Chapter 13

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The awkward silence is really getting on my nerves while they are eating. It's a rule that one should not talk while they are eating. It's a basic manner too. But when the persons are eating are the two great kings and you are happened to serve them and you are new, it's really terrifying.

"I'm full." Gaara says wiping his lips with a handkerchief. He looks at Sasuke who's eyes are on us again. He says to me,"I'd like to go to my room." Sasuke says placing the spoons on the table,"You may go back. We'll talk tomorrow." Gaara nods and gets up.

I followed Gaara to his room. He told me once he entered his room,"You can go back, Sasuke called you back there." I reply looking down,"Yes my lord, I'll come back in the morning." Gaara nods and close the door. Why does it feel like he doesn't want me to go inside his room? Not that it matters.

I knocked on the door stopping in front of Sasuke's house. One can hear my heart beat in this silence. Not to mention I'm sweating heavily. I hear his voice from inside,"Come inside."
I make my way into his room. "Lock the door once you come inside." I nod and do as he says.

I feel him sitting on his bed, his hair is down and wet. Seems like he has showered. I speak politely,"I-I was asked to come here m-my lord. Do you need anything?" Sasuke says,"No, I don't. Come here." He motions me to come to his bed.

I do as he says and sit in front of him keeping a little distance. He says,"Come closer." I crawl to him and sit closer. He brings his face closer to my neck, I thought he was going to kiss me so I immediately close my eyes but didn't feel him against me. I open my eyes and see him staring into my neck.

He touches a certain place on my neck and says,"What's this?" I frown and was confused. I ask him,"What is it my lord?" Sasuke says,"This red bite mark?" My eyes widen. I say to him still being confused,"Maybe some bug or something. I don't know." But this palace doesn't have any bugs or any other dirty things in here.

Sasuke looks into my eyes, his eyebrows are furrowed. He says,"No it isn't. Tell me the truth, what did you do?" I reply averting my gaze,"I didn't do anything my lord, I don't know what you are talking about." Sasuke's jaw clenches. He says gritting his teeth,"Then how did this hickey end up on your skin?"

I still don't understand. I ask him,"What does that mean my lord?" Sasuke says,"Are you really that much naive or you are pretending?" I frown and keep looking at my fingers not being able to look up.

I hear Sasuke clicking his tongue in annoyance. He says,"It's a red mark. It happens when someone sucks on your skin." Then suddenly I start to remember things. Did king Gaara leave that mark?

Sasuke takes me on his lap, my legs are both on his sides. He holds my face and make me look up to his face. Sasuke looks cold but in his eyes there's some kind of.... rage?

I say to him,"I-It's lord Gaara." Sasuke's eyes widen. He says,"What did you just say! What has he done to you?" He quickly unbuttons my shirt to see if there is anymore bite marks or not. But he found nothing. He looks kind of furious. I really don't want any fight, I really don't want to make things harder for king Gaara. But I just can't lie through my teeth in front of Sasuke.

Sasuke orders me to tell him everything. I say to him being scared,"I-It was my fault my lord. I sent him mixed signals. He thought wrong of me and then it happened. But when I told him to stop, he did stop." Sasuke looks at me face for seconds and then sighs.

He buries his face in my neck and says in his low voice,"I really don't like when someone touches what's mine. It's really annoying that I can't do anything right now because he's a king too." I sigh in relief. Then he says,"But I won't be quite if I see something similar in future. I won't consider the fact that he's a king."

I feel Sasuke's tongue on my nipple. That startled me a little. I ask him,"Wh-What are you doing my lord?" Sasuke hushes,"Sshh... Call me master." I shutter feeling weird sensation,"Pl-Please ma-master." He pinches other nipple of mine and another one is in his mouth. I feel his tongue swirling around it. I never thought a man can feel like this.

Sasuke says,"After all these things happened in this palace, now I found these red bites on you. I've never been this much pissed." Why is he reacting this way? It shouldn't be a big deal. I can't help but start to moan when he starts to rub his bulge against mine. Sasuke says,"Now I'll remove those marks with mine. Every marks on your body will be made by me. No one can touch what's mine."

Those words are coming for his mouth because he's possessive. Every Uchihas are happened to be like this. Sasuke hisses,"Shit,I can't hold back anymore. Lay flat on the bed." I do as he says.

Each thrust is hitting the right spot. My stomach feels full. I scream,"Ma-master, slow ahh down." Sasuke ignores my pleading as thrust inside me with full speed. I can't take it anymore. It's been hours of this abuse. And the fact is, I am not hating it also even though my butthole is being ripped for hours.

He pulls me closer after the steamy sex. It feels like he still isn't satisfied after taking me countless times. I wonder if a beast lives inside him or not.

I open my eyes and feel myself pressed against Sasuke. He is awake and he's looking at me. I quickly look away and say,"I-Is there something wrong my lord?" Sasuke says,"I don't know, did we happen to see each other before?" I don't think so that I've ever seen him before entering this palace. I reply,"I can't remember if I saw you before coming here my lord. I was just a mere worker out there."

Sasuke sighs and gets up letting me go from his arm. I see him getting up naked and then he makes his way to the bathroom. What should I do? Should I wait here?

Sasuke comes out from the bathroom wearing a casual attire. He looks good in everything. I'm sure his closet his full with black clothes except for the outfits that are traditionally made for the Uchiha royalty.

Sasuke notices me still sitting on his bed, naked and covering myself with the sheet. He says,"You can use my bathroom to take shower. I'll manage some clothes for you." I don't have any choice but to do as he says. The outfit I was wearing yesterday is torn apart.

I leave his bed and make my way to the bathroom. His bathroom looks expensive too. It's almost bigger than than Kiba's house. This palace really makes me feel poor.

I quickly get out from his bathroom after having a relaxing bath. Sasuke is still sitting on his bed. He's well dressed and his hair isn't messy like before. Sasuke looks up and sees me entering the room naked again. I'm sure I see his Adam's apple moving.

He says in his calm voice,"Wear those." He points to some clothes kept tidily on the table. I quickly take the cloth and see it's a hoodie and jeans. After wearing it I realize the hoodie and jeans both are bigger in size. I say to him,"L-Lord, seems like this clothes aren't my size." Sasuke says,",Yeah, those are mine."

I grasp. I say to him becoming anxious,"I-I can't wear this my lord. These are yours and expensive." Sasuke says,"You don't have to worry about that. I don't even wear those anymore." I ask him twiddling with my fingers,"What about the people of the palace? What will they think if they see me in this cloth? This surely isn't for any servant." Sasuke says,"I am giving those to you so wear it. I don't care about other things."

I think I shouldn't argue with him any longer. I bow my head and say,"It's time for my work. Give me permission to leave my lord." I feel Sasuke getting up from his position and coming closer to me. He makes me look up and kisses me all of a sudden. After kissing me he looks into my eyes and says,"I'd love to look at your beautiful eyes for years if I could." I blush hard and says,"Thank you my lord." He kisses my earlobe and says huskily,"I like it when you blush like that." Then he goes back to his serious tone and says,"One more thing, you don't have to serve Gaara. I'll send someone else."

I leave his room after hearing all he had to say. The way Sasuke touches me, compliments me and sometimes becomes jealous make me feel weird and good. They say, you shouldn't fall in love with someone who's out of your reach. Seems like I'm heading to the same fate. I'm falling for him.

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