Chapter 6

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Naruto's POV

"You can't just fuck around like you used to do at your old place. Make yourself useful here." A woman yelled us. I can't believe how can they allow such languages here? They won't let us go outside, the won't let us do whatever we want at our leisure. It was really a mistake coming here.

Kiba says,"That woman is pathetic, isn't she?" I reply,"Yes, help me to carry these boxes. I wonder what are inside these heavy boxes." Kiba takes one box from the corner. We were passing through the hall when Kiba asks,"What's the commotion over there?"

We notice a small crowd a little away from us. All of them are wearing royal suits and expensive gowns. I reply,"Maybe they are connected to the king somehow." Kiba whisper yells,"Yes! That's princess Sakura over there! And the eyes of the long haired man tell us that he's from the famous Hyuga clan. Everyone says their eyes hold some special power."

I ask him,"What kind of power you are talking about?" Kiba says,"I don't know. I told what rumours says. That blond haired girl looks familiar too." I was about to leave when Kiba says stopping me,"Hey wait, Isn't that Prince Sasuke coming downstairs?"

I see him coming down making the atmosphere around him heavy. Seeing him enough to make someone feel pressured, pressured enough to make someone hold their breath. He's dangerously gorgeous. But those dark eyes can't fail to intimidate everyone. That pale glowing skin can illuminate the whole area.

Kiba says,"He looks so similar to prince Itachi. I once saw him through his car window from a large crowd." My eyes are stuck on Prince Sasuke. He looked somewhat annoyed or maybe he always looks like that.

I see the pink haired princess saying something to him looking over excited. That man doesn't know how to show concern or any kind of emotion. Then suddenly I feel his eyes on me. My breath hitched. I shouldn't stand here doing nothing. I'm his servant after all.

Kiba says,"Na-Naruto! Why are everyone looking at us?" I jumped hearing what he just told. Every one of them are staring at us following prince Sasuke's gaze. I maybe really managed to piss him off. I whisper to Kiba,"Let's just go from here."

We ran off from there. Kiba says,"I never felt that much terrified. We didn't even do anything to make them glare at us." I reply,"Let's just do our works properly. I'm ready for the punishment later."

The works was too much for us because the ceremony is after tonight. Tomorrow our new king will be announced. There will be a new era, new history, maybe new rules too. The Uchiha clan is too much powerful that no other clan ever managed to snatch their position.

Next day

"There's no work to do now, we'll just join the crowd. What do you say?" Kiba says. I reply,"Yeah, there's nothing to do except it."

The whole palace is crowded with people. Not ordinary people though. Most of them are wearing expensive suits, gowns, royal suits presenting themselves as noble men.

Waiters are serving drinks. It already feels like a party. We are ordered to stay away from that crowd. Kiba whispers,"Really, those princesses are so beautiful. I wish one of them would marry me." I laugh and say,"They all have their eyes on those princes over there. Mainly Prince Sasuke. He will have to choose his bride soon you know?"

Kiba pouts and says,"What about prince Itachi? I've never seen his bride. Does he have one?" I reply,"I don't think so. I didn't even hear of his marriage."

Kiba whisper yells,"Look! It's prince Sasuke! He's already here. It's going to start!" We see him joining everyone. He still shines into the crowd, anybody can tell just looking at him he's someone special.

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