Chapter 40

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Naruto's POV

Right now we all are being hostage by Yahiko. It's not only my life which is in danger, for me everyone might die too. I knew coming to this trip was a bad idea from the very first. With my legs I can't even do anything now.

How creepily Yahiko is holding me is making me shiver. But the thing I've been thinking about is my body can carry a baby inside it. Should I consider myself a human anymore?

I sigh closing my eyes. There's only one thing I can do now. Maybe I can save all of them. It's worth trying. I take deep breath and speak gathering all of my courage,"I want to talk to you Yahiko." All of them look up to me. Yahiko asks after a few seconds,"What do you want to talk, Naruto?"

I speak,"How about we make a deal? Just listen to me at first." Yahiko says,"Of course I'll listen to you. Spit it out." I tell him,"I'm wanting to give myself to you willingly. You can have me without any war and fight. Just spare their lives."

I'm feeling bad about Kurama. But there's nothing I can do about it. Kurama is a superbeing. He could save himself if he wanted to, I'm sure.

Sasuke yells hearing what I just said,"Have you lost your mind Naruto! You know what he is planning to do! It isn't even a proper solution." I yell back,"Then what's the solution! There isn't any! Let me do what I'm trying to do, it's better for everyone." Kiba yells,"How can you say that! That's so selfish!"

I tell them,"Then let me be selfish." I turn my head to face Yahiko and plead to him,"Please let us make this deal. You'll have what you want. I'll give my body to you without any resistance. I'll be your slave for my entire life."

Yahiko taps on his chin and acts like he's thinking something very deeply. He says after being silent for some seconds,"What's the point of even making this deal? I'll have you in the end either way. Why should I even consider it?" I knew he'd say this. I tell him,"I won't put up any fight and still it's going to be a win win situation for you."

Yahiko says,"That's not the only thing I want. I want to destroy the Uchihas." I try to reason with him,"Isn't it a bit cowardly of you to finish them like this? If you kill them here, there are still other Uchihas out there. They always can give the throne to some other Uchiha. You should win this game fair and square."

Yahiko runs his finger rubbing my skin and says,"You are trying hard to save them, aren't you? The way you are pleading is really turning me on." He brings his face to my bare neck. He says inhaling my smell,"You said you won't resist, right?" I gulp. I feel his lips on my neck. I close my eyes trying to endure his assault. Then I feel something sharp against my neck, it's his teeth.

I feel sharp pain all of a sudden. His teeth sank deeper into my neck drawing out blood. I flinch and bite my lips trying not to whimper. I hear Sasuke's voice,"You sick bastard!" Yahiko's knife is still pressed against my neck. Yahiko says wiping his lips which has blood on them,"I guess human blood doesn't taste that good. I wish I was a blood thirsty animal to suck all of your blood from your body making you so pale."

I can imagine what can happen to me if I really go with him willingly. My life was already on the verge of being finished once so hugging all those pain once again won't be impossible for me. Yahiko is so sadistic that I can't even see him as a human.

Yahiko says,"The deal you made is quite tempting. If I have that demon, I'd be able to wipe the Uchihas off eventually. And I'll have you all for myself as well. Don't regret about the deal you made after today. There's really no going back for you my adorable Naruto."

I feel hot tears in my eyes. It's like making a deal with the devil. It's like choosing death. I look at everyone in front of me looking at me with different emotions. If I didn't walk into Sasuke's life, nothing would happen. Nobody would find out about me being the Namikaze heir and this war wouldn't have started. In the middle of everything, there is me. If I don't exist, this war won't exist too.

I hear Sasuke's voice which is calm surprisingly,"It's not what I've wanted. I didn't want to see you suffer like this ever. Looks like I don't have any choice." "Sasuke, don't even think about doing that!" I hear Itachi shouting. All of them start to warn him. "Sasuke don't break it! We won't be able to break free from the curse." "No Sasuke! You'll loose your sanity!" What's happening! What's with all these warnings?

My head starts to hurt all of a sudden. The world around me starts to spin. I caught myself looking at Sasuke, looking at his eyes. His eyes are blood red now and the pattern inside his eyes is so beautiful. I never saw his eyes like this, so beautiful yet dangerous.

I don't know if I'm loosing myself into his eyes or not. But suddenly the scenery in front of me changes and I'm no longer standing in the same room. Or it's the same room but no one is inside anymore. It's just me and Sasuke.

I look around and find everything so dim like there's no brightness exists. I am sitting at the same spot but there is no Yahiko around me to hold me hostage. I ask Sasuke,"Why is there no one Sasuke? Am I dreaming? Did I pass out?" I ask him being confused. Sasuke is standing there smiling warmly at me. He comes closer to me and sits beside me. He says touching my face,"Don't think about those. It's just you and me. Focus on us and it's going to be alright."

Before I can say anything, he slammed his lips against mine making me shut up. The hunger is present in the kiss. The way he's kissing me is making me forget all other things that were inside my head. I don't know how things changed like this but I decided to focus on Sasuke like he said, it's like I can't focus on any other thing except him.

I see him undressing me, giving me kisses and touching all over my body. I feel hot and the urge to touch him is too strong. His pale smooth body is pressed against mine and his soft lips are trailing kisses on my body. I moan feeling his hand groping my ass.

He kisses my ear while laying me on the bed. He says,"Relax Naruto. I'll make you feel good." I nod and let him do whatever he wants to do with me. I never realized Sasuke already undressed himself. His manhood is up giving me hints that it's ready to fuck me.

He grabs both of my legs and spread them wide enough making an entrance. He licks his fingers coating them with his own salvia and then pushing them into my butthole. He massages the entrance thrusting the fingers inside it. I moan and tug on the bed sheet.

Sasuke's hard manhood is now pressed against my entrance. Sasuke says holding my waist,"Are you ready Naruto?" I nod. Sasuke smiles before pushing his big hard member. I yelp in pain at first. Sasuke starts to move slowly at first but starts speed up his pace. I grit my teeth feeling ticklish inside.

Sasuke is now thrusting. With each thrust it's hitting my sweet spot. It was like heaven until I start to hear weird noises. I ask him in the middle of the sex,"Sasuke what's that? Who are screaming?" It's like a lot of people are screaming and running. But I can't see anyone. Sasuke says,"Sshh.. I said focus on us. I'm going to make everything alright."

Having sex with Sasuke is like heaven but all those screaming of people is making me scared. Who are screaming like this like they are dying? While the screaming are increasing, Sasuke is ignoring everything and ramming against me like he's lost inside me. I start to scream feeling him filling my inside.

His hands are holding me by my waist and his manhood is thrusting inside me. The pleasure I'm feeling is making me lost enough to avoid all those screaming. After those enormous pleasure and cumming several times I passed out feeling no energy left in my body.

I don't know how long I was passed out like this. But opening my eyes the thing I saw wasn't something I was expecting. The room is almost painted with blood. The smell of blood is coming from everywhere. The floor has dead bodies on it. But here I'm lying with Sasuke on our bed. Sasuke arms are wrapped around me.

Now I can understand why I was hearing those screaming. I don't know what happened while I was busy feeling pleasure from Sasuke but this whole mansion is now filled with dead bodies. My eyes widen when I saw a familiar body lying at the corner like a bloody mess. I mutter,"Yahiko?" Then I feel Sasuke's hands on my head patting it. He says kissing my forehead,"Sshh. Go back to sleep."

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