Chapter 30

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Nobody's POV

"Our hideout is under attack!" Someone shouts. Yahiko was sitting in his study room talking with Konan and Nagato. He gets up immediately hearing it. Every one of them is tensed . Yahiko yells,"How anyone can know about our hideout! Where's Naruto!"

Konan says,"He's in his room." Yahiko says,"We have to take him at first!" Saying it he runs off. Naruto is the first priority for them right now. The demon is still inside him and Naruto is unconscious.

Konan runs behind Yahiko and Nagato goes to check other things. If they don't hide Naruto quickly, there will be a war. They know who's attacking them. Konan clicks her tongue and says,"Damn Uchihas. They couldn't find a better time to attack."

"Sasuke! This way!" Neji shouts. Sasuke was shocked to know that their hideout was always in Konoha and they couldn't find a trace of them.
Itachi is holding his gun in a tight grip and his other hand is holding Deidara's hand. Deidara insisted to come with them. But unfortunately he isn't skilled in combat and fight. He's skilled in art.

Sai went to the other side. They never thought the Mafia would use a huge building like this to use as their hideout. They have seen people entering and leaving before like this building is used under a huge corporation and a lot of people work under them. Then didn't know someone was betraying them from the very first.

Minato himself is active one this mission. He just wants his son back even if he has to give his life. Neji yells,"We have to take the lift. We can only take 10 people with us." Sasuke looks at the whole force behind them. Sasuke says,"I want Mr. Namikaze, Mr. Jiraiya, Itachi, Gaara, Obito and Kakashi with me."

Itachi says,"That's the right choice." He was about to let go of Deidara's hand but Deidara says,"What about me? I want to go too!" Itachi says,"No Dei! I don't want to put your life in danger. You will be here with others." Deidara was about to argue but Sasuke shuts him up saying,"You will be no help in there Deidara! Do as brother says."

They left Deidara right there. They already have surrounded the whole building. Gaara's force is helping them too. Obito says,"Be careful from now on. This area is the most dangerous zone. This is the corridor which will take us to Naruto."Sasuke says,"I and Itachi will be going ahead. You guys follow us." Itachi nods saying,"Right."

Yahiko is running like a madman. He never thought they would attack like this, like a lion was looking over his prey and jumped at the right time. Yahiko yells,"I have to take him and leave at first. We have no time to prepare our force and call a war against them." Konan says,"How are you going to take him? His legs are broken remember?" Yahiko says,"I still have my shoulder."

Nagato is seeing a large crowd in front of them. He mutters,"There's no way we can kill all of them." He decides right now he has to flee. A man shouts from behind,"What should we do boss?" Nagato says,"Go and try to stop them. I have to go back to Yahiko."

Yahiko opens the door with a loud bang. He sees Naruto laying on the bed senselessly. He knows Naruto won't wake up now. He quickly goes to him and try to shake him a little. But there's no response coming from Naruto. He quickly lifts him to his shoulder. Yahiko says,"Konan, get the car ready. I'm coming out from behind." Konan nods and leaves the room running. But soon Yahiko hears her voice,"Yahiko! Run!"

Yahiko eyes widen. He knows they are here. He looks at the window. He goes to them and sees if he can jump but soon he realises if he jumps from this high, they'll definitely die. Yahiko takes the gun out of his pocket and right at that time Sasuke and his team comes in.

Sasuke sees the orange haired man carrying Naruto on his shoulder. He sees Naruto's eyes are closed and there's bandages overall his body. Sasuke shouts,"Give him back or we'll shoot you!" Yahiko sees the crowd in front of him. He doesn't see Konan. Sai chuckles like a maniac and says,"That girl is knocked out."

Yahiko doesn't care about anything now. He just wants to get out of here with Naruto. Yahiko says pointing the gun against Naruto's head,"I still have a gun in my hand, see? I still can kill him." Minato says,"Look, I'll give you everything I have. Just give him back to me." Yahiko says smirking evilly,"I have everything you have. The thing I need right now is Naruto. Let us leave and no harm will be done."

