Chapter 24

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Naruto's POV

Coming to the hallway, I see Kiba standing there. He was looking quite handsome. I tell him,"Wow Kiba! It's unusual for you to look this good." Kiba rolls his eyes and says,"Someone sent this shirt to me." I ask him,"Who?" He says,"I don't know."

"Naruto is that you?" I turn around to see king Gaara standing behind us. I bow my head down and say,"I didn't notice you before my lord." Gaara says,"It doesn't matter. Happy birthday to you Naruto." I thanked him. Then I remember Sasuke didn't wish me on my birthday. I know it's not even anything important for him.

"Will you be standing there forever? Let's get this over with." Sasuke says being annoyed. Gaara says in his cold voice,"Why are you acting like a jerk Sasuke? It's his birthday." Sasuke says,"I don't have all day to spend like that." I apologize lowering my head,"I'm sorry for taking your time. Let's go."Kiba follows me from behind. I hearing him muttering curses.

At Namikaze mansion

"Oh my god, you are looking so adorable!" A elderly lady says to me. I smile and compliment her as well. Mom comes ahead and fetches me. She says,"Naruto, you still look like a baby to me." I chuckle and ask her,"Where's dad?" Mom says,"He'll come here soon."

I turn around and see a small crowd around Sasuke and Gaara. There's Obito, Kakashi and others too. Mom says patting my back,"Naruto, do they treat you well at that palace? Do they still treat like a servant? Just tell me and I'll do everything to take you back here."

I reply not wanting to make her more worried,"Yes mom, they are treating me well." Mom sighs and says,"I hope that's true. Look, that's your dad!" We see dad entering the hall. He's just like a ray of sunshine lightning the whole mansion.

His eyes land on me and soon I see him almost running toward me. He hugs me tightly saying,"You look well Naruto." I nod and tell him,"King Sasuke and King Gaara came with me. You should go and talk to them." Dad lets go of me saying,"Yeah, I'm going there."

I'm seated on a couch. The mansion is almost crowded. Was it really necessary to celebrate a mere birthday this grandly? Being rich is something else I see. I look at everywhere trying to find Kiba but he's nowhere to be found.

"Uh c-can I sit here?" I hear a soft voice. I look up and see a girl standing.
A dark blue haired girl with lavender colored eyes who is extremely beautiful. I reply,"Y-Yes, please have a seat!" She nods smilingly and takes the seat beside me.

I ask her,"I assume you are the Hyuga princess?" She says chuckling,"Y-Yeah. Judging my creepy appearance you can tell that." I frown and quickly tell her,"No! You Hyugas are gorgeous to be honest!" Hinata smiles and says,"I thought that compliment only goes for the Uchihas." I tell her,"I don't know but you are beautiful Hinata Chan." She quickly becomes red just by hearing compliments.

"What are you doing sitting here? Do you know him?" Neji says appearing in front of us out of the blue. Hinata quickly gets up and says,"Stop being rude ni-chan!" Neji says rolling his eyes,"Isn't he the guy who was snooping around with that dog face?" Hinata looks confused. She asks,"What are you talking about ni-chan?"

I get up from my seat. I tell her smiling nervously,"It's nothing Hinata Chan. That's something from the past." Neji says to me looking annoyed,"I'm here to inform you that Sasuke wants you with him there." He points to Sasuke who is still talking with that crowd. I say to him,"Oh, thanks for informing me." I turn to face Hinata and tell her,"It was nice to talk to you Hinata Chan." She replies,"Y-Yeah. I'll see you soon Naruto kun."

I make my way to Sasuke who's recognisable through the whole crowd. The dark presence of him makes him so unique and intimidating. I wonder what have I done to make him annoyed? He never acts like that with me.

