Chapter 28

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Nobody's POV

It's been 7 days, Sasuke haven't heard about Naruto. Everyone is worried about the whole matter. The greatest force haven't been able to find a trace, the greatest strategist Shikamaru hasn't been able to find a clue. And the greatest king is loosing his sanity feeling hopeless.

Deidara was walking through the whole room filled with other people. Sasuke is sitting beside his big brother who's with him trying to keep him calm. Because being a hot headed person Sasuke is throwing tantrums out of nowhere even giving orders to kill people in agony.

Gaara is here too. He's still feeling guilty and he knows Sasuke won't let this slide. He knows being a king will not help anymore here.


"In the end, Naruto is going to die." Hearing Shikamaru's word everyone grasps. Sasuke's grip is being stronger and Itachi can feel the pain of that grip. Itachi knows Sasuke has anger issues. Sasuke says,"Like hell I'd let him die! I won't let him go, even death can't be able to take him away from me!"

He turns to Gaara whose head is low and who's trying not to be weak in front of everyone. After all he's still a king of a great nation. Sasuke says keeping his calm,"The only thing that can help us is capturing former king Rasa." Hearing his father's name Gaara looks up. But he can't defend his father now. Because right now his father is a criminal.

Shikamaru says,"Yes, It's legal for us to capture him." Sasuke says,"Neji and Sai. You both go with your forces and capture him. I'll be the one to question him and make sure to see him suffer." Neji and Sai gets up. Neji says,"We will go right away."

Neji and Sai took the private plane of Neji. The forces are coming behind them. They have to do it hurriedly. Seeing their friend suffer make them sad too and both of them have a intense sense of justice. They won't let it slide even though Rasa is royalty.

They already reached the palace. They have access to search the whole palace so nobody came ahead to defy them. Neji says to Sai,"You go that side and I'll go upstairs." Sai nods saying,"Right." Both of them went their own ways. All of them start to search the whole place and also the secret passages. But none of them could find a trace of Rasa.

After searching the whole palace they got together. Sai says to Neji,"It looks like he fled away." Neji curses under his breath. He says,"It has become more complicated now. He was our only way to reach their hideout. Sasuke will go insane if he hears this."
Sai says taking his phone out of his pocket,"But we need to inform him everything."

He sends a text to Sasuke saying,"We searched the whole palace but there's no sign of him." Sasuke saw the message and throws his phone on the floor with force that it shattered immediately. Itachi asks him,"What happened?" Sasuke says clenching his jaw hard," Tch...That bastard ran away." Then he turns to Gaara who was looking at his feet helplessly. Sasuke yells at him,"I can't trust that bastard! I doubt if all of these is a plan of him! You know what! I should put him in a cell!" Shikamaru says,"Don't act foolishly now. King Gaara can help us. We have to find Rasa as soon as possible."
End of the flashback

Naruto's picture is all over on the news and social medias. The whole world now knows about this kidnapping. The kidnapper should have been captured much quickly but all of them already realized the Mafia is a big organisation running by someone so cunning that a small glimpse of them can't be seen. All of them is already fearing about the fact that Naruto is already dead.

Minato has to check dead bodies of people confirming if it's Naruto's or not. Kushina is not herself anymore. Sasuke is giving orders to everyone still not loosing hope. He feels guilty about the fact how he behaved with Naruto after he saw Gaara kissing him. He can't believe he spat those hurtful things to him.

Sasuke lits a cigarette. He's a mess. He doesn't know why he's feeling like this. He knows he has feelings for Naruto but didn't think if it's that much deep or not. He tells his mind that he's doing all of it because he has responsibility to find Naruto because he's the reason, Naruto is in danger. But deep down he knows it's not the only reason that he's becoming like this.

"Sasuke, may I come in?" He hears a voice interrupting his thoughts. He knows the voice belongs to his mother. He says,"Yes, come in." He sees his mother entering his room. He wonders, what's the reason for her mother for wanting to meet him.

Mikoto looks at her son. He knows Sasuke is surprised to see his mother because she never meets any of her sons without any decent reason. Mikoto says with a light smile,"You probably are wondering about why I am here in this hour?" Sasuke lets out the smoke and says,"Yeah. What's the reason mother?"

Mikoto goes to Sasuke who's standing in the balcony. Mikoto leans against the railing beside her son. She feels guilty about the fact that she was never there for her sons whenever they needed her. Mikoto sighs before speaking. She says,"I know your are trying to find Kushina's son. I know as well that he's someone special to you."

Sasuke says after letting out the smoke,"Yeah, if you have problem with that and if you are here to stop me finding him I'm politely telling you to stay out of it." Mikoto chuckles. She says,"I like how straight forward you are. You are just like your father, in a good way though. But I'm not here to stop you Sasuke. I think I might help you a little bit in this matter."

Sasuke frowns. Mikoto is his mother but still somehow he can't trust her. Mikoto notices her son's expression. She says feeling a little bit sad that her own son has problem with believing her,"This case is important to me as well Sasuke. Naruto is my best friend's son. You should know how much Kushina means to me. She was a ray of sunshine that used to light up my mood. She helped me to cop up with everything when I married your father. Because we both didn't marry each other out of love. It was arranged by both of our families. If Kushina wasn't there I would fall out of everything."

Sasuke notices how desperate her mother looks. He never has seen her mother looking like that. That somehow makes him want to believe her. Sasuke says putting the cigarette on the tray,"How can you help me mother?" Kushina replies gaining some of her son's trust,"It's very important Sasuke. Now listen to me closely. You can't act rebelliously after hearing all of it. Listen."

Mikoto continues,"It's kind of hard to believe but you have to put a tail behind your father. You have to follow him. I always had something in me to see through a person. I had a feeling that your father is doing something bad. So I hired a spy to follow him everywhere. And do you want to know, what did I find out? He has a connection with certain organisation. He went there to meet them and they didn't let anyone or any weapon to come with him."

Sasuke frowns. Mikoto says,"It's really confusing to see any organisation to act like that with a royalty. The protectiveness and secrecy of that organisation doesn't sound normal to me." Sasuke gulps and starts to think about it straight. He knows that his father is a stubborn person. But he didn't think this much, he couldn't bring himself to think this much ahead like his mother.

Sasuke looks at his mother and says frowning,"Then you are meaning to say..." Mikoto completes the sentence,"That he's working for the Mafia." Sasuke eyes are wide and it's red like blood. Mikoto backs away seeing her son's state. She knows how dangerous it is to stand next to her son right now.

Sasuke's eyes are red and the aura around him is black. The bloodlust from him can be sensed. The anger toward his father has gone out of his hands. He sees flash of his childhood memories in front of his eyes. How he was locked up by his father, how his brother was bitten up by his father because his father was homophobic. How his father killed people in front of them mercilessly, how his father made them so much inhuman. He can't forgive his father.

Sasuke screams in agony not being able to contain his emotions,"If I don't get Naruto back, all of you'll see the country flooding with blood and all of you will drown into it. I'll kill every one of you and that's a promise.

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