Chapter 14

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Nobody's POV

The whole world is talking about the recent incident happened in the palace, how the young king rejected a princess from a respectable kingdom. Some people are telling how much reckless Sasuke Uchiha is, some people are calling him cool saying he has such guts. Overall Sasuke is on top of controversies.

Obito says to Sasuke,"Why did you oppose uncle? I'm not believing that you already have your eyes on someone and that's the reason of it." Kakashi says having a bite from the apple,"He did it to somehow insult Former King Fugaku, isn't it?" Sasuke says,"Yeah you can say that. I can't take shits anymore."

Itachi speaks,"What about that blond guy you are having a fling with? I know you can sleep with whoever you find pretty but I never saw you with a guy before." Obito asks frowning,"Which guy?" Itachi says,"A servant of this palace. That guy looks so fragile and somehow so familiar. Such delicate looking guy isn't Sasuke's type I thought." Sasuke says being annoyed,"Tch.. why are you prying into my life? Drop it." Obito makes fun of Sasuke saying,"Is our little Sasuke being shy?"

At Namikaze mansion

Minato is having a thought after attending that party. He was looking for the blond guy he saw a glimpse of. But couldn't find him after that dramatic event. He didn't tell Kushina anything because he's not that much sure. But somehow he felt something.

"What are you thinking Minato? You didn't even take a sip." Jiraiya says. He's visiting Minato before going to the trip. Minato says,"I don't know sensei but I feel like there's something going on and I don't know about it."

Jiraiya is the one who taught Minato everything about business affairs and other important things. Minato's father was so busy to have time to be with Minato. So he left him under Jiraiya's wings.

Jiraiya frowns seeing the man in front of him being a little disturbed. He's no less than a son to him. Jiraiya asks,"Tell me what's bothering you. I'll try to help if I can." Minato says,"I don't want to waste your time here but still... I think I saw a young guy, his hair was almost like me. I didn't get to see his face. I never saw any guy with yellowish blond hair like mine."

Jiraiya says remembering Naruto,"I saw him too. To be honest I kind of saw your younger self in him." Minato's eyes grow bigger. He says almost jumping from the couch he was sitting,"You really saw him sensei! How does he look! What's his age! Did you talk to him?" Jiraiya chuckles and says,"Calm down Minato. Yes I saw him, he was standing beside us, serving us drinks. He looked young, probably in his 18's or maybe less than that. I didn't ask him that much, I didn't want to startle him you know asking questions out of nowhere."

Minato sighs and says,"I lost all of my hopes. But suddenly I can see a light of hope peeking through my heart. I want to meet him sensei. Even if he's not my son but he still kind of looks like me. I just want to talk to him." Jiraiya says tapping on his chin,"Meeting him shouldn't be that much hard I think, he's just a servant there you know?"

Minato says,"I'll arrange the meeting as soon as possible!" Jiraiya says,"Wait a little. Wait until I come back and we'll go there together. I won't take long." Minato says sighing,"Please sensei make it quick. I can't wait to tell Kushina everything.

Naruto's POV
Back at Uchiha palace

"I'm craving ramen." Naruto whines. Kiba says,"Yes and I want hamburger." Konohamaru says,"Can you shut up for a second! I'm trying to  see something there." I ask him,"What are you seeing?" Konohamaru steps aside and says,"See."

He was peeking through a window. There's a large garden under it. There's a medium size table kept there and few chairs. Maids are serving tee and Sasuke is sitting there with a few important people.

Naruto says,"I think we shouldn't stay here any longer. Maybe they are discussing something important." Konohamaru says pushing me,"I don't think so! Look at their faces, they are laughing or maybe joking. Otherwise the atmosphere would be different." Kiba pushes me a little and says,"Let me see a little."

He makes a little space beside me and starts peeking. He says,"Look, they are having fun. All the girls beside them are pretty too." My eyes are on Sasuke. His face is cold and he looks pissed.  Kiba says,"Man! I want to be there too! I grope his face and make him shut up. I whisper yell,"Keep your voice down Kiba!"

But it was too late. I see some of them noticing us. One of them is prince Itachi. My eyes are widen and Kiba is quite too. We are in deep trouble.

"What you are doing behind that window?" Yes, we are standing in front of them at the garden and we are being questioned by the Hyuga heir Neji. All of them are sitting on the chair and in front of them we are standing like fools.

Kiba shutters,"Uh we are s-sorry. We didn't mean to sneak around like that. We just accidentally saw you and you caught us before we could leave." He's lying through his teeth.

Itachi says something into the white haired man's ear and I see his eyes widening. I say to them,"I apologize for our behaviour. I'll make sure that things like this won't happen in future." I hear Neji's voice,"That's another thing. How can we be sure that you outcasts aren't any spies?" I gulp, we surely look suspicious to them. How can we prove ourselves innocent?

Kiba says,"Y-You can check our backgrounds. We live in a small area and Naruto used to live with me too." I hear Sasuke speaking,"Whose name is Naruto?" Sasuke really doesn't know my name. He's confused about Konohamaru and me. Kiba says,"This blond guy over here." Sasuke inquires,"Did you live together? Alone?" His voice sounds serious and deadly.

Kiba shutters again,"N-No my lord! My family raised him with me." The black haired man whose name is Obito Uchiha speaks,"So he is an orphan?" Kiba nods and says,"I don't know  my lord, people say they left him down the street. my family found him when he was a toddler and took him with them. Since then we grew up as brothers."

The white haired man says to me,"Do you know anything about your parents?" I shake my head and sat,"No, I can't remember anything about my childhood except the Inuzuka family."

Sasuke speaks,"I don't care about anything, I don't want to see same mistakes in future." Neji says,"How can you dismiss them like that! They possibly can be spies. Things like this happened before." I hear a man who's hair looks like pineapple head,"Let them off hook this time Hyuga. I'll check their background and make sure they can't go out from this palace."

Neji clicks his tongue in annoyance and turns to us saying,"One last mistake and you'll surely see me killing you." We gulp and bow our head saying,"Thank you so much for forgiving us. We won't make any mistake in future." I hear Neji and the pineapple head quarreling. "This security matters are in my hand so why are you pushing your nose into it." "You can't be this merciless all the time Hyuga. People are already telling how ruthless we are!"

They dismissed us after that. We go into the palace again. Konohamaru apologies,"I'm sorry big brother. I should have listened to you and should have stopped sneaking peeks." I sigh and pat his head saying,"It's alright Konohamaru. You are still a child after all." Konohamaru says being a little bit annoyed,"I'm not a child, big brother."

The way they were inquiring about me, my family was a little too much. Is being interested about a servant normal? I still remember how they were looking at me at the day of the ceremony. And that man who looks like me and that woman beside him. I quickly shake off the feeling. It's nothing I'm sure. They were inquiring about it just because they were suspicious about us.

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