"Lord, I heard you asked for me." I tell Sasuke stopping beside him. Sasuke turns his head and says keeping his poker face,"Didn't I tell you to stay beside me and not to go anywhere?" I reply being nervous again,"I-I didn't have anything to do here. So I..." Gaara cuts me off saying,"You don't have to justify yourself Naruto. It's your birthday after all." Sasuke was about to say something but quickly he shuts himself up.

I hear Obito talking,"Won't Rin come here?" Kakashi replies being annoyed,"Don't try to mock me here. I told you I don't like her!" Obito says mockingly,"Is that so?" Kakashi clicks his tongue in annoyance and says,"What about Sasuke and Naruto? They act like a couple." I flinch hearing what he said. I look at Sasuke glaring at them. It's not true, Sasuke doesn't like me like that.

Dad says,"Naruto, I've bought a cake for you." I smile in excitement and say,"Really? Where is it?" Dad points to the table and says,"There. Come with me now." Then I remember Kiba, I was wondering where he is. I say to them,"Please wait until Kiba comes here. I want him beside me." Neji asks rudely,"Why do you want him here?" I reply,"Because he's my only friend. We used to celebrate our birthdays together."

"Were you waiting for me Naruto?" I see Kiba squizzing himself through the crowd. I ask him being annoyed,"Where were you! I was looking for you everywhere!" Kiba says,"I'm sorry Naruto! I didn't think I'll be needed here." I quickly catch his arm and drag him with me. I tell him,"Now stand beside me, I'm going to cut the cake."

Mom and dad presents the cake in front of me. Dad speaks,"I'm really happy to have you with us in your 19th birthday Naruto. I'm really thankful to God that he sent you to us." Mom has tears in her eyes. She says sniffling,"Now let's cut the cake."

After cutting the cake the party became livelier. I never witnessed something like this organised for me. Everyone is wishing me happy birthday but my eyes are looking for Sasuke who didn't speak a word to me. I don't like him like that. I like him when he's soft and caring to me. I love him.

"Naruto?" I turn around and see Gaara standing with a gift in his hand. He hands it over to me saying,"It's a small gift for me to you." I smile and ask him,"What's inside it?" He says smiling a little bit,"A watch, I picked it for you." I say to him,"Thank you so much King Gaara." He says,"Cut out the formalities. you can call me by my name. By the way, want some fresh air?"

I nod. The crowd is too much for me. Every ounce of this mansion is filled with people. Kiba is nowhere to be found again. Gaara says,"Follow me." I follow him from behind. I wonder why Sasuke doesn't like him. He's a good person. Maybe it's because of their rivalry.

"This'll be good for fresh air." We both are standing on the roof which empty with no one around. Gaara says to me,"Come here." He takes me to the edge. It's really chilly outside. Gaara speaks,"How do you feel about being the Namikaze heir Naruto?" I reply,"It's kind of strange for me. Who would've thought a mere slave like me could be the heir of a famous family."

Gaara says,"Yeah, now everyone treats you like a fragile glass. You've got more allies now with more enemies." I ask him,"Why would I gain enemies? I didn't do anything wrong." Gaara chuckles which doesn't reach his eyes. He looks sad. He says,"You are so naive Naruto. Some people want your properties, some people want other things you are unknown to."

I reply,"That's so sad. I don't want people to hate me." Gaara says,"You are innocent that wants me to make you mine." I frown. This can't be happening right now, not again. I tell him being nervous,"I-I think we should get going now king Gaara."

Gaara grabs my arm and says,"Wait! I'm not finished." I try to free myself from his grasp but he won't let me go. He says,"I want to kiss you." I tell him trying to push him away,"Don't!" He didn't give me any chance to run away. His lips crashes against mine forcefully. I didn't want him to kiss me. All I want is Sasuke.

Gaara's eyes are closed but mine were wide in shock. Then suddenly I find a glimpse of someone. Someone's standing in the corner. Gaara lets go of me and I get to see the person clearly. My eyes widen. I mumble seeing the person in horror,"S-Sasuke?"

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