Then suddenly they hear a loud bang noise. Neji curses,"Shit, someone just shoot me." Sai goes running to him and says,"My god! Are you okay?" Neji says,"Do I look okay to you, bastard? Don't worry, just my right arm is shot." Then they hear Nagato's voice,"Let him go! Or I'll shoot every one of you." Some of them turns their back but Sasuke's eyes are still on Naruto and Yahiko.

Minato says looking at Nagato,"It would be nice to see you in different circumstance Nagato. But I never thought I would see you like this." Nagato says aiming the only gun he has at them," I don't care. Just let him go."

Jiraiya says,"Why are you doing this? " Then he turns to Yahiko and says to him,"Why are you doing this, Yahiko?" Yahiko says to Jiraiya,"Don't act like you are disappointed, sensei. I never was your student. I was just pretending to be one." Jiraiya says with a sad smile seeing one of his students in this state,"Still, I taught you a lot of things. That makes you my student. You three were special to me and it's really heartbreaking to see you are the leader of the Mafia organisation which is killing people mercilessly."

Yahiko chuckles mockingly and says,"Those were sacrifices. Sacrifices to make my dream come true. Who wants to see a country full with corruption? Isn't it like this because of this damn Uchihas who are ruling? All of these will be over if I just finish the whole bloodline."

Minato says,"Killing isn't the solution. It's another crime. Human lives can't be sacrificed like this, think about all the people who didn't want to be killed." Yahiko says,"I don't want to hear any of that! I did everything to have the demon in my hand. I erased my whole identity and pretended to be someone else for years! I even worked under corrupted people like you! I can't let go of this once in lifetime chance. Make any move and I'll kill Naruto."

Suddenly they hear a loud noise and Yahiko felt sharp pain in his hand. The gun from his hand fell on the ground and his legs gave up. Before Naruto can land up on the floor with Yahiko, Sasuke runs and catches him. Yahiko yelps in pain and sees blood coming from the injury. A sniper shot him from a distance.

They managed to catch Nagato too when he let his guard down. Sasuke takes Naruto in bridal style. He looks at the senseless body of Naruto covered with bandages and some dried blood also can be seen. Sasuke mutters with a pained expression,"What in the world they did to you?"

Itachi shouts,"Sasuke! Take Naruto and get out of here." Sasuke nods and leaves the room. He won't ever let go of the hand he's holding now. He will do everything to make everything alright and win Naruto's heart.

At Namikaze mansion

They took Naruto to the Namikaze mansion. Kushina is crying seeing her son laying on the bed unconscious. Tsunade is standing beside the bed and supervising the whole situation. Sasuke is in the room too.

Minato asks Tsunade,"What happened to him? What about all these bruises and bandages?" Tsunade replies,"Seems like, he was tortured for quite a long time. His ribs, bones of his legs are broken. His right arm is broken too. There's deep cuts over all in his body. He has already lost a lot of bloods but miraculously he's still alive. I don't know what else they had done to him." Kushina cried louder hearing everything. Minato pats her back cooing her.

Sasuke asks Tsunade being worried,"Will he be alright?" Tsunade sighs. She replies,"Yeah, he'll be alright but I don't know when he'll wake up. He is in coma right now. I can't tell about his legs either. I don't think if those will ever be like before." Minato's eyes grow bigger and he shouts at Tsunade for the first time,"What do you mean by that! Do everything you can! I want my son to be alright!" Tsunade replies,"It's not in our hands anymore Minato."

Sasuke looks at Naruto. The guy who used to laugh through every situation, whose eyes can remind you of the depth of ocean, has no happiness left in him. The way he left the palace heartbroken, came back breaking every inch of his body.

Sasuke fears that Naruto won't remember him. Sasuke fears that if Naruto remembers him, he'll end up hating him. Sasuke wants to kiss his feet apologizing telling him to embrace him like before . Sasuke doesn't know how he'll say to him that he has loved him the whole time.

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