Chapter 20

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Nobody's POV

Sasuke is sitting in his study room. He has enough in his mind. He doesn't know why he's even bothering to tolerate these much hassle. But he's aware about the fact that he has feelings for Naruto. From the first day he saw him sitting on the pile of concrete, looking bored, Sasuke saw some kind of spark.

Lot of women, girls tried to seduce him and ended up on his bed sometimes but that was the end. Sasuke didn't take it any farther but now it seems like he can't let Naruto go. He's even ready to fight the owner of one of the wealthiest empire Minato Namikaze.

Neji and Shikamaru is also seated in the same room. Shikamaru asks Sasuke,"Is there something bothering you? You are constantly spacing out." Sasuke heard what Shikamaru asked. He says,"It's nothing." Neji says,"Then be attentive for once. This matter is important." Sasuke felt annoyance. He says,"I have more important things to deal with." Shikamaru says,"Mind to share with us?"

Sasuke decides to tell them everything.


Minato tells Kakashi,"Can you give him a tour of this house Kakashi? I'd like to discuss a few things with our king." Kakashi takes Naruto to give him a tour. Sasuke knows Minato got Naruto out of the room intentionally. He had something to talk with Sasuke.

Minato turns to Sasuke who's eyes are still on Kakashi and Naruto who are heading upstairs. Minato clears his throat before speaking. He says,"My lord, I'd like to discuss something with you." Sasuke replies,"Yes, please go ahead."

Minato says,"Keeping Naruto with you may cost you trouble in future. Trouble that can't be solved easily and you already have enough on your plate." Sasuke frowns. How can Naruto cause him any trouble. Except being the Namikaze heir, he's just a normal boy.

Sasuke asks him,"Please be clear." Minato says,"We told people that Naruto was lost. We just didn't want to draw much attentions but in real it was something else. Actually he was kidnapped." Sasuke becomes confused.

Jiraiya speaks,"It's already clear who wants to take Naruto away. The Mafia is working behind it. But we still don't know who's helping them in this matter. It's going to be very dangerous for Naruto until we find the culprits."
Kushina pleads desperately,"That's why please give us our Naruto back. We'll keep him safe."

Sasuke ignores Kushina's pleading. He asks Jiraiya,"But why are they after Naruto? Is it because of Money and properties Namikaze empire owns?" Minato says,"If that was that, we'd give them all of it willingly but it's more complicated."

Sasuke says,"Didn't I tell you to be clear? I have to know everything in order to protect him." Minato says,"I'm afraid I can't tell you everything my lord. Just give us Naruto back and the job of protecting him will be ours."

Sasuke feels anger inside him. He can't let him go no matter what. And the curiosity is killing him too. He has to know it all. Sasuke says loosing his patience,"Being the king, I order you to tell me everything." Minato feels traped all of a sudden. He was about to argue but he feels Jiraiya's hand on his shoulder. Jiraiya wants Minato to be calm.

Jiraiya says,"Okay, we will tell you but you have to help us." Minato turns to Jiraiya and tries to say,"But sensei..." Jiraiya says to Minato,"It won't help us if we keep everything to ourselves." Minato calms himself down. He turns to Sasuke again and starts to speak.

Minato speaks,"Naruto has a demon inside him." Sasuke's eyes widen. Is he hearing right. Obito says,"So it was true after all." Minato says,"You can call it demon, beast or an enormous amount of energy. He possesses supernatural powers like you Uchihas or Hyugas do."

Sasuke says,"I heard rumours about it but never thought it could be real. Did the demon born with Naruto?" Minato says,"No it wasn't. It was passed down to Naruto from Kushina. We knew it it will cause danger to Naruto."

Sasuke clench his fist and says,"Then why did you pass it down to Naruto if you knew he might be in danger in future!" Kushina has already tears her eyes. She still blames herself. Minato says,"We didn't want to do it. At that time Kushina was pregnant, she was sick, so sick that she could die. It's because the demon was in Kushina. We asked the doctor what we could do to save her along with our child. The doctor told us that the only way to save both of them is to seal the demon inside of Naruto taking it from Kushina. It was safe for both of them."

Minato says,"I didn't want to loose any of them. I also asked the doctor if I could take it instead of him but it wasn't possible." Sasuke sighs. Now he understands the situation. He knew that Uchihas and Hyugas possess unique powers. Both of their eyes are different from the rest of the humans. Their eyes are special and powerful. But he wasn't sure of the rumours of demons.

Sasuke asks them,"Why do they need Naruto even though he has demon inside him?" Minato says,"I don't know. They were after Kushina too before she gave birth to Naruto. So it's clear what is they are after." Kushina says holding back her tears,"Please give me my baby back. He still is in danger because of that demon. The demon is still sleeping inside of him. But if something triggers him, some kind of feeling, or if he gets hurt badly physically or mentally the demon can wake up. If it wakes up, it may try to take control of his body and we may never get him back."

End of the flashback

Shikamaru and Neji were astonished to hear all of it. They never thought in their dreams that the legend can be true. Shikamaru says,"Why are you trying so hard to protect him? You could give him back to them. He has nothing to do with you."

Sasuke replis,"I couldn't." Shikamaru says,"Just tell me one thing, Sasuke. Do you have feelings for him or what?" Neji was almost sure that Sasuke can't have feelings for anybody until he heard the answer. Sasuke replies,"Maybe I have."

Shikamaru sighs. He saw it coming. Shikamaru says,"Then be sure, it won't be easy to deal with the Mafia. They have the same powers of a king. And a lot of people are working for him." Sasuke rubs his forehead and says,"Yes I know."

Shikamaru says,"One more thing, if the legend of the demons are true, there should nine of the demons." Sasuke frowns. He says,"How do you know that?" Shikamaru says,"I did my research on it many years ago. If Naruto has one of them, where are the rest?"

Sasuke can't think of any other thing. He says,"I don't care about that. I only want Naruto to be safe. Appoint bodyguards for him. He can't go outside of this palace without my approval and without having those bodyguards around him." Neji asks Sasuke,"Is Naruto aware of these?" Sasuke says,"No he isn't and I'm not planning to tell him as well."

They hear a knock on the door. Sasuke was tensed and annoyed. He says rudely,"Come in." The door opens revealing a man. The man walks in. Sasuke asks him rudely,"What do you want?" The man trembles hearing Sasuke's voice. The man speaks,"I came from Sunagakure, our king sent me here." Sasuke calls down a bit and says,"Speak."

The man says,"Our king wants to visit this palace." Sasuke doesn't know if there's anything to deal with now. Sasuke dismisses him saying,"Tell him to inform me the date, I'll clear my schedule for him" the man bows his head and leaves the room immediately.

Sasuke was annoyed. Somehow he can't stand stand Gaara. He says in annoyance,"Can't they just give a phone call telling that they want to visit?" Shikamaru says sighing,"It's a tradition, Sasuke."

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