Chapter 12

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Naruto's POV

The whole hall was silent. No one expected to see situation turning into this. Then people start to talk all of a sudden, the paparazzies are constantly taking photo and trying to talk with them. The guards are trying to push unnecessary crowd away.

King Fugaku says in disbelief,"Do you know what you are doing Sasuke? I'm the one who made you king." Sasuke says looking into his father's eyes without a single trace of fear,"And I'm grateful for that but I won't let you treat me and my brother like puppets anymore. You are in no position to do that too."

Then turns to the huge crowd in front of him. People are really holding their breath. He says loudly enough to be heard by everyone,"From now on, I'll make my own decisions, I'll make rules and I'll be the only ruler of this country."

I see princess Sakura running off from the stage crying and wiping tears. Such humiliation, rejection, it's not uncommon for her to do that. Former King Fugaku leaves the stage along with queen Mikoto. I see Itachi talking to Sasuke. I think Uchihas are always rebellious.

The palace is already empty after all those commotions. Some of them are staying here as guests. I still need to serve king Gaara like prince Itachi said. Kiba says to me,"Seems like you'll come back late." We both are having shower after the tiring day. I reply,"Yeah, I'll have to stay with King Gaara." Kiba says shrugging his shoulders,"Then I'll just sleep  my all tiredness off by myself." I reply,"Yeah, do that."

After changing into clean clothes I head to the king's room. I'm too much inexperienced to serve a king I think. I knock on the door and immediately hear voice from inside,"Come in."

I go inside and see King Gaara smocking inside his room. I say to him politely looking down on my feet," I'm here to serve you for today my lord. Tell me if you need anything or feel hungry. I'll have everything ready."

Gaara says,"And what are you planning to do all this time? Will you stand there like a fool?" Isn't that what we are supposed to do? I itch the back of my neck in nervousness and say,"Uh yeah?" Gaara says,"Well I don't treat my servants like that, you can sit on that chair." He points to a chair. I nod and sit on the chair Gaara pointed earlier.

Feels like I'm invading his privacy sitting here doing nothing with him in this room. I hear his voice again,"Want to read some books?" I reply being a little bit ashamed,"Sorry, I don't know how to read my lord."

It's not like in our country, lowborns like us aren't allowed to study. We have school for us but I didn't go school or make any effort. As long as I remember I saw Kiba's family raising me. They all are poor and had enough in their plate. So I couldn't bring myself to go to school because that'll cause them more trouble. They insisted to admit me in a school but I didn't go. So eventually they started to think I don't have any interest in studying so they stopped trying to push me for it.

Gaara says,"Ohh I see. You can come here and I'll read something for you. What do you say?" My eyes widen. There's a king in front of me and he's acting friendly with a servant like me. I frown and kept looking at his chest not being able to look at his eyes for those stupid rules.

He says,"What are you thinking? I'm bored too. Just come here." I gulp and then get up. I think I should do whatever he says. He doesn't look like a bad person though.

I sit beside him on the bed. He has night time suit on his body and his auburn hair is covering his eyebrows (a normal Gaara with eyebrows). He's a good-looking man like a king should look. He opens a book. He asks me,"Do you like poetry?" I shake my head and say looking at those pages with a lot of words and sentences,"I don't have any idea about that my lord."

Gaara starts to talk about many famous poets and many more poetry. Seems like he's really fond of that. I'm listening to most of it but can't understand a single line or any meaning. Gaara is talking nonstop but the way he talks makes me want to listen to it more.

Gaara sighs after talking a little more. He says,"Uh, I think I talked a lot today." I say to him keeping my gaze lower,"No, it's ok my lord. It was really good to listen to you!" Gaara chuckles and says,"Being lonely for a long time made me like this, suddenly I found someone I can talk to."

The way he's acting, like I'm his friend to give me excuses like that makes me feel good. I never had any other friend except Kiba. He's more like a brother to me. I mentally smacked myself for thinking those stupid stuffs. Like a great king like him can be a friend of mine.

He keeps the book on the shelve right beside the bed and come back to his position again. I get up and say to him,"I think I should bring your dinner here." Gaara says in his usual cold voice,"No, I'm dining with Sasuke." I quickly apologize,"Ohh I'm sorry my lord. I wasn't aware of that."

I turn to him and say,"Then please give me permission to go downstairs and prepare everything for you." I was hoping for his answer, but instead he grabbed my hand pulled me toward him. My face landed on his lap.

He touches my chin and made me look up. His facial expression is cold and I don't know what does he trying to do. I ask him getting up and sitting straight because he still is holding my hand. I shutter,"D-Did I so something wrong my lord?" He says keeping looking at me,"No, you didn't."

Suddenly my face became red. I say to him averting my eyes,"I think I should go my lord." He says to me pulling me closer than before,"Didn't you tell that you are serving me tonight?"

I shutter hearing him,"B-But I didn't mean it like that." Gaara pushes me to his bed and hovers over me. He says,"Are you sure?" I nod .He brings his face closer and kisses my jawline when I tried to look away. I feel him sucking on some of my skin around the neck. He asks again softly,"Again, are you sure?" I nod several times squizzing my eyes shut. I hear him sighing and feel there's no weight on me anymore.

I open my eyes and don't see him over me. I think he thought something else when I told him that. I can't blame him for that. I get up from his bed and see him standing in front of the mirror messing with his own hair. Seems like he's frustrated.

I quickly bow my head down and say,"I apologize for my behaviour my lord. I maybe sent you some kind of mix signal. I'm truely sorry for that." He says seeing me behaving like that,"Cut it off. It's not truely your fault. Let's just forget it and please wait outside for some minutes. I need to change."

I nod and leave the room immediately after he told me to leave. At least he's not that kind of proud jerk type of king who'd kill right there after I refuse him. Sasuke doesn't seem like that too. He's just too cold and mysterious to read.

Gaara opens the door and comes wearing a casual shirt. His hair is not messy like before. He says coldly again,"Please lead the way." I nod and lead him to the dining hall. Sasuke should be there too since it's almost time for the dinner.

We head to the hall and see king Sasuke already sitting there, he's on his phone. He immediately notices us and gets up seeing Gaara entering. Sasuke says to Gaara,"Please take a seat and join me." Gaara nods and sit on another side of the table.

I think I'll just have to stand beside king Gaara. Two of the maid is already working to serve food to the two kings. King Sasuke and King Gaara are both from two important and big nations. Not to forget both are rivals. They seem like same aged and I'm definitely younger than them.

I feel Sasuke's gaze on me. I feel so anxious whenever he sets his eyes on me and always find myself squirming under his gaze. Suddenly he starts to talk,"What are you doing with Gaara?" I gulp and reply,"I was told to serve him today." He says coldly again looking at me for like minutes,"Come to my room after you escort Gaara to his room." Then he says to Gaara,"Please enjoy your meal king Gaara." It feels like the atmosphere just become heavy. I wonder what did I just do wrong?

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