Chapter 39

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Nobody's POV

Naruto is sweating and panting heavily. He's thinking about how can he be here? Shouldn't he be into the jail? How can Yahiko come out and find him like it's nothing? Or he never was in there?

"Did you miss me my little Naruto?" Yahiko says making Naruto flinch. Naruto feels Yahiko's hand going through his clothes, touching his skin. Naruto is already sobbing being frightened. Yahiko says,"Seems like your wounds are healed. I'm not complaining though, I can always make new wounds on your body."

Naruto shutters,"How did.. m-manage  to come.." Yahiko chuckles. He says,"Did you really think that stupid guards can stop me? It was a matter of time for me to get out of there. Didn't Sasuke tell you that?" Naruto thinks what Kurama told him. Everything he said was right.

Naruto says,"Sasuke will come back anytime. You'll end up being arrested." Yahiko says mockingly,"Is my little Naruto worried about me?" I gulp. Yahiko speaks again,"I know he'll come back. That's why I'm here now. I'm waiting for him to come."

Naruto is fearing about what he is thinking now. Why would he wait for Sasuke to come here? Is he alone or he's with his subordinates? Yahiko says,"Stop thinking about other stuffs while I'm here. It's a happy reunion after all."

Naruto asks Yahiko,"How did you come here? There are other people in this house." Yahiko replies,"What if I say this isn't the first day I came here?" Naruto feels cold again. Yahiko chuckles deeply. He says turning Naruto to face him,"How about we make this time better while we wait for Sasuke? How about we have some fun?"

Sasuke was busy with others at the bar. Neji says,"It's settled then. We shouldn't leave them there for too long." Sasuke thinks about Naruto. He is planning this for quite a long time. He looks at the small box on his palm. He's smiling thinking about Naruto wearing the ring that is in the box. Sasuke is sure Naruto would love it. He can't wait to surprise him and propose him for marriage.

"It's midnight. We should head for the mansion." Sasuke says taking a look on his watch. He feels bad to leave Naruto there alone. But he's also doing everything for him, to make him happy. All of them get into the car heading to the mansion which is already surrounded by the Mafia.

"I have a bad feeling." Kiba says sensing something bad. Deidara jokes,"When did you start sensing things?" Kiba gets up and says,"I'll go check on Naruto." Deidara becomes serious too looking at Kiba acting like that.

Deidara decides to follow Kiba too. They didn't see anything suspicious but still they are feeling like there's something going on. Kiba stops in front of Naruto and Sasuke's bedroom. They don't hear any sound from inside. Kiba whispers to Deidara,"Naruto is sleeping right?" Deidara whispers back,"Then what does he supposed to do in the middle of the night?"

Kiba knocks on the door and says loudly,"Naruto, are you sleeping?" Naruto heard the voice. He was about to call for help but he felt something cold metallic thing pressed against his neck. Yahiko whispers,"Don't make sound Naruto. I want to keep the whole show for Sasuke. Just pretend to be asleep until then."

Kiba doesn't hear anything. Kiba says again,"Naruto, can I come?" Yahiko and Naruto both hears that. Yahiko says to Naruto,"Tell him that you are sleepy. Their lives are also in danger remember?" Naruto says trying to keep his voice cool,"I'm sleepy Kiba. Can you come in the morning?"

Kiba and Deidara hears Naruto's voice. Deidara says to Kiba,"See? He's just sleeping. Let's just go to our rooms." Kiba nods hesitantly. In his mind he's still not feeling peace.

In the dark room Naruto is sitting helplessly and Yahiko is behind him playing with his knife. Naruto knows how dangerous Yahiko is. He's not the only one in danger but every other one also.

Sasuke stops the car in front of the mansion. Sai stretches his arms after getting out of the car. He says,"This vacation is going to be over soon. Why don't we party the whole night? The night is still young." Neji snaps,"Shut up! It's already midnight. I want to sleep." Sai rolls his eyes and was about to say something insulting but his eyes go to the front gate of the mansion. Sai points to the door and says to everyone,"Hey, where are the guards?"

