Chapter 23

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Naruto's POV

"Let's go outside Naruto." Kiba whines. I reply,"Sorry, I can't. Sasuke told me not to go outside." Kiba ask,"But why!" I reply,"I don't know but I'm sure there's a reason behind it." Kiba mutters,"Reason, my ass." I tell him glaring at him,"I heard that Kiba."

My phone starts to ring. I look at the phone and see it's my mom who's calling. I am still nervous about the fact that Mrs. Namikaze is my mom. Kiba gives me a look which says "pick up the phone". I nod and receive the call.

"M-Mom?" I speak. I hear voice from the other side,"Yes it's me Naruto. I need to talk to you." I ask her,"What is it mom?" She says,"Oh my god I still feel overwhelmed just by hearing the mom word from your mouth. However, do you know when is your birthday Naruto?"

I start to remember, I never knew my birthday date. But they used to celebrate my and Kiba's birthday on the same day. I tell her,"No mom. I don't know." She asks,"Then how did they know what your name is?" I chuckle and says,"Well that's a funny story. They told me, when they found me I used to mutter only one word and that was "Naruto". That's how they named me." Mom hums from the other side and says,"Understandable. However, it might be a little surprising for you Naruto but tomorrow is your actual birthday."

I scream,"What!" Mom says,"Yes and I want to celebrate it. I never got to celebrate your birthday with you. We used to do it without you in front of your picture. Now we have you with us. I want you to come back to your home only for one day." I reply being a little hesitant,"But what about King Sasuke? He forbade me to go out." Mom says,"Your dad will be handling that. I want you here tomorrow. I don't have time now, bye!" Before I can say anything mom hangs up.

Kiba asks observing my expression,"What happened Naruto?" I reply being tensed,"Mom just told me tomorrow is my birthday and she wants to celebrate it. But Sasuke..." Kiba's eyes was about to pop out in excitement. He says,"That's going to be cool Naruto! You should go! It's going to be grand I'm sure."

Looking at Kiba I feel bad. We used to celebrate our birthdays together. Now everything's changed. Nobody treats me as the old Naruto, then there's Kiba. He was with me through everything. I tell him,"Yeah and you will go with me."

He stops right there. He says having doubts,"Really? Well I have to go with you because I'm your personal servant after all." I put my hand on his shoulder and give it a little squiz saying,"You will not go there as a slave, you'll go their as my friend. My best friend." His cheeks become red. He says being extremely shy all of a sudden,"Shut up now, will ya! Stop saying embarrassing stuffs." I chuckle with him.

I was laying down on my bed looking at the celling. That's the perfect moment to think about life right?" Suddenly I hear the door opening. I turn to see Sasuke coming inside. Finally I got to see him. He looks exhausted. But still in his white shirt and his formal looks, he still looks like a model.

His eyes land on me. He says,"I don't feel like going back to my room. Let me stay with you tonight." I reply,"It's not like you need my permission to stay my lord." Sasuke hums and makes his way to the bathroom. I hear the sound of water, he's showering.

He enters the room naked after showering. Catching me staring at him he says smirking,"Like what you see?" I quickly avert my gaze and tell him blushing,"N-No! I mean I..." I couldn't find anything to defend myself. He says,"I would devour you right here if I weren't exhausted and tomorrow is a big event you know?"

I quickly turn to face him again and ask,"Which event?" He says putting on clothes,"Your birthday. Mr. Namikaze called me." I ask him,"He did?" Sasuke nods and says,"Yeah, that was quite sudden. It's your birthday after all, we can't just ignore it." I ask him being hopeful,"So are we going there together?" Sasuke smirks at me and asks,"Do you want me to go with you?" I nod.

He comes to the bed and says laying next to me,"Yes I'm going with you. Surprisingly King Gaara will join us too." Why did it feel like he's annoyed when he talked about king Gaara. I tell him being excited,"Well that's great!" He faces me and says holding a serious expression,"Why are you so excited about the fact that Gaara will be joining us?" I reply,"Because he's a good man?"

Suddenly I see him hovering over me. He says,"Really? Is that the only reason Naruto?" Why is he asking me all those type of questions? Don't tell me he still remembers that incident and he's jealous. He says coming dangerously close to me,"Seems like it's time to claim you as mine again" I ask him,"Didn't you tell me that you are exhausted my lord?" He says smirking evilly,"When it comes to you, it feels like I'm never exhausted.

The next day

There's a stylist who's helping me to dress up properly. Isn't that a waste of money. I mean who hires the best stylist to style you for your birthday? She says,"You have a nice delicate looking face. This'll suit you." I nod not knowing anything about fashion.

She says,"Ohh lord! I forgot to introduce myself to you, I'm Tenten." She extends her hand and we shake our hands together. I tell her,"And I'm Naruto." She says chuckling,"Yeah I know. You are the Namikaze heir." I ask her,"How did you know that? I mean everyone is being secretive about me." She says fixing my shirt,"Well I got to know about you from Hinata, the Hyuga princess. I'm her best friend."

I ask her,"She knows about it too?" Tenten nods and says,"Yeah, his brother Neji is always with Sasuke you know?" I nod. She says,"They are invited to your birthday party too like I heard. I wish I could go with Neji as a couple. I have a crush on him." I reply,"Really? But don't they look scary?" Tenten says chuckling,"You are talking about their eyes right? Well they possess some special powers. Uchihas have them too."

I ask her,"May I know what kind of power?" She replies,"I don't know. They keep it as a secret. But can you see one thing? No one from the Uchiha clan is ugly? Like god gifted them with such beauty." She's right. King Sasuke and prince Itachi both are so handsome with such pretty faces.

I reply remembering Sasuke's face,"Yeah, they are gorgeous." Tenten says,"Yeah but I really don't understand why King Sasuke refused to marry the Haruno princess. Isn't she one of the prettiest princess out there?" I know the reason but I can't tell her. I reply,"I don't know, maybe his majesty has his reasons."

Tenten says,"I wonder who is the person king Sasuke has his eyes on." I remain quite. Sasuke can't love anybody, can he? Tenten says,"Oh, one more thing! I'm not trying to invade your personal thing but I want to know why are you staying here even though you have your own home?" Isn't she asking too much questions? I don't want to be rude here. I tell her politely,"Sorry I can't tell you that."

Before Tenten can answer I hear a knock on the door. We both turn and See Sasuke standing on the doorway. He asks in his deep voice,"Are you ready?" We both quickly bow down our heads and I hear Tenten saying,"Yes my lord, he's almost ready."

Tenten leaves immediately after touching everything up. Sasuke comes in. He eyes me and I feel like I saw his eyes shining. His finger touches my cheeks and I feel him caressing it. He says,"You look handsome." I blush and compliment him too,"You don't look bad yourself my lord."

His eyes are still seeing every ounce of me. He still looks like a wide animal who could jump at me anytime. I tell him being nervous,"We should leave in time my lord." I was about to leave the room passing him. But I hear him talking from behind,"I can't wait to rip that shirt of yours after coming back home." Really? Doesn't he have any shame!

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