Chapter 9

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Day is passing. Life of a slave here isn't that much bad like it used to be before. I still recall the day when I had sex for the first with no other than the Sasuke Uchiha. We hadn't met after that day, he became busy being a king of a big nation.

Former king is arranging a grand get together just because King Sasuke has to find a bride for himself. All of the princesses are spoilt and have no enthusiasm with slaves like us.
Kiba says,"I think princess Sakura is the one who'll get to marry Sasuke, her father is the king of a important clan after all." I reply,"Maybe, she's really beautiful."

Konohamaru says all of a sudden,"What are you talking about big brother?" Konohamaru is one of the youngest slaves here who came from the old palace. He was a brat once but we got along pretty quickly.

I reply,"We were talking about King Sasuke's wedding." Konohamaru says being excited,"Maybe they'll buy us new suits for that day or we'll have a day off!" I sigh and say,"It isn't possible Konohamaru." Konohamaru pouts.

Suddenly the old lady who works as our leader starts to yell,"Let's just finish the works quickly! The party is tomorrow, do you know how much of a hassle it is!" I mutter,"Of course we know."

The work we had to do is almost finished. I really want to go to my bed which is comfier than my previous bed. After taking a long relaxing shower, I go to bed. Kiba is already asleep. How gross, he didn't even shower after bathing himself with that much sweat.

I put the sheet on my body and curl myself into the bed. The new day is gonna be a drag.

Next day

The whole palace is full with people from different clans and countries. All of them are important people, not nuisances like us who don't get any attention.

The whole palace is a idol of royalty. The large chandeliers are
what making the palace more beautiful. The red carpet at the entering path, sweet aroma, golden lights coming from here and there are making everything so dazzling.

The guests are still coming, the party hasn't been started yet. We are busy here serving expensive wines and other drinks.

My hands are full with foods and wines. The suit they gave me looks baggy because I'm really skinny. I serve wine to an old man who was looking at me creepily. It's very disappointing to see that people like them can be pervert too.

My eyes are roaming through the whole hall, I don't know who I'm searching for. Kiba startles me out of nowhere by saying,"You tray is still full?" I curse at him and say,"Fuck... I was about to have heart attack!" Kiba laughs and says,"Sorry about that."

"Please come here for a second." Someone calls for us. I turn around and see a white haired man looking at us. I look at Kiba and he nods at me. We go to the man who was calling for us.

I ask him,"Do you need something Sir?" The long white haired man says looking at me weirdly,"Do you work here as a slave?" I nod. He nods and says,"Uhh, can I have those wines, young boy?" I quickly give him one of the glasses from the tray.

A old lady comes in view, she's surely old but doesn't look like one. She says to the white haired man,"Where were you filthy old man, I was looking for you." The man looks at him, he surely looks like a pervert. He says,"Why do you need me Tsunade?" The old lady says,"You should look at my face Jiraiya."

Suddenly Prince Itachi comes to our side with a black haired pale old man. He looks cunning like a snake. I bow my head down seeing Prince Itachi in front of me. The blond haired lady takes a glass from me and takes a sip from it.

Prince Itachi says,"It's nice to meet you Mr. Jiraiya, I didn't think you'll have time to come here with your busy schedule." Jiraiya laughs and says,"You don't have to be formal, Itachi. You knew I'd come." Prince Itachi chuckles. I say to them keeping my head low,"Should I leave my lord?" Jiraiya says before anyone can say anything,"No, stay here. We could need more wines from you."

I nod and stand there beside the pervy old man. Prince Itachi says,"Where's Mr. and Ms. Namikaze?" Jiraiya says,"He'll come here late, they have some business to attend to." The blond lady says,"They really are having hard time, they don't have any heir. They didn't have any other child after they lost their first child." Prince Itachi says showing enthusiasm,"That must be pretty hard for them."

The long straight black haired man says,"Where is King Sasuke?" Prince Itachi replies,"I don't know, father is really pissed about him." Jiraiya says,"He's still young that's why he acts like that. Everything will be alright after he gains some experiences."

"Itachi! Where the heck were you been!" a guy yells from behind. Who dares to talk to an Uchiha like that. Prince Itachi turns to face the man behind him and says to him,"You shouldn't yell like this in public Dei." The man comes to our sight. The man has the same blue eyes and blond hair like me. But his hair is longer and in a ponytail.

The man notices everyone and startles. He bows his head quickly and says,"Oh my god, I'm sorry." Jiraiya waves it off and says,"It's nothing." The blond haired man notices me quickly. He says cheerfully after staring at me for seconds,"Are you my long lost brother or something? We've got same features." I reply keeping my eyes down,"I'm just a mere servant my lord."

He quickly makes his way to my side and puts his hand around my shoulder like we are close buddies. He says smilingly,"You don't need to be that much formal with me you know! What's your name blondie?" I reply politely,"My name is Naruto." The blond haired male says,"Ohh, I'm Deidara." After some minutes of silence Deidara jumps out of nowhere. He bites his tongue and than says,"Shit, I totally forgot it." Prince Itachi warns,"Language Deidara, what's it?"

Deidara says,"King Gaara is almost here. They told me to inform you right away." Prince Itachi sighs and says,"You really should see a doctor Dei." Before Deidara can say anything, Prince Itachi turns to us and says,"Sorry I've to go now." Then he looks me and Kiba. He says pointing at us,"Ohh and I need you with me. Follow me."

We nod and follow him from behind. Kiba whispers to my ear,"Why does he need us!" I reply," Maybe they need more servants there. After all Gaara is a king of a great nation." Kiba says,"Ohh."

Prince Itachi leads us to the entering path. Many of the paparazzi are trying to sneak glances from outside and trying to talk to the royal families. I and Kiba are standing behind prince Itachi awkwardly.

Suddenly a lot of noises and grasping can be heard. I know King Gaara is almost there. A man yells,"King Gaara is entering!" A man comes to the view. Auburn hair, sharp green eyes, slightly pale skin, all over a handsome man is entering the palace. He's the king.

An young woman and a man follow him from behind. The girl has blond hair and she looks intimidating just like the king, the man beside her has weird tattoos on his face. 2 men are following them from behind.

Prince Itachi goes ahead and says,"We are really lucky to have you ,Gaara of the sand." Gaara nods and takes a look around the mansion. He says in his calm deep voice,"Where's King Sasuke?" Prince Itachi smiles at him and says,"He got some problems there but he'll be here soon." The girl from behind says,"Shouldn't the king be here to greet another king who's an invited guest?" Prince Itachi says,"We sincerely apologize for that princess Temari." King Gaara says,"Stop making a fuss Temari, let's just get this over with."

Prince Itachi turns to me and says,"You'll work as his personal servant tonight. Go and stick to him." I nod and bow my head. And he says to Kiba,"You won't be needed beside the other guy I hope. Go and serve the other guests." Kiba nods.

I'm really nervous about the fact that I'll have to work as King Gaara's personal servant. I heard he's like a cold demon. I run behind them seeing them going farther. I reach to them quickly and they notice me.

Princess Temari says being annoyed,"Why are you following us?" I reply bowing my head again,"I'm here to serve the king tonight."

Gaara quickly notices me after hearing me saying that. He mutters something that was quite hearable to me,"Serving me tonight?"

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