Chapter 7

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Naruto's POV

My heart starts to beat faster feeling his grip on my hand. He's so going to give order to kill me today. I look around to find Kiba and find him standing at the corner lowering his head and a pale faced guy talking to him.

I turn my head to see Sasuke again. He's looking at me with his stoned face. I can't catch what he's thinking. I say to him,"P-Please forgive us prince, no no King Sasuke." I see him looking at me still.

He says,"How dare you look into my eyes!" I bite my tongue as soon as I realized I'm breaking the rules of this kingdom. I shouldn't look at any prince or king's eyes without their permission. My head always should be kept low whenever they come to my sight.

I shutter,"Oh my g-god! I'm still new, P-Please forgive me my lord." He ignores my pleading and turns to face his subordinate. He says to him,"I'm going back to my room, you don't need to lead me." Sai bows his head leaving us right there. I see Kiba following him from behind. He turns around to see me and give me a pitiful smile.

He's still holding my hand. The royal suit he's wearing is making him look like the sun. So powerful and dazzling. His hair is styled and the cologne coming from him seems rich and strong to my nostrils.

Sasuke lets go of my hand and says,"Follow me to my room." I bow down again and follow him from behind.

He ignores the crowd around him, who are looking at him being surprised about the fact that he's walking down among them. Everyone has a questioning look about why I am following him.

Sasuke manages to ignore the crowd and take me to his room. I wonder what does he want. I don't think so if he will kill a man inside his room.

Sasuke opens the door of his room and goes inside first. I'm standing in front of the door waiting for him to speak. Should I go inside? But he didn't give me permission to do it. He could get mad if I do anything without having his approval. Am I making it a big deal? I was blabbering to myself then I hear him talking,"Are you going to stand there until you die? Didn't I tell you to come inside?" What? He did?

I step inside hearing him immediately.
He's standing in front a mirror inside his room and his back is facing me. He says,"Come here." I do as he says. I stand behind him waiting for him to speak again.

He says,"Get me out of this royal suit." What? That's not my job to do! I saw a girl doing it for him, then why is he telling me to do it? I can't possibly ask him about it, I'm his slave after all.
But the problem is I don't know how to do it, it's not some normal cloth we wear usually.

I ask him being fearful,"Please forgive me my lord, I-I actually don't know how to do it. Please guide me." He faces me, my heart was about to jump out of my throat. He says in his calm voice,"See me doing it, you'll have to do the job perfectly in future." It feels great to see him being generous but is he going to strip in front of me and be naked?

He starts to strip. I feel nervous, it doesn't feel right to look at him while he's stripping but I can't look away as well. He ordered me to watch him do it.

My eyes was constantly going down avoiding him doing it. He notices it immediately and says,"Didn't I tell you to see it?" I reply,"S-Sorry." And start to watch it being embarrassed.

He's now standing in front of the mirror without any cloth on his body. His pale white skin is shining. The way his dark hair falling down to his neck is so beautiful. His eyes reaches to me through the mirror. I gulp looking at him, catching him staring at me.

I look down and start to sweat about the fact that he's staring at me. I look at his feet, see him coming close to me. My heart rate feels unusual. He stops right in front of me and says,"Why are you being nervous?" I think you should wear your dress first, but I can't say it to his face.

He commands,"Look at me." I clench my fist gathering all me courage and look at his dark coal orbs. His hands touches my ears and rubs the skin. He says,"Why are you so nervous?" I reply,"It's because, you are the ki-king." A smirk crept onto his lips. He says,"Is that so? Call me master." I gulp again and say,"Yes, my master."

I see his Adams apples moving. He grabs my chin and pushes my head to his. Soon I felt his lips crushing against mine. His other hand gripping my arm. What's happening here?

The way his lips moving enough to take someone to the edge. But I'm frozen to my place, the most embarrassing fact is I don't know how kiss back. And I'm not even sure if I should move along my lips with him or not. What if he feels the filth? What if he doesn't like it? He didn't give me permission to do it also. But it really feels good to feel his pink full lips on mine.

I moan a little and hearing it his grip tightens making me feel pain on my arm where he's gripping. Feeling the lack of oxygen he had to stop kissing me panting for air. There's a string of salvia linking us together and our face is closer to each other.

The first kiss I've ever had in my life and it's with a man. Not some ordinary man but the man who's feared by the whole world. His eyes are staring at mine, scanning my reaction and it feels like he's looking into my soul.

My pounding heart is hearable to both of us. He says,"Do I know you? Did I ever see you before that day?" I try to look into my memories. I never saw him face to face, not even personally.

I reply,"I-I don't think so, my lord." He stares at my face for a little longer and says,"Call me master." I reply lowering my eyes,"Yes master." He curses,"Damn." He throws me to his bed after hearing me calling him that.

I try to get up asking him,"Wh-What are you doing master?" He hovers over me before I can get up fully. He says,"Sshh! Don't question me." I nod several times in fear.

His right hand touches my dress and tears it aggressively all of a sudden making me flinch. My breath got havier. He says,"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

I shutter again,"Y-Yes master." I feel him rubbing himself against me. The evil smirk at the corner of his lips is visible. He says,"You are provoking me greatly." I'm confused, I did nothing to provoke him and yet I'm in this position under him.

I ask him being confused,"D-Did I do something wrong master?" Sasuke brings his face to my ear. He says in his bedroom voice kissing my earlobe,"Yes you did. You kept messing with my head. Nobody can get away messing with Sasuke Uchiha."

I feel him kissing my neck, ear and everywhere. I'm feeling weird too, the sensation going through my body feels like electricity. My torn up dress seems like getting in his way. His right hand is pinching and twitching my nipple. I never felt this sensitive in my whole life. I covered up my mouth with my hand trying not to make weird noises.

He brings his lips to my nipple and kisses it softly before taking it into his mouth. I feel him sucking it and swirling his tongue across my nipple. It's already so hard. And I'm quite surprised that it's not the only thing which is hard.

Sasuke is still naked and his large member pressing against mine. A grown up well built man like him always intimidates me. Sasuke's hand make his way to my pants. I feel him unzipping it. Suddenly I feel insecure.

I try to stop him with my hands. I say to him with pleading eyes,"N-Not there." He pushes my hand away continuing what he was doing. He says,"Don't be afraid. I know you want it too." Blush crept onto both of my cheeks. He's already aware about how aroused I'm right now.

He looks into my eyes. His face is dangerously close to mine. His smirk grows wider that made him look more desirable. He gives a light peck on my lips and says on my ear seductively,"Don't hold back, scream as much as you want."

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