lake too with surprisingly clear water. Flowers are blooming around it and inside the lake there are white lilies. I can't believe this place has become like this without any care.

Sasuke says,"This was the only place that gave me peace back in those days. This was the only place I could escape to. This is my home." I look at Sasuke's face. He looks rather relived.

I tell him,"This place looks familiar even though I can't remember coming here. Maybe I saw some kind of painting or whatever that looks like this. People always imagine pretty places like this to keep their mind at peace. This is no less than a painting."

Sasuke says,"Would you like to sit?" I nod smiling at him. He leads me to the lake and we sit by it. The sky is clear and a big tree is shielding us from the sun. Sasuke lays down putting his head on my lap while I was sitting. I pat his head while he closes his eyes. He looks calm.

Sasuke speaks,"This palace gives me nostalgia. But I can't seem to love this place. This palace is horrible." I ask him,"Did something happen to you in the past?" Sasuke says,"It's just I was always locked up. I was home schooled and I had no friends. Father was so strict and never cared for our true well being. This palace has all those horrible memories."

I tell him,"But my childhood is filled with happy memories. We were poor but we were happy. I and Kiba used to play all day. People would give me cold and weird stares but I used to avoid it. They always told me that I'm not Kiba's real brother. I knew it in my heart too."

Sasuke smiles. I tell him,"We should have met sooner." Sasuke says smilingly,"Yeah we did." I tell him being startled,"Huh? What do you mean? Sasuke says,"Do you know why did I bring you here?" I keep myself silent. Sasuke speaks again,"Because this is the place where we first met."

I tell him,"Why can't I remember then? I never even saw your face before coming to the palace." Sasuke replies,"It's because you were so small when we first met. You came through a small hole and ended up here. And I was lying right here."

I ask him,"You are not joking right? I'm having a hard time believing what you are saying." Sasuke says,"Do I look like a person who likes to joke around? I always have found your face familiar. You won't even believe, I was always dreaming about you before meeting you for the second time."

I chuckle and ask him,"Did we get to talk? Or did the guards throw me away?" Sasuke replies,"We did talk. And you made through the wall safely and left that day. It's a shame that you can't remember any of it." I chuckle nervously.

Sasuke was lying down while his head was on my lap. I feel so numb down there that I can't feel any weight on my lap. Sasuke opens his eyes and sees me looking at him. I see a smirk on his lips. He grabs the back of my neck and pushes my face to his face.

We end up kissing each other. He says after letting go of me,"I remember your younger self looking down at me just like you are doing now. You still kinda have the same face."

I tell him,"Did you kiss me that day just like you did awhile ago?" Sasuke says chuckling,"No I didn't. I didn't know anything about love back then but you never left my mind since then. I have always unconsciously looking for you. And I found you."

I smile at him warmly. He speaks,"Naruto, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have kids with you and have a small family of our own. I'll give all my love to you and make you the happiest. I'll make up for every damages I caused." I tell him,"Make me happy because you love me. Don't do anything out of guilt."

Sasuke gets up and faces me. He says,"You don't have any idea about how much I love you." He closes the gap and kisses me once again. He says,"You are the peace I've been always looking for."

I tell him touching his face,"I won't ever leave your side Sasuke. I'll love you till the very end. Sasuke says smirking,"Of course you have to love me otherwise I'll imprison you for the rest of your life and never let you go out of my sight."

We both start to laugh after that. We laughed like we are free from every other thing in the world. Staying here made us feel like we are the only ones who are alive in this world and there's no one to disturb us. This is the life we both wanted. A life with him and me.

                          The end

I finally managed to finish this story. I know I've made a lot of mistakes while writing this story, I'll try to fix those asap. I couldn't make a better ending unfortunately. You guys wanted to see their kids I know but I never intended to extend this story that much.

You guys can check my other stories out. You guys can judge if those stories are worth reading or not.

However thank you for being with me and reading this long story.
Take care~

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