Chapter 38

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Naruto's POV

1 week passed and it's almost time for us to go back. "Last night I heard you screaming." Deidara says to me smirking. I mentally smacked myself. Deidara chuckles and says,"You guys went like wild beasts. Itachi had to go outside." My face becomes red. It's embarrassing.

"Thank god, you can't feel your legs otherwise..." Kiba smacked Sai's arm making him shut up. Deidara says to Sai,"Hey! That wasn't cool." Sai looks confused. He says,"Was that offending?" Kiba says,"Go outside. Why are you sitting with us?" Sai makes puppy eyes before leaving. That dark joke of him didn't even make me sad.

"I wonder, where Sasuke is. I didn't see him the whole day." Deidara says,"They have some business to attend to." I ask them,"They have business in this island too?" I see Kiba poking Deidara's arm and they look quite suspicious.

Kiba says,"Maybe they have! Who cares!" I sigh. Deidara jokes,"Our little Naruto really can't live without Sasuke." Kiba says rolling his eyes,"Lord even forgets sometimes that he is a king when he is with Naruto. Lord treats him like a kid." I yell,"No he doesn't!"

Suddenly everything goes black and I see myself standing in a very dark place. The dim light and the large cage in front of me. I know this place. I wonder why is Kurama summoning me here now.

"Long time no see brat." I look up and see his face like he is looking down on me. I tell him,"Hey Kurama!" He says,"Why are you acting so friendly? I called you to inform you something important." I ask him,"What is it?"

Kurama says,"I sensed someone around you. I feel like something is going to happen but I can't tell if it's something good or bad." I frown. I'm confused now. I ask him,"How can you sense something like that?" Kurama says,"I have unique powers and a lot of energy that's why."

I ask him,"You sensed someone. Does that mean you saw someone around me? Someone suspicious?" Kurama replies,"I only sensed but couldn't see anything. I can only see something if you see that thing too. But with my abilities I can sense everything around you. But this time I can't tell if it's something good or not. I can sense a lot of things that are making me confused that's why I can't confirm it."

I ask him,"Should I be on my guards?" Kurama says,"Yes you should because Sasuke is hiding a lot of things from you." I frown and ask him,"What are you talking about?" Kurama replies,"I can't tell what he is hiding but I can feel it whenever he is close to you. Be careful Naruto."

I sigh and suddenly I realise I'm standing on my feet. Kurama says noticing my expression,"You are standing because you are inside your head now and in real, you are you unconscious." I nod my head. Kurama speaks again,"I'm warning you because your body isn't just only yours now. Your body is where I live. If you die, I'll have to die too. So be careful kid."

Suddenly I open my eyes and see myself in the middle of a small crowd. Everyone is looking at me with serious expression. "Oh my god. Are you okay Naruto?" I reply rubbing my eyes with my hand,"I'm alright. It was Kurama." Kiba and Deidara look at me with a confused expression. I tell them,"The thing that you know as the demon fox." Kiba says looking concerned,"Did it harm you in any way!" I reply,"You don't need to be worried. He isn't bad like you all imagine."

"I informed Sasuke. He is on his way coming here." Deidara says to me. I tell them,"You didn't need to do that. I am fine as you can see." He says,"How could I know that? Whatever, he would be mad if we didn't tell him."

Kiba and Deidara is in the kitchen and I'm laying down on the sofa. What kind of thing Kurama sensed? What can happen to me now? Yahiko is behind the cell and I don't have any other enemy. It can be something good too. But what is Sasuke hiding? I have to ask him tonight.

I hear a loud sound and see Sasuke dashing toward me. He looks so worried and scared. He kneels down before me and says,"I thought something serious happened to you! Are you okay Naruto?" I tell him smiling warmly,"Yes I'm okay Sasuke. It wasn't any kind of illness." Sasuke asks,"Was it the demon inside you?" I reply,"He isn't a demon. His name is Kurama."

Sasuke says sighing in relief,"I came running after hearing that. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone like that." I tell him touching his face gently,"I wasn't alone. You should stop treating me like a fragile glass." Sasuke says kissing my forehead,"How can I not treat you like that seeing you like this? Let's go to our bedroom. You should have a proper rest."

He carried me to our bedroom. Sasuke is a lot more gentle than before. He used to be so cold and sometimes acted like I don't exist but now it feels like his whole world revolves around me. I feel really happy to see him like this. I wonder if the world still call Sasuke "The cruel prince". Though he is a king now.

I see Sasuke changing his shirt. I remember what Kurama said. I speak,"I think we need to talk." He turns around and faces me. He asks me,"What is there to talk?" I was about to tell him what Kurama told me but he cuts me off saying,"We will have a lot of time to talk but now you need to close your eyes and have some rest. I'll wake you up when it's time to dinner."

I roll my eyes and close my eyes like he said. I really need to have some rest. The sudden headache is killing me.

Sasuke woke me up after a few hours. He carried me downstairs and I see the table is filled with a lot of food. When did Kiba and Deidara manage to cook all of these? I remember Kiba isn't good at cooking. So it's...

Sasuke says,"If you are thinking they made all of these, you are wrong. They almost burned the whole kitchen." I chuckle hearing that. That's why Deidara is sitting there with a grumpy face and Kiba looks gloomy too.

I ate everything and my stomach is full now. Sasuke says after finishing dinner,"I'll take you to our room. I'll have to go outside for a bit. I'll come back as quick as I can." I tell him,"But Sasuke..." I couldn't finish the sentence. Itachi says,"Yeah! It's urgent!"

Sasuke left me after carrying me to the bedroom. What is the meaning of this vacation if he is outside the whole time? He really wasn't away from me these days but still I have become too much clingy to live away from him. I push my head against the soft pillow and grumble. I'll just sleep for now, I'm still sleepy.

I didn't realize when I drifted into sleep. I open my eyes and see around the room. I can't see well in this dim light but Sasuke didn't come back. I look for my phone to check the time but I can't remember where I left it.

Then I hear some sounds. What is that? I hear the sound again. Is someone in this room? Did Sasuke come back? Maybe he's washing himself in the bathroom.

I tried to close my eyes again but hear the same sound like someone is moving. My hear starts to beat fast and now I'm feeling a little bit scared. I speak,"Is there someone? Sasuke, is that you?" But I don't hear any reply. I raise my voice again,"Sasuke, are you inside?"

The sound stops. I can't use my legs but I still manage to get up and sit. I hear the sound like someone is walking. After those much torture, my eyes feel a little bit blurry too so I can't see well what is happening. I tell in my shaky voice,"Sasuke, I'm scared."

I gulp and feel cold sweats on my forehead. Sasuke wouldn't do something like this if he was here. I know something is going on here. I gather my courage and was about to scream but then suddenly I witness  someone attacking me from behind and pressing my mouth with his hand. My eyes widen. I hear him chuckling and now I can feel his hot breath on my neck. Then I hear that familiar voice,"I found you."

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