Everyone notices the front door is unguarded. Sasuke frowns and says,"There were guards when we left this place." Sasuke moves forward feeling anxious all of a sudden. There's no way the guards would be slacking off ignoring their king's order.

Itachi says,"Something is going on. Let's go inside." All of them head to the mansion. "Kiba! Deidara!" Sasuke shouts right after entering the hall. After yelling for quite a few times both of them come out. Looking at their faces Sasuke realises both of them were asleep.

Sasuke asks them,"Why Is the front door unguarded? Where's Naruto?" Kiba says,"I just checked on Naruto. He said he was sleepy but the front door..." Kiba is confused too. Sasuke says to Neji,"Try to communicate with other guards. Check if everything is alright or not." Neji nods and take his phone out of his pocket.

After a few minutes Neji looks up frowning and says,"I can't communicate with anyone. Looks like there are no guards around the mansion." Sasuke yells feeling impatient,"How can that be possible!" He doesn't wait any longer and makes a run to their bedroom where Naruto is supposed to be asleep.

Everyone follows Sasuke from behind too. Sasuke runs upstairs. He stops in front of the door which is closed. Sasuke feels chills all of a second. He barges in without even making any effort to knock.

He immediately hears Naruto sobbing. Sasuke yells,"Naruto! Fuck where's the light!" He turns on the light and see Naruto being hostage by the man who ran away ignoring all the securities in the royal prison. The sadistic mafia leader Yahiko.

Yahiko says smirking to Sasuke who just entered and seeing everything in horror,"Long time no see, your Highness." Sasuke says gritting his teeth,"You dared to show your face!" Everyone stops in front of the door and see the same scene they saw when they went to rescue Naruto. It's just like a deja vu for them.

Kiba tried to run to Naruto to help him but Itachi and Sai restrains him from doing that. Deidara says to Kiba,"Cool down. All of us are here to save him." Yahiko hears that and says,"This little number of yours won't help. We have already outnumbered you like you did that day."

Sasuke balls his fist. He cursed under his breath thinking, how reckless he could be! Sasuke says trying to solve everything knowing they don't have any advantage here,"Why don't we make a deal that's going to be profitable for both of us?" Yahiko says,"The only thing I wanted was the demon fox. But now I want something else too. I want to take Naruto with me and kill all of you."

Itachi says,"But you can't have him like that. Even if you want him for you, he still will die when you will extract the demon from him. You can't have both at the same time." Yahiko laughs loudly making Naruto flinch in fear. Seeing Naruto in that state, Sasuke's blood starts to boil. He doesn't like the look of Naruto now, how his face is pale in fear and eyes have no brightness in them anymore.

Yahiko says,"Who told you I can't have both?" All of them become confused. Yahiko laughs again like he lost all his sanity. He looks pure evil in everyone's eyes. Yahiko speaks again,"I'll just have to make him pregnant and make him pass the demon to the child. And then it's going to be easy. I'll just kill the child and extract the demon spirit."

Sasuke's eyes widen. Deidara shutters,"But how can he be pregnant? H-He is a man." Yahiko chuckles and says,"Looks like all of you have lack of knowledge in this matter. I'll be more than glad to tell you everything about it." The atmosphere became heavy and Sasuke can hear Naruto's heart beating fast and loud.

Yahiko speaks,"The demon fox has supernatural abilities. It surpasses all the abilities humans have. The vessel who carries the demon inside him inherits some of it's power. So using the inhuman power it's possible to make the vessel pregnant even though the vessel is a male."

All of them become astonished hearing all the details. The thing they are more surprised about was, this man in front of them is so crazy that he is ready to make someone pregnant and kill his own child. Imagining the thing that can happen to Naruto is making them shiver. They still don't know how to save themselves along with helpless Naruto in front of them.

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