Chapter 18

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Naruto's POV

After that day, I'm no longer a slave. They gave me a big and luxurious room to live, provided with me with nice and expensive clothes and I no longer have to work here. My life of slavery has ended. But somehow I don't feel nice about it.

"Wow... You really got to live in this big room?" Kiba says while exploring each corner of my bedroom. I say being a little nervous,"I'm not used to it yet. If you want,you can live with me here Kiba." Kiba says,"You'd really let me stay with you!?" I tell him,"Why not? I'm the same Naruto you know from your childhood and you are still my best friend." Kiba says pouting,"Yeah... Still things have changed. You are the Namikaze heir and the mighty King Sasuke Uchiha chose this room for you to stay. I can't live here as I please."

Kiba is right. Sasuke comes here often. Sometimes he calls me to come to his room, sometimes he comes here to stay with me. It won't be a pleasant thing if he comes and sees Kiba staying with me. But now that I've become someone important, I'll help Kiba and his family with everything. I still think them as my family.

"Why don't we go outside? You wanted to see the garden right?" I ask Kiba. He says,"Yeah, let's go then." Kiba no longer has to work his ass off like he used to do. I asked Sasuke to appoint him to work as my personal servant, although I don't let him do anything for me. He comes and goes as he wishes.

Coming down to the hall, it's clear to hear people around us whispering and talking things behind us. "He's the Namikaze heir?" "Didn't he come here with us?" "Maybe he's a fake?" "Being blond has it's own perks right?" Kiba whispers to my ear,"Don't let them ruin your day. Let's just get out of here."

That day when Sasuke opposed my parents that he won't let them take me away, I chose to stay with him. I was a little bit afraid that Sasuke could ruin their lives, ruin everything they have. But I stayed with him because I fell in love with him and stay away from him won't be easy for me.

I don't know about Namikaze family. But I already realized that they are no ordinary family. Thanks to Kiba, I already know that my father is one of the richest businessmen in the world.

The rumours says, they lost me somehow when I was a child and never found me anywhere. How is it possible? I was in this country the whole time, living in the poor side of this country. If they really search for me in that way, there's no way they wouldn't find me.

Suddenly I hear someone coughing from behind. I turn around and see  Shikamaru behind us who works to assist Sasuke. I and Kiba both bow our head. Shikamaru says to me,"What are you doing! You don't have to do those curtsey anymore." I bite my tongue. It has become a habit.

I quickly look up. I tell him politely,"If you want us to leave the garden, we'll go right away." Shikamaru says,"No, it won't be necessary. I was actually meaning to talk to you but luckily I found you here." Then he looks at Kiba. I know why he's silent all of a sudden. I tell him,"You can talk in front of him. He's my friend."

Shikamaru says,"Well about that day. I want to ask you why did you choose to live in this palace after finding out about your parents? Did you do it because of fear? If that's the case, maybe I can help you about it." I really wanted to avoid talking about it. I can't say around the fact that I have feelings for the king. It won't be good for both of us.

I reply,"It's not because of it. I can't tell you the reason actually." Shikamaru says,"I understand. Do you want me to help you getting out of here?" I reply shaking my head,"No! I want to stay here actually." Shikamaru sighs. He says,"Look, I know what's going on here. Sasuke isn't that simple. You aren't aware of him that well. He's always being rebellious and reckless. I don't know when he'll become tired of you and then maybe he can toss you aside."

I know all of it. But still hearing it from his mouth doesn't feel good. I reply,"I am aware of it. I'm not the same orphan or slave I used to be. If he does that to me, I have a place to return to now." Shikamaru says,"I'm telling you this because I don't want you to regret what you are doing now and I don't want to keep an obstacle in front Sasuke which might creat trouble in future" He continues to speak," I work for Sasuke but I'm his friend too and my father knows your father . I want you to be aware about your surroundings. You may create new enemies without even knowing. So there's still time, if you want to go back, I can help you."

I know he's trying to help me, I know Sasuke doesn't share the same feelings but I still can't back off. I reply,"Thank you for your concern for me Mr. Nara. But my answer is still the same. I would like to stay here." Shikamaru purses his lips and then sighs. He says tapping on my shoulder and giving it a little squiz,"I hope you won't regret it."

Nobody's POV

In Gaara's palace

"Gaara, father is calling you." Kankuro says to Gaara after coming inside his room. Gaara frowns. He always feared his father from his childhood. He still didn't overcome his fear. Whenever he goes to talk to his father, he doesn't feel good about it.

Gaara asks Kankuro,"Is there something important you might know?" Kankuro says,"No, you know how secretive our father is." Gaara hums and gets up from the chair he was sitting. He says,"I'm going now." Kankuro nods.

Gaara heads to his father's chamber. He knocks on the door. He hears voice from inside,"Come in." He enters the room closing the door from behind. His father's back is facing him. The aura around him is dark. Enough to make Gaara fear him.

Gaara says lowering his voice,"You asked for me, father." Rasa speaks,"I guess you already heard about the Namikaze heir?" Gaara heard it and the boy is fresh in his mind. He says,"Yes, father." Rasa says,"That's a pity, they found him before us."

Gaara says,"I thought you stopped working with them. You shouldn't include yourself with people like them father, being a former king of a great nation." Rasa raises his voice,"Who are you to suggest such thing! You are in no position to say that. Do you really planning to stay second best for the rest of your life?"

The rivalry has gotten out of their hands. Rasa has determined to ruin Uchihas along with the whole Konoha country. Gaara says gathering some courage,"I don't want to keep ties with them. Being the king, I have power to cut ties with them. I think you are in no position to do whatever you want." Rasa chuckles,"Gaara, What I'm doing is the best for our country. We still have the chance to hand him over to them. Join us Gaara, we can't let him look down on us."

Gaara doesn't like this but he knows eventually he will not have any choices. He will have to loose against his father's wills knowing his intentions are evil. He doesn't want that. People might think the kings are on top of the staircase of power. There are no other one who can rule over a king. But there are certain individuals who has the same powers as a king of a big nation like ours. Some of them can have their hands over everyone.

Gaara's father got himself mixed up with them. The mafias who are ruling the underworld. They are looking for certain powers which are considered to be supernatural and hidden from the common people. They are collecting all of them to create something big and without Naruto it's impossible.

The truth is still hidden from everyone. They aren't going to stop. The man who is already on top of many other kings, the unknown figure who is deceiving many people. Gaara doesn't feel good about helping his father.

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