Chapter 34

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Naruto's POV

"And after that, what happened?" I ask her with curiousity. She replies,"Then he said, I didn't expect a Hyuga to be this stupid." I started to laugh. I tell her in between laughing,"Then Sasuke's is always like this, huh?" Hinata nods and laughs along with me.

Hinata and Deidara came to see me a few hours ago. Since that time, we are still gossiping and hanging out together. Deidara says,"I heard from Itachi, Sasuke was like a cute puppy when he was a kid. He used to hang around Itachi and whenever he didn't have time to spend with him he would just pump his face like this and get angry." I tell them,"Oh my god. I can't imagine Sasuke to be like that." I imagine a grumpy looking Sasuke in front of me.

Kiba comes in and says seeing all of us together,"You still are together? I can hear you laughing from the end of the corridor." I tell him,"I told you to join us. You don't have to act all mature." Kiba rolls his eyes and says,"I'm here to give you medicine." He puts the medicine on the table with a bottle of water. He says before leaving,"Take it in time."

Deidara asks me,"What happened to him?" I reply,"He isn't always like this, I don't know." Hinata says,"Maybe he doesn't like his best friend to spend more times with us than him." I never thought like that. Kiba doesn't act like that. I reply,"I don't know...."

Suddenly we hear a lot of noise. Hinata asks,"What's that?" The door flings open revealing Sasuke who's panting. Was he running? All of us become surprised seeing him out of the blue. Hinata and Deidara stands up immediately and bow their heads showing respect.

Sasuke sees all of us together. Then I hear Deidara talking,"I think we should give them space. Let's go Hinata." Hinata nods and follows Deidara who's leaving without telling me anything. People really are scared of Sasuke.

Sasuke waits until they leave the room. After they left, Sasuke lets himself in. I ask him,"What are you doing here? I didn't call you to come." Sasuke says,"Sorry I couldn't wait." I see him coming toward me. He sits beside my bed on that chair. I ask him,"Did something happen?" Sasuke says,"Yes, a lot has happened."

I frown. Is it the Mafia? Sasuke takes my hand in his and says,"Don't start worrying about it." I ask him again,"What happened?" Sasuke replies making me kind of surprised,"Naruto, can you remember ever seeing me before you came to my palace?" I frown and reply,"I don't think so. You appeared on TV sometimes. That's when I saw you. How could I ever possibly see you with those much crowd around you?"

Sasuke's face falls. He says looking somewhat sad,"Then, you don't remember." I kept looking at him frowning my eyebrows. I hear him mumbling,"He can't possibly remember me. He was so little." I take my hand away from his and shake his body using my both hand trying to bring him back to reality. I ask him being worried,"Why are you acting so strange?" Sasuke looks at me and then hugs me out of nowhere. He says snuggling onto my neck making me gasp,"I just missed you so much. I couldn't wait to see you. Just let me in Naruto. I promise I'll be good."

I tell him patting his back,"Why are acting so desperate all of a sudden?" Sasuke moves his head and faces me. He looks happy and desperate at the same time. His eyes are on my lips. He says not averting his gaze,"I love you so much to contain myself from seeing you." A smile appears on my lips. I can't put this act anymore. I have already let down my guard for Sasuke to enter. I love him too much to forbid him from coming closer to me.

I bring my face closer to him forgetting everything from the past. I feel his soft lips against mine. Sasuke flinches at first but quickly moves his lips and I move my lips matching the sync. I give him space to let his tongue enter my mouth. It has been so long I felt this good. Sasuke moans a little in between the kiss. Sasuke brings his face closer to my ear and says licking it,"Let me spoil you. I'll give you the whole world, all you have to do is to love me." He attacks my neck giving me no time to reply.

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