Chapter 21

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Naruto's POV

"I-I can't cum anymore." Sasuke is ramming against me like a wild beast. I scream again,"M-Master please stop." Sasuke says gritting his teeth,"Bear it a little, I'm almost done." That's what happening for hours. It's like he can't get enough.

Sasuke growls,"Fuck, I'm close." His back is already marked with my nails. My inside is filled with his cum. He didn't even think of using condom. I know what's going to happen. He'll follow me to the bathroom telling he wants to help me cleaning and we'll end up doing it again.

Soon he released his seeds inside me. He pulls out. It doesn't look like he's satisfied enough. I tell him eyeing his erected member,"I-I'm sorry but I can't take it anymore." Sasuke says,"Then use your mouth or your hand. Do something." Before I could answer he grabbed my neck and push me toward his still erect member. He pushes my mouth and his member ends up in my mouth touching the back of my throat.

The way he's thrusting inside my mouth is making me gag. I hear him cursing,"Fuck, it feels so good." After thrusting more and more he came into my mouth. What should I do? Should I spit it out?

Sasuke says panting,"Inside your mouth, it's so hot." I blush. Sasuke pulls me closer and kisses me again. I'm sure he can taste his cum. Sasuke pulls away. He says smirking,"Why don't we take shower together?" I quickly react saying,"No my lord! Please let me shower by myself!" Sasuke chuckles and lets me shower by myself.

We both took shower and currently I'm lying beside Sasuke. The position says, we are cuddling. I didn't think a person like Sasuke could like to cuddle. It's nothing impossible right? I mean who doesn't like to cuddle?

"My lord?" I ask for Sasuke. He answers,"Hmm?" I ask him,"Can I ask you a few questions if you don't mind?" Sasuke says,"I don't mind." My body is pressed against his. His head is against my chest and his hands are circled around my waist. I ask him,"How old are you my lord?"

He looks like a adult. He's so tall, well built and mature. He says,"I'm 25 years old." The age difference between us isn't bad, I'm eighteen. I ask him again,"Why did you refuse to marry princess Sakura that day? I mean she's one of the most beautiful princess in the world. Is it because your sexuality?"

Sasuke chuckles suddenly. I ask him being confused,"W-What?" Sasuke says,"Do you really think I'm gay?" I frown. That's what I used to think. I thought he refused to marry her because he isn't straight or something like that.

I reply,"Y-Yeah. I mean you had sex with me..." Sasuke says,"Yes I had. You are the first male ever I've had sex with. I never felt any attraction toward any other male until I saw you. My family is pretty homophobic if you didn't know." I ask him,"What do you mean my lord?" Sasuke says,"My brother is in a relationship with a guy named Deidara who's the nephew of the king of one of the great nations Iwagakure. My father couldn't bring himself to approve their relationship."

I ask him,"What about your mother?" Sasuke replies,"She's just like a rock, with no emotion and love. She doesn't care about what we do until it goes public and it brings shame to our family." I say showing sympathy,"It must be hard for prince Itachi." Sasuke says,"It's the reason my father didn't give him the throne and my brother fell out from becoming my father's favourite. I ended up sitting on that cursed throne."

I ask him,"Didn't you want to be the king?" He replies,"No, I didn't. Look, what the whole nation say. They say I'm cruel and merciless. Lot of rumours are floating in the air. Some of them are true and some of them are people made. They didn't want me to be their king. They wanted Itachi." I remain quite. He speaks,"They taught me to be cold, they taught me to kill without blinking. Is that my fault, what I've become?"

I feel him squizzing me tight and pulling me closer. He's like a kid now, who's sad and wants to hug someone. I tell him,"It's not your fault but it isn't late to change your way of living. You can be a kind king like they expect you to be, you are the greatest king after all."

Sasuke says sighing,"Stop saying things that are impossible Naruto.  Nobody will let me be like I dream. I restrained myself to do anything clumsy before I became king. Now I'll do everything to prove my father wrong and drag his name down."

I don't know how long we talked but soon I see him falling asleep. This man is so complicated when he looks at you with those dark eyes but when he closes his eyes, he looks so innocent and adorable. I leaned closer to his face and pecked on his lips. I have no regrets loving this gorgeous man.

The next day

Sasuke is getting ready to go out. I don't see him getting dressed by any other maids like before. That's a good thing for me. It won't be my liking to see him striping and getting dressed by those young maids.

Sasuke says looking through the mirror,"Want to help me getting dressed?" I tell him being a little savage,"Don't you know how to dress yourself up?" Sasuke looks at me raising his one eyebrow. I bit my tongue realising he really has the power to kill me right here, right now.

I quickly lower my head and apologize,"I'm sorry. I think I'm being too friendly." Sasuke buttons his shirt up and comes to my direction. He pats my head and says with a smile,"It's okay when it's just us but don't do it in public." I nod.

Sasuke says,"I think I'll get going. You can stay in my room if you want." I tell him,"Can I go to Kiba's house my lord? It's been so long." Sasuke stops on his pace and says turning to me,"No, it's not the right time." I frown and tell him,"I'm sorry for being persistent but why not my lord? You won't be home for today and there's nothing to do for me here as well. I'll just go with Kiba and return before it's evening."

Sasuke says,"It might be dangerous for you to go outside Naruto." I ask him being a little hopeful,"Will you be coming with me then after you are done with your work my lord?" Sasuke says hesitantly,"I don't think I'll be going to that side of this town."

The side is built for lowborns where Kiba's family lives. I didn't feel good to hear how Sasuke abandons poor people like them, I can feel how hard their lives are because I was one of them and I still see them as my family.

Seeing me frowning and looking down Sasuke says,"I'm sorry Naruto. I still need to fix this society before I go there. They won't see it well if they see me going to that side. And it's dangerous for you as well." I tell him,"I know there's something going on my lord! You won't let me stay alone when you are not here. There are three men who always follow me wherever I go and there's no privacy! Could you please tell me what's going on!"

Sasuke says looking impatient,"Look Naruto, I don't have time to deal with this right now." I tell him being a little angry,"You told my father, you'd treat me good if I stay here. I'm not your slave anymore so why can't I go and come like I want to! Why can't I be a free man!"

Sasuke frowns and says,"Don't I treat you good Naruto? How can you say that?" I reply,"Treating someone good isn't about giving expensive things and spending all nights together. I am talking about freedom here. How many days has it been I haven't seen my old family! I miss them."

I feel hot tears on my cheeks. I don't know when I started crying. I really want to see them. Sasuke face softens when he sees me sobbing and crying. He starts to come toward me. I look away from his face. He's pissing me off. Sasuke sits beside me and makes me look at him. He says wiping my tears,"O-Okay I'm sorry for my ruthless behaviour. I promise you, you'll see them soon but don't be like this right now. I have some odds you know?"

I nod hearing what he just said. He chuckles and says kissing my forehead,"You are like a little kid, do you know that Naruto?" He lifts my chin up and gives me a soft kiss on my lips. He says smiling gently,"I have a meeting with King Gaara today. I'll see you tonight." I nod and see him leaving. I really love this gentle side of his.

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