Chapter 15

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Nobody's POV

"The president of this country is nothing but a puppet." Sai says laughing. Shikamaru says,"Maybe he's a puppet but there's nothing to joke about." Sasuke says,"I want to change the system. Keeping a puppet president and giving him a handful of money every month is nothing but a hassle."

The country has to elect a president after every 5 years has become a rule as a modern world system. But the kings are the main deal here. They are the one who protect the country and literally owns it.

A king has the power to change a president and appoint another one. A president of a country  has to do everything after getting approval from the king. Sasuke hates to see how useless they are. There's no point to see a useless monkey dancing in front of the whole nation.

"May I come in?" A man knocks on the door. Sai asks Sasuke,"Are you expecting someone?" Sasuke says no and says loudly,"Yes, come in." A man enters who seems like some noble man wearing rich suit. Sasuke asks him,"Who are you? Are you here to discuss something to important?" The man says keeping his head low,"Yes my lord. I'm here on behalf of Mr. Namikaze."

Sasuke frowns. He can't remember if he has to do anything with Mr. Namikaze. Sasuke asks him,"What's the deal?" The man speaks,"He wants to visit the palace along with Mr. Jiraiya. He has something important to do here if you allow." Sasuke says,"May I know what's the important thing you are indicating?" The man says,"I'm afraid I can't say that to you. I don't know it. Mr. Namikaze will tell everything personally."

Sasuke turns to Shikamaru. Shikamaru says,"Let him come. Maybe there's something really personal and important. We should have good relationship with important people like Minato Namikaze." Sasuke nods and turns to the man in front of him,"If Mr. Namikaze wants to visit here, he can do it. Just tell him to inform me the date and I'll clear all my schedule for that day." The man bows his head and says,"Thank you my lord. Allow me to leave." Sasuke nods and says,"You may leave." The man leaves the room.

Shikamaru says,"One more thing. Haruno clan wants to cut ties with us." Sasuke says not giving it much thought,"I don't care. They really are not that important for me."

A few days later

Sasuke was informed that Mr. and Ms. Namikaze will visit the palace today along with Mr. Jiraiya. He still doesn't know what's the thing all of them want to discuss. He knows how busy of a person Minato Namikaze is. He's a jolly person but no one can be as hard worker as him, otherwise he couldn't make Namikaze group this big and more profitable.

Shikamaru says,"Do you want me to accompany you?" Sasuke says,"No, I won't be needing you." Shikamaru says,"But I think I'll have to accompany you even if you don't want me to. Thinking about how hot headed you are, you can mess everything up. Mr. Namikaze isn't any stupid person you know." Sasuke says,"Why do I have to care about what he thinks of me?" Shikamaru sighs and says,"You are not a prince anymore Sasuke, you are a king now. If you think you can behave however you want then eventually you'll go down." Sasuke clicks his tongue in annoyance.

A guy knocks on the door. Sasuke says,"Come in." The guy enters and informs them,"The Namikaze family and Mr Jiraiya is here." Sasuke gets up and says,"Yeah now leave." The guy leaves. Shikamaru says,"Let's go and join them then." Sasuke says before leaving the room,"It's not like I have any other choice."

Sasuke and Shikamaru enters the room where they are seated. Seeing Sasuke entering Minato, Kushina and Jiraiya gets up from their seat and bow their head showing respect to the king. Sasuke says being a little hospitable,"You don't have to bow your head. It's very pleasant to see you visiting my palace." Minato says,"I appreciate your hospitality."

All of them take their seat. Sasuke looks at Jiraiya and says,"I hear you went abroad for a important business deal. How are you in country so quickly?" Jiraiya chuckles and says,"I have a private jet like you all have. That's how." The answer almost made sasuke roll his eyes.

Sasuke turns to Kushina and says,"We haven't saw each other for a long time. It's really astonishing to see you are still beautiful as ever." Sasuke knows Kushina from a long time. She is her mother's closest friend and he really wonders how can a clumsy soft hearted woman like her can be his mother's friend who's famous for being cold hearted.

