Chapter 45

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Naruto's POV

After the marriage ceremony, Sasuke took me back to the palace where I once entered as a slave. My eyes start to roam around the whole palace. It looks almost empty. I ask Sasuke who's carrying my wheelchair,"Where is everyone, Sasuke?"

Sasuke looks down on me and says,"I've sent them away for tonight. It's just you and me." I ask him,"Don't joke around Sasuke. How can your palace be unguarded?" Sasuke replies,"I'm not joking. I just want you and myself to be alone tonight."

I become flustered hearing him saying that. He pushes my wheelchair farther and then stop in front of the place where the staircase starts. Sasuke takes me in his arm and starts to carry me in bridal style. He says jokingly,"My bride is really beautiful."

I tell him looking away from his face,"I'm not your bride. How can you call a man your bride?" Sasuke says while carrying me upstairs,"If you can give me baby, you can be my bride too." I ask him,"Are you telling me that I shouldn't be considered as a man?" He replies,"No, I didn't mean it like that. I just wanted to call you my bride and that's all."

My face is a blushing mess. I start to sweat too feeling extremely hot. I'm clinging onto this man and he looks unfazed. Looking at him closely, he has no fault in his face. This man is born perfect.

I pressed my head against his chest which is beating rapidly. Does his heart always beat like this or he feels the same way as me? Does he think about me all the time like I think about him? Is he crazy for me like I'm for him?

He opens the huge door of his bedroom and carries me to his large bed. The room is lighten up with a lot of candles and the room represents the color red. Everywhere I look, it's just red. A unknown scent is hitting my nostrils. I ask Sasuke sniffing more of the scent,"Sasuke, where's this scent coming from? It's really good." Sasuke says,"It's a candle that is burning. The scent is coming from that."

I hear the sound of thunder. Not a perfect night to have a thunderstorm. The room has no light except for those candles and the windows are wide open letting in the aggressive wind caused by the thunderstorm. I ask Sasuke,"Won't the candles go off?" Sasuke says,"Who cares about those? Are you scared?" I shake my head as a no.

He gets on the bed crawling up to me and then caging me under his big muscular body. Sasuke says looking at me so intensely,"I don't want to ruin this suit." Saying that he starts to unbutton my shirt. I wait for him to finish undressing me.

He starts to trail kisses on my body making my breath hitched. His shirt is half unbuttoned showing off some of his beautiful white skin. His tongue caressing my lips and then entering my half opened mouth. I move my lips with him while his hand exploring my whole body.

I hug his neck trying to pull him closer and he groans. After kissing for awhile he lets go of me. He says smirking looking at me with his not so innocent expression,"You are quite eager tonight, Naruto." I bite my bottom lip feeling extremely desperate and needy for his touch. He plays with my lips with his hand and enters his fingers in my mouth while I keep sucking them.

He says,"The night is still young. We have a lot of time to do everything we wish." Saying that he attacks my unguarded nipples that are now hard. I feel his teeth on them and then his tongue swirling around them. His other hand are on my other nipple twitching and pinching it softly.

The room has become cold and the night is chilly. The room looks so unrealistic in this cold weather but our bodies are hot like they are burning in desire. The room is illuminated with the golden flames dancing on the candles and the red decoration looks so royal that Sasuke still looks like the king with almost no clothes on his body.

He takes me in his arm once again and makes me lay down on my belly. I feel his touch on my ass and then slowly his hand going to the small hole that exists in between my ass cheeks. Then suddenly making me gasp I feel something hot there. I tell him being flustered,"What are you doing there! Don't do that."

Sasuke replies in his husky voice,"Let me do it however I want it today. I always wanted to do this." I press my head tightly against the bed and clutch the silky bedsheet tightly being embarrassed. That is so lewd.

I feel his tongue swirling there and entering. His tongue is surely enough skillfull to make me loose my breath already. My pant is half way to my knee. His hands are on my ass cheeks spreading them wide open revealing my small hole that is now being caressed by his hot tongue.

I grit my teeth and then tell him,"Sasuke, I feel so weird. Stop that ugh." Sasuke ignores my pleading and keeps eating me up. I feel tears going down to my cheeks and then my lower belly starts to feel weird and I let out the substances at once feeling enormous pleasure down there.

Sasuke gets up and I turn my head to see his face. He licks his lips while his eyes are on me. My eyes widen seeing him looking like that. His face looks so handsome and devilish at the same time. He doesn't even look human, being that perfect. Our eyes are locked.

I tell him being bold while feeling extremely shy inside,"I want to do something for you too." Sasuke's lips curl up to a smirk. He says,"I was waiting for you to say that. I want those swollen lips of yours around my dick." My cheeks become more heated hearing him spitting words like that. He's acting so lewd today.

Right now I'm in between his legs while his hard dick is in front of my face. He's half laying there looking like a king while his eyes are following my every move. Doing it under his gaze is so embarrassing for me. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to do a good job.

I lick his manhood which is yarning for my tongue on them. I take his manhood shoving it down to my throat. I see veins popping on them. His lips still has that stupid smirk on them and his eyes has that lustful expression like he can devour me right here right now.

I start to move my head but his manhood is becoming too big for my small mouth. My mouth is having hard time to have it entirely. I couldn't even take half of it. Tears are making my eyes blurry. Sasuke's hands touches my hair and I feel him tugging on them. I start to move. I know I'm not doing the best and I know my skills can't make him satisfied.

Sasuke clicks his tongue and looking at his face, he is clenching his jaw. I start to move my head faster but still I can't take full of it. Then I feel his hand grabbing my hair tightly and his hips thrusting. His manhood has already entered my mouth totally making me gag.

He keeps thrusting choking me. My cheeks are drenched with fresh tears and he keeps doing that. After awhile he cums inside and takes it out. I gulp almost all of it and some of it has come out of my mouth.

Sasuke grabs my hair and kisses my lips aggressively. After that he places himself right in between my legs that are wide open now. He placed my legs on his shoulder. He already massaged my butthole making it prepared for his still hard manhood.

Sasuke says,"Give me everything you have got because tonight I won't go easy on you." I feel his tip right at my entrance. He pushes it inside making me flinch. He asks,"Does it hurt?" I tell him gritting my teeth,"It's okay, go on."

Sasuke already throw my pant away making me totally naked. He kisses my lips once again trying to ease my pain up. I start to kiss him back with equal force and desperation. I feel his manhood already inside. Then he pulls himself back from my lips and starts to thrust.

His hand goes to my throat and grabs it making me choke. Sasuke has become so animalistic but seeing him acting like this has made me more turned on. I can't deny, I never hated this part of him, how his desire always consumes him and he becomes posessed.

The night was passing so slow while we were engrossed in ourselves. It was like he couldn't get enough of me. The sky has become clear and there's no thunderstorm now. The full moon has come out and I can see outside clearer now. The candles has been all melted. But the moon is giving the light now not letting the room become darker.

Sasuke is still linked with me while I can see his face lightening up with the moonlight that fell upon his face. He looks so angelic now even with that animalistic expression on his face. The night is still young, the night is perfect.

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