Chapter 36

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Naruto's POV

"Shouldn't you change your weird outfit? You really don't look like an Uchiha." I hear them talking. Obito yells,"How about you stop reading that book? You are literally glued to it." Kakashi and Obito are arguing from a pretty long time.

"How about we get some ice cream?" Deidara says jumping in excitement. Itachi says trying to stop him,"We will!Now stop jumping or you'll get hurt." I look at them, Itachi is so caring toward Deidara. Sasuke is caring too but the side I know of him is so embarrassing. The way he talks dirty, the way he flirts with me makes me feel butterflies. I'm really turning into a pervert.

Sasuke is behind me who's pushing my wheelchair I'm sitting on. He's really looking good in his casual white shirt. It's a shame that I can't turn around to just to look at his face. But I hear his voice soon,"Why are you so quite? Are you feeling uneasy?" I quickly tell him,"No! It's just that I'm wondering how come there's no one here, in this beach?" Sasuke replies,"Well, I don't want anyone to come here while we are here as well. The less crowd, the less hassle."

Neji says,"I'm going over that bar." Sai says,"I'm going too!" I see all of them following Neji who's going over the bar. Sasuke is the only one who's standing behind me, still holding me. I tell him,"You can go with them or take me with you to them." Sasuke says,"I'm good here. How about we stay here and spend some time together? All of them are noisy."

I chuckle and say,"They are not. You are just more of a boring type." Sasuke says,"Do you feel bored when you are with me?" I tell him,"That's not what I was trying to say. It's just that, you are always by yourself." Sasuke says,"I've forgotten to enjoy the crowd. In my whole life, I was almost locked up. I still feel uneasy being in the middle of everyone."

I feel bad. A good father can't raise their sons like this. I tell him,"It's going to be alright. All of them care for you." Sasuke replies,"I know." Then I remember about his father. I ask him,"What happened to your father? Where is he now?" Sasuke replies,"He's still locked up."

I know his father is a culprit but isn't it hard for him to lock his father behind the bars? I tell him,"Can't you just forgive him and have your eyes on him? I mean he's your father...." Sasuke says,"No I can't. I don't plan to. I have many reasons to lock him up. I went through hell when you were kidnapped. When my mother informed me about my father involving with the Mafia, I almost went crazy. I did everything to make him spit every details out. I had to torture him myself! There's no way I'm letting all of these slide."

I had no idea he had to do all of these. Sasuke shows up in front of me and kneels right before me. He grabs my hand and says,"I wouldn't let go of you if I had known that they'll take you away. I would even give up on this country, if that was the only way to save you. I know I'm selfish, I love you so much."

What's with this situation? Why is he so emotional now? He says again,"The situation you are in right now, it's all because of me. I couldn't protect you. You don't have your legs to walk, right? Don't worry. I'll be the one to carry you everywhere. I'll give you everything you are lacking. Just keep loving me, Naruto." He brings his face closer and rests his forehead against mine. He says closing his eyes,"Fate brought us together once again and I don't plan to let you go ever again."

I didn't know Sasuke was carrying these much guilts in him. I hope he didn't start loving me from those guilts. "It's been so long we are hanging out like this, right?" Sai says. Shikamaru says,"Yeah, it's been years." I still feel awkward hanging out with people like them. The breeze and the sound of the sea feels good. What would happen if our life wasn't so much complicated? Could we live together happily? Maybe then I wouldn't get the chance to meet Sasuke.

All of us came back home after that. Itachi takes a seat beside me and says stretching his hands,"God, I'm so hungry." I see Deidara and Kiba going to the kitchen. Deidara shouts,"What do you guys want to eat? I'm good at cooking." All of them shouts about their favourite foods. Kiba faces me and says,"You want ramen, right?" I smile and nod. He knows the best about me.

Itachi says to me,"But you should eat healthy food in your condition. Ramen won't be that healthy for your health." I feel nervous. I never had any conversation with Sasuke's older brother before. The only time we talk was the day I was sent to serve their food.

I shutter,"I-I'll have whatever they give me." Deidara yells,"Itachi! Let him have whatever he wants for now. Stop scaring him." Itachi lowers his head and mumbles,"When did I scare him?" He looked like a kid who was just scolded by his parents. I couldn't help but chuckle.

He looks up and says frowning,"What is there to laugh?" I quickly stop laughing. I don't want to offend those Uchihas. They are scary. Itachi sighs and says again,"I managed to scare you again, right?" I shake my head and say,"No, it isn't that."

I look up and see everywhere. I wonder where Sasuke is. I hear Itachi talking,"How does Sasuke treat you? Is he a good boyfriend?" My face becomes slightly red. How come the great Itachi Uchiha is inquiring about Sasuke's love life? I speak,"He treats me good. Not that he was always like this. After those incidents, he's trying to change himself." Itachi nods and says,"He was always dedicating. He will do everything to make you happy."

The thing I was thinking the whole day, I ended up asking Itachi. I ask him,"What do you think Itachi sama? Is he doing all these things out if those guilts? It's still hard to believe that he loves me." Itachi looks up to my face and sighs again. He says,"I don't know. But if he feels guilty about you, it means he cares for you. Look, he never feels guilty about someone who isn't close to him. He even put his own father into prison and there isn't a slightest bit of guilt in him. Maybe he is his father but he really hates him. But when it comes to you, he looks sincere. I know my brother better than anyone."

"Are you guys talking about me?" Both of us jump a little bit hearing that voice suddenly. We both turn around to see Sasuke standing behind us. Itachi says keeping his poker face,"It's just that your little Naruto is feeling insecure about your love." I quickly move my face to turn to face Itachi. Is he smirking? I glare at him without thinking anything. Itachi gets up and says like a gentleman,"I'll give you guys space." I see him leaving us. I'm not ready for another conversation.

Sasuke comes forward and takes the seat beside me. He says facing me,"What was that? Are you really feeling insecure?" I quickly shake my head and tell him,"No it isn't that. It's just...." Sasuke says looking serious,"It's what?"

I try to make up some lies inside my head and remain quite at that time. Sasuke speaks again cutting my thoughts off,"I knew you'll be thinking those kind of things. I can't even express my feelings like that. How about I show you how much I love you?"

I look at his face. It's not what I think, right? Sasuke says,"That's the only way, I see. I'd love to show my love. How about we go upstairs?" I frown and ask him,"Now?" He nods. I tell him looking somewhere else feeling heat rising on my cheeks,"N-Not now. I'm hungry." Sasuke says grabbing my hands,"I'm hungry too." I can imagine Sasuke's smirk not even looking at him.

I tell him,"It's not the right time, Sasuke." He replies,"Hearing my name from your mouth really turns me on. I'd love to make love with you the whole night." Before I can say anything we hear another voice,"I can't take care of some horny teenagers." I look up and see Kakashi standing there. I quickly push Sasuke away and hide my face with my palms. It's really embarrassing. I hear Kakashi laughing. Sasuke says,"Don't you have any respect for your king? You managed to embarrass him."

Kakashi says laughing,"Who thought that our king could be such a pervert?" Then I feel Sasuke getting up. I remove my palms from my face and see Sasuke chasing Kakashi who's running. And who thought Sasuke could be childish too?

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