Kushina smiles at says,"Thank you young man. All Uchihas has those perks of being a Uchiha, you become more handsome every time I see you." They hear a knock on the door. Sasuke says loudly,"Come in." Kakashi and Obito enters the room. Sasuke asks them,"What are you doing here?" Minato chuckles nervously and says,"I apologize for calling them without your permission my lord." Sasuke says keeping his calm,"Don't worry, it's alright.'

Kakashi and Obito take seat. Minato speaks,"Well, I won't beat around the bush. I'm actually here to see a guy from your palace." Sasuke frowns and says,"Who are you talking about? I don't know if there's anymore important person in this palace right now except us." Minato says,"I know but there's a guy I saw at the last party." Jiraiya cuts him off saying,"Minato, let me talk."

Minato nods. Jiraiya speaks,"There's a young boy who works in your palace as your servant who has the same hair like Minato. Who kinda looks like him too." Kushina says,"I didn't get to see him but  heard about him. Hearing about him reminds me of my little child I lost years ago. We were searching for him for years but never found any trace. So we thought that maybe he's not alive." Kushina has almost tears on her eyes.

Sasuke already knows the boy they are talking about. There's no other people can be like they are describing. Obito says,"That boy, who came to the garden after snooping around." Kakashi says,"He really looks like sir Minato." Sasuke was quite all those minutes. Why is he hesitating to show Naruto to them?

Shikamaru whispers to Sasuke,"I think we should call for that guy." Sasuke agrees and says,"I'll ask that boy to come." Sasuke calls for a guard and tells him to escort Naruto here. The guy bows his head and leaves.

Minato says,"Maybe he isn't our child but still he looks like him. I'll be overjoyed to get to know him." They were talking about Naruto but Sasuke somehow doesn't feel good about it.

After a few minutes everyone hears a knock on the door. They hear the guard's voice,"I'm here with the boy you asked for my lord." Sasuke says,"Let him come inside and you may leave." Minato and Kushina's heart was beating so fast, they feel like their heart is going to jump out of their throats.

Naruto was confused, why Sasuke wants him to come? Who's the people who want to meet him? He's scared and confused at the same time. When he opens the door, he sees Sasuke sitting there with some other people. His eyes goes to man with blond hair. His heart stopped. The man who looks like him! From the party!

Kushina was breathless, she's seeing the boy who's identical to his lost child. She can't cop up with the overwhelming feeling. It feels like she's seeing her son. Minato is feeling the same. Kushina gets up and runs toward Naruto. She quickly hugs her.

Naruto was confused. Kushina cries and says,"He's my son Minato! We found him!" Minato gets up and goes to Kushina who's clinging to Naruto. Minato says,"He surely looks like him Kushina. I'll be the happiest if he really was our son."

Kushina lets go of Naruto and turns to Minato frowning. She yells,"What are you talking about! Can't you see he's the same child we lost. Same eyes, same hair." Minato says,"I can see that Kushina but we can't get ahead of ourselves." Minato turns to Sasuke and says," I apologize for troubling you. But I really want your permission to test his DNA if he's our son or not my lord."

Sasuke is surely hesitating but he has no reason to not to give them permission. He says,"I see no problem there." But in his mind he really doesn't want that. Kushina asks Naruto,"May I ask your name young boy?" Naruto blushes and says,"It's Naruto." Kushina's eyes widen, every one of them is shocked too except Sasuke and Shikamaru. Kushina says,"Our child's name was Naruto too!" Minato says keeping his calm,"It can be coincidence Kushina, calm down." Deep down he has hope too, somehow he's sure this guy is their lost child.

Shikamaru says to them,"Seems like a happy reunion. But still you need to test his DNA. He can be a fake too." Kushina says,"I'll wait for that. I'm sure he's my son."

Naruto is seeing everything in astonishment. He grew up as an orphan, never had someone to call his parents. Suddenly he feels like he's looking at some people who acts like his family. Somehow he has the hope too, maybe they really can be his parents.

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