Chapter 29

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Naruto's POV

It's been 5 days they stopped giving me proper foods. The only thing they are giving me to eat is a slice of dry bread and some water just to keep me alive. I start to cough hard after I choke on my food. I start to shake the water bottle finding no water in it.

"C-Can someone give me some water?" I speak again after coughing more,"I-I'll die if you don't give me." The door opens and the same big guy comes in. He says,"We are not allowed to give you anymore food supplies." I ask them,"But why not?" The man says,"Boss knows well. I'm not allowed to speak that much too. The boss will come soon." He leaves after saying all that. Shouldn't they keep their hostage alive?

My stomach is growling. There's no way I can eat it any longer. I lay on the floor having no strength to go up on the bed. The cold floor feels somewhat nice but this trembling sensation isn't going away. I feel like I won't live any longer. I close my eyes. Why am I seeing his face? I know I'm tired. I know I'll see him in my dream again. "Mom, dad please save me." I mumble before closing my eyes.

I hear footsteps. I open my eyelids which are feeling heavy. I notice a pair of expensive shoes. I look up and see the orange haired man who is the Mafia boss like I heard. He's standing there wearing a suit. His lips have a smirk on them. My throat is so dry that I can't speak. Suddenly I scream in pain. His foots are stepping on my hands. Feels like he is crushing them.

He lets go of my hand and I flinch. I get up and sit on the floor. I crawl to the wall trying to escape. Yahiko is eyeing every move of mine. He chuckles. He says,"How was the pain? Are your bones already broken? Should I put more pressure to crush it?" He says looking at me with amusement.

I cry out in pain clutching my hands together pressing them against my chest. He starts to come closer and I was trying to back away but there's no space left to escape from him. He kneels down in front of him. He takes both of my hands and touches his face cheeks with my hands. He says," It isn't enough. I need more."

He shouts,"Nagato!" The door flings open and the red haired man shows up. His hairs are blocking his eyes. Nagato says coldly,"You were calling me." Yahiko says not averting his gaze from me,"Bring those to me." Nagato asks,"Is this the right time?" Yahiko nods and says,"Yeah. The time has come."

Hearing it Nagato leaves the room. I ask Yahiko hearing their conversation,"What are you trying to do with me? I will give you the demon sleeping inside me, just tell me how to do it." Yahiko says with a warm smile kissing one of my hands,"You don't need to do anything. I'll show you how to do it."

The door opens and Nagato enters again. In his hands there's a big tray but I can't see well what he's carrying in it. Yahiko turns and see Nagato. He gets up and goes to him. I hear their conversation. "Is this all?" Nagato asks. Yahiko replies,"Yeah, it's enough."

Two men comes in carrying a small table and chair. Nagato orders them,"Place those in the middle of the room." They nod and say,"Yes boss." They do as they were ordered to do. Then I see them coming to me. The man says to the other one,"Hold him and lift him up." Soon I see Yahiko's expression changing. He takes his gun from his pocket and hit the guy hard on his head with it. The other one freezes on the spot and starts trembling in fear. Yahiko says,"Who gave you order to touch him? You, throw him out and clean the mess." The guy nods shakily and leaves carrying the other guy on his shoulder.

Yahiko comes ahead and grabs my arm. I hiss in pain feeling how tightly he's holding my arm. He makes me sit on the chair. He says,"Be still." He takes a rope from the tray and tied me to the chair with the rope. My eyes go to tray and now I can see all the things kept on it clearly. Scissor, knife, blade, nail cutter and many other sharp things.

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