Chapter 26

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Nobody's POV

Gaara saw Naruto running behind Sasuke. He's already at his own palace in Sunagakure. He wanted to kiss Naruto, he knew that. But not like that how it ended. He feels guilty. He mutters,"I think I should have a chat with father."

He knows from his childhood, his father isn't a person anyone should trust. He can't help but reconsider everything. Is it worth these much just to defeat the Uchihas? Is he doing the right thing?

He stops in front of the closed door of his father's study room. He hears muffling sounds from the room. Seems like his father is talking with someone. He hears, "Did you get him?" "That bastard really let his guard down." "Don't forget about the deal we made." "Kill every one of them if you can." "That Namikaze bastard will die too I'm sure."

Gaara's eyes grow bigger hearing about Naruto. That's not what his father told him. He didn't tell me Naruto's life will be in danger. That's not what Gaara wanted. He couldn't control himself. He barges in the room. His father startles and turn around attempting to take the gun beside the table. But seeing the person who barged in is Gaara, he cools down. He says something to the phone and cut the call.

Rasa says being annoyed,"What do you think you are doing? Why did you come inside without my permission?" Gaara says fearing about the whole thing,"Father, what will happen to Naruto?" Rasa frowns. He says avoiding Gaara's piercing eyes,"What are you talking about? I told yo..." Gaara says cutting his father off,"I overheard something. Naruto's life is in danger,right?" Rasa says hesitantly,"You heard wrong. I already told you they'll just extract the demon from him then they'll return him."

Gaara says,"I don't think if it's that easy. Father, just tell me the truth. I can't do all these not knowing the whole thing." Rasa looks at Gaara for some seconds and then speaks,"Yeah, he might die. So what? His life doesn't mean anything. It's just a mere sacrifice." Gaara clenches his fist trying to be calm. He says,"But that's not what you told me at first. You knew it that if I knew the whole thing I wouldn't help you."

Rasa says,"Yeah, I know you. You are a coward like your own mother. I can't leave everything to you in peace. So I had to do all of these. 16 years ago, I helped them to kidnap that bastard and I'm doing this for them now too. Because the Mafia is the only organisation that can help us to defeat those Uchihas."

Gaara felt sudden anger. He always wanted to be in his father's good side. But his father's greed is going out of control. He can't let Naruto die. He knows what he has to do now. He'll do everything he can.

Uchiha palace

"Hello, Mr Namikaze speaking." Sasuke hears Mr. Namikaze's voice from the other side. Sasuke says desperately,"Mr. Namikaze, is Naruto there?" Minato hears the voice and recognises instantly. He says,"Is that King Sasuke? No, Naruto isn't here. Shouldn't he be with you my lord?"

Sasuke's heart is beating faster. His fear is going to be true. Sasuke says,"He isn't here. He ran away yesterday night after we fought. I can't find him anywhere." Minato frowns. Minato yells,"What do you mean! He should be safe with you! How could you be so reckless my lord!" Kushina sees his husband's reaction. She's worried about what happening.

Sasuke says,"I don't have time here. I have to find him." Sasuke cuts the call immediately. He can't believe he let that happen. He told them that he could protect him. But he couldn't. He feels like his whole life is crushing down. Kiba is seeing everything in horror. He knows there's something going on and he knows it's all about Naruto.

Kiba goes ahead ignoring fear of the king. He asks,"My lord, where is Naruto?" Sasuke's legs gave up and he fell on the floor on his knees. He knows if the Mafia manages to have their hand on Naruto, the chance of having him back is low. Sasuke takes the telephone again and dial Sai's number. Soon Sasuke hears Sai's voice.

"Hello Sasuke." Sasuke says in one breath,"Sai! Get your forces ready. Go and look for Naruto everywhere. Don't leave any sides of this country. Be quick or I'm sure I'll kill you Sai." Sai hears Sasuke's voice. He felt shiver going through his body, hearing Sasuke's voice. He knows he's not joking. He knows how cruel Sasuke can be.

The force have been going berserk hearing Sasuke's order. It's like the incident happened 16 years ago. They are looking for Naruto in the same way. But this time there's Sasuke who is standing in front of everyone having their lives in his hand. They all are saying he has gone mad.

Kushina is crying. They still haven't heard about Naruto. Kushina cries,"I found him after those years and lost him again. I want my baby back Minato." Minato pats her head which is resting on his chest. His mental state isn't good too. The only hope left for him and Kushina is lost again, they lost their precious child Naruto.

Sasuke was sitting with others. Sasuke didn't sleep. It's been 24 hours he hasn't heard about Naruto. He didn't sleep, he isn't eating well as well. Seeing his brother's state Itachi says,"Sasuke, your health is important here too. Just eat something." Neji says,"We are trying our best to find him. But about one thing I'm sure, the Mafia has taken him." Shikamaru says,"Yeah and we are suspecting two thing. One is they have taken him outside of this country with them or their hideout is out of our reach."

Sasuke's eyes are red all of a sudden. They know what's happening. He looks at them coldly, so much coldly that they flinched just by looking at his eyes. Sasuke says,"If I don't get him back, I'll kill all of you." Itachi was about to say something but the door flings open.

"Gaara, what are you doing here?" Itachi asks seeing Gaara in that state.
Gaara's doesn't look good too. Sasuke's jaw clenches just by looking at Gaara's face. Itachi is holding Sasuke's hand trying to keep him calm. Shikamaru whispers to Sasuke,"Sasuke I beg you to not to be reckless here. He's a king too."

Gaara says,"Please help Naruto! He's in danger!" Sasuke frowns and gets up pushing Itachi away. Sasuke yells,"What!" Gaara says,"I'll tell you everything but please calm down at first." Sasuke says spitting venom,"Who are you to tell me to be calm!" Sasuke was about to go ahead but Neji and Itachi gets up trying to restrain him. Itachi says,"Sasuke! Control your emotions! We have to hear everything before taking actions." Sasuke grits his teeth and mutters,"You son of a bitch."

They managed to calm Sasuke down. Gaara is seated too. The atmosphere here is heavy with tension. They know the thing is going to happen isn't going to be good. Gaara takes deep breath trying to calm himself.

He speaks,"That day, when you saw us together in that roof is the part of my plan. Naruto didn't do anything there. I was planning to do it intentionally trying to piss you off. I knew how reckless you can be when you are pissed. I knew Naruto means something to you. So I did that on purpose and lure you to the roof. You saw it and start to think it wrongly. I left that day but I knew you were going to drown yourself in alcohol. So I hired a man who can serve you drinks and blend in everyone. He put drug on your drink when you were drinking and that messed with your head. Then you became reckless like I planned and all that happened."

Sasuke's patience is thin now. He can't take it anymore. Gaara says,"I helped the Mafia to kidnap Naruto. They have already taken him. Please rescue him or he'll die." Gaara's eyes are teary. He never wanted the situation to be like this. Sasuke says,"Then why did you help them to kidnap Naruto if you knew all these? If you cared about him, you wouldn't do that." Gaara replies,"I didn't know his life would be in danger. My father made me do all these and it's totally my fault!"

Shikamaru says,"I knew about that. Naruto could die and the chance of him dying is too much." Sasuke turns to Shikamaru and asks,"Why would he die? Don't the only thing they want is the demon Inside him?" Shikamaru says,"Yes, but extracting the demon from a human body can cause death. The chance of surviving it, is too low."

Everyone is confused in the room. Itachi says,"But Mrs. Namikaze managed to survive it." Shikamaