Chapter 43

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Naruto's POV

"I'll make you pregnant today." Sasuke tells me after hovering over me. I tell him being embarrassed,"No you won't." Sasuke says trying to tease me more,"I will. I want a boy. He'll call you mommy." I yell,"Why would he call me mommy! I'm going to be his dad!" Sasuke says smirking,"But seeing you being called mommy by my kid will be so damn sexy."

I smack his chest and try to push him away but he chuckles not even budging. Sasuke says licking his lips,"Can we start the process now?" I smack him again telling,"Stop being a pervert." Sasuke says kissing my cheeks,"Are you calling your king a pervert? I can imprison you right now, you know that?"

I tell him rolling my eyes,"Like hell you'd do that." Sasuke says,"I can do that, I'll be the only one to see you. Nobody will be able to get in touch with you. That's what I've always wanted." I mutter,"Possessive teme." Sasuke says closing the gap,"Let me show you how possessive I really am."

Sasuke has showered me with love these days. I feel kind of awkward whenever I'm around dad. It's just kind of embarrassing for me. Mom often acts shameless and asks me how it feels to date the king. She even once called me queen. My mom is really weird.

"The day of your marriage is coming soon." Kiba tells me looking at my handwriting. He says admiring it,"You are learning so fast, I'm so proud." Sasuke already announced the date of our marriage. The whole world is talking about that. "The king is smitten with a young guy." That was the headline of every newspapers and every social sites.

Not everyone is supportive. There are a lot of negative comments that are being thrown by people. "King is choosing a guy over all those princesses?" "It's a shame that such perfect person can have a big fault in him." "It's nothing but a business deal. Money talks."

I chose to ignore every comments that they are throwing. Sasuke isn't giving it much thoughts. It's because it's nothing new to him. He's used to it. A lot of people are invited to attend our marriage. I don't know about most of them.

I ask Kiba,"Did you tell your mom and dad to come?" Kiba says happily moving his head,"Yes, they won't miss the chance to see you marry." I chuckle and tell him,"Yeah, I haven't seen them for a long time. I miss them."

"Hey! We need to do more shopping!" Deidara is making a ruckus since he he came here. Kiba says,"Won't it be too much?" Hinata nods hearing Kiba who also came here to see me. Deidara's shoulder is down now hearing that. He says,"You guys are so boring. How about we arrange a movie night?"

I tell them chuckling nervously,"I'm not sure if Sasuke will agree with it." Deidara says smacking my arm playfully,"I'll leave it to you. You'll handle him. It won't be easy when it comes to Itachi as well." Hinata says,"Neji ni-chan will follow me here if I come too."

Deidara says smirking,"It won't be a problem. I'll invite Shikamaru too. Then it's going to be a perfect match." I ask them frowning,"Why would it be a perfect match? I can't catch what you are saying." Deidara sighs and says to me,"You are so damn slow Naruto. Can't you see how close they look. All buddy buddy. I'm just playing matchmaker, that's all."

Hinata says,"I doubt if Neji ni-chan will like it if he knows your plan. Whatever, I'll go along with you guys for now." My mouth is wide apart. It's like I'm the only one can't see the chemistry.

Deidara invited everyone to come to my house. He already made his way to the kitchen to make cupcakes and stuffs. Sasuke will surely have a permanent scowl on his face when he will come. He doesn't like gatherings. Most importantly he wants me all by himself.

I hear noises. It's like footsteps, making their way to this room. I'm sure, it's them. "Seriously? A movie night?" "What are we, kids?" "I have tons of works to do." "I'm a fricking king."

All of them are nagging after they enter my room. Seeing me sitting alone, Sasuke's eyes soften. He makes his way to me. He kisses my forehead and says patting my head,"How are you feeling?" I tell him smiling warmly,"I'm feeling excited that we all are gonna spend time together."

Sasuke smiles hearing my response. I only said it like that so that Sasuke shuts his mouth for tonight and act like he's enjoying for my sake. Itachi says taking a seat on the couch,"It was Deidara's plan, I'm sure." Neji scoffs,"Who else could it be?"

"It's readyyy!" Deidara enters the room with a tray of foods and Kiba follows him too. Sai gets up trying to see what's on the tray. His eyes lighten up seeing all the cupcakes and popcorn. Sai says seeing the amount of food,"It's not enough, I have a stomach that can take everything here." Deidara says rolling his eyes,"But you'll have to share tonight."

"What movie do you want to see, guys?" I ask everyone. Sasuke says acting uninterested,"Whatever you like." Itachi's response was same too. But at the corner Sai and Deidara were fighting about the movie they chose. Neji is just annoyed and Shikamaru is already laying flat on the couch, seems like he's going to take a nap. And Hinata over there is awkward and nervous.

After everything Deidara ended up choosing a sappy sad romantic movie. Shikamaru is already snoring and all of them are distracted except Deidara who has already teary eyes. I ask Sasuke who is sitting beside me silently,"Are you alright?" Sasuke replies yawning,"Yeah, I'm enjoying the movie."

I chuckle and whisper to him,"You don't have to pretend that you are liking this cliche movie, I'm not liking it either." Sasuke says moving his face close to my ears,"Then how about we go back to your bedroom?" I tell him,"No! I'm gonna stay here." Sasuke whines,"But why? I feel like dying." I tell him,"We'll just end up having sex if we leave so it's better staying here."

Sasuke whispers seductively,"Don't act like you don't like it when I pounce on you." My face becomes hot hearing him saying those lewd words. I tell him,"How can you say those things with that straight looking face of yours?" Sasuke says,"Why are you acting shy? You'll be my husband soon and I'll have you day and night, everyday. Who's gonna save you then?"

"I'm right beside you." We both jumped hearing Shikamaru's voice who was supposed to be asleep. My face is now a total mess. Sasuke looks annoyed. He says,"Would you like to see me giving you death sentence or what?" Shikamaru turns to another side back facing us and says being utterly uninterested,"No, I'm not planning to die soon. I still have to retire and live a boring life like I dreamed."

"Finally, it ended." Sai stretches  both of his hand after finishing the movie. Deidara is sobbing now and Itachi is hugging him looking annoyed and ashamed. Neji says looking at me with his grumpy expression,"Can we just go home now?" I tell him,"No! It's already pretty late. I already prepared bedrooms for you guys. Spend the night here. I'll ask the maids to make dinner for you. My parents aren't at home today."

Deidara gets up and a devilish smirk is visible on his face. He says,"You guys will have to share rooms with each other. Neji will go with Shikamaru, Hinata will have her own separate room." Neji scoffs again,"Why do I have to sleep with that dead man?" He points to Shikamaru who is already drooling while sleeping peacefully. Deidara says,"It's because, it's because.. whatever, just go and do whatever I tell you to do."

We all made sure to eat dinner together. The day didn't go that bad. It feels good whenever I get to spend time with all of them. But Sasuke is the one who isn't tired even for a little bit. He's already all over me. I can't help but give in. He kisses my jaw while holding me tightly against his body. He kisses my forehead gently after that and says smiling,"I love you, my fiance."

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