Chapter 22

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Naruto's POV

I was sitting on my bed, doing nothing. After that day I didn't try to convince Sasuke to let me go outside. Something really feels off. He doesn't let me be alone. When he's in palace and doesn't have anything to do, he spends his time with me and in his absence three men always follow me. I feel irritated because still they are standing in front of the door.

I hear a knock on the door. I say loudly,"Come in." The door opens revealing a man with long blond hair. Seeing his face I remember, he's the man from the party who was being friendly with me. The man looks at my expression and says smilingly,"Don't you remember me? I'm Deidara."

I reply,"Yes, I remember you. B-But do you need anything?" Deidara says,"Can't I just visit you for no reason?" I chuckle nervously and say,"O-Of course you can! It's just nobody from this palace visits me like that." Deidara takes a sit beside me and says,"I know it. Nobody visits me too except Itachi."

I remember what Sasuke said. They are a couple. I tell him nervously,"I heard about you and Itachi." Deidara grins and says,"You heard I know. Is that Obito who told you? He's annoying right?" I shake my head and say,"No, Lord Sasuke told me about you."

Deidara looks confused. He says,"He talks about us?" I nod and say,"Yeah and it seemed like he supports you." Deidara smiles nervously and says,"Oh I thought Sasuke hated me. He always ignores me when I go to annoy him. It's really fun you know?"

I chuckle and say,"You could be my brother with your looks. I mean we are almost the same." Deidara says,"You want me to be your brother? I'll be your brother gladly. Okay, from now on I'll protect you as my own brother." I laugh and say,"Thank you Dei ni-chan." Deidara stopped laughing and looks at with serious eyes. I frown and ask him,"Is there something wrong Dei ni-chan?"

A smile appears on his lips and he says,"It's just, it feels so good to hear that word from you Naruto." I chuckle nervously. He changes subject saying,"It feels lonely in this palace without Itachi. Usually he calls me even for once. He's really busy I guess."

I'm jealous about how good their relationship is. Sasuke cares for me but I don't think it's from love. I tell him,"Lord is busy too. I heard the king of Sunagakure came." Deidara says,"Yeah, the guy with a emotionless face." I reply,"But he's a good king." Deidara says,"Maybe. But I think there's something big going on."

I frown and ask him,"What do you mean?" Deidara replies,"I heard something about mafias, traitors, kidnapping. I don't know the full thing, Itachi won't tell me." I ask him becoming a little surprised,"Are the mafias real?" Deidara nods and says,"Yes, they are dangerous and cruel. They want to rule over the kings." I ask him,"Is that even possible?"

Deidara shrugs and says,"Who knows? Uchiha clan is the most powerful clan in the whole world you know that right? They have too much enemies to deal with. So they have to be on their guard all the time. If the Mafia succeed to defeat the Uchihas they will be declared as the most powerful and they'll be able to rule over everyone then."

I ask him,"What about the other kings?" Deidara says,"They are weaklings compared to the Uchihas. Even Hyugas are powerful than most of the kings. My own uncle is a king you know? I don't think they'll be able to stop a powerful organisation like the Mafia."

Suddenly I start to feel scared. What will happen if the Mafia decides to attack? Deidara noticed my reaction and laughs. He says,"Are you really scared about that? It's just a rumour Naruto! They really don't have any proof if that organisation exists or not." Naruto says,"Ohh, I was really scared." Deidara says,"Don't. This ni-chan of yours will protect you. I bet Sasuke will protect you too."

Unknown person's POV

The day is passing. I am really pissed at my people who can't just do their works. It's been years since I'm behind them and chasing them. I still don't have that thing. I still don't have that demon.

Unknown person (2) says,"There's someone wanting to meet you." I ask him,"Who?" Unknown person (2) says the person's name. I startled just by hearing the name. I ask them,"Why is he here? What does he want?" Unknown person (2) says,"He says he wants to talk to you."

I tell them,"Let him in and check if he has any weapon or not." They nod and go outside. They take the man with them and comes in. Seeing the man I start to be on my guard. I ask him,"It's really surprising for me to see you here." The intimidating man in front of me speaks,"Yes I can see that. I'm here for something important though."

I tell him,"Please have a seat at first." Then man nods. I ask him,"May I know what's the reason for you to come here? Then man says making me surprised,"I'm here to help you." I raise my eyebrows in amusement and ask him,"Do you know what you are saying my lord? It means betraying your own people." The man says holding a stone cold face,"I'm aware about that. But my intentions aren't bad here. I want to remove the obstacle from my path."

I frown looking at him. He says,"You want that Namikaze heir right? I can give him to you . I want him out of my way." This matter is suspicious. I ask him,"Why do you want him out of your way? Do you want the Namikaze company or what?" Then man chuckles in a mocking manner. He says,"Who cares about that company? I know you want that demon inside him."

I remain quite. Not every people know about the demon. This man is lot more cunning than he seems. He says,"You can take it, you can kill him too. Do whatever you want but don't let him come back there again." I tell him,"From now one you'll be on my side if you still agree on this kidnapping. From now on you'll be the traitor." He gets up and says,"I don't care what people start to call me as long as I get what I want." I see him leaving. I don't think a man like him can come and lie through his teeth.

Unknown person (2) turns to me and says,"Are you really planning to work with him? You know who he is right?" I smile and say,"Of course I know. I don't do anything without thinking. Keep an eye on him. He'll be my pawn. After I get the demon, I'll stab him right through his back. I'll finish them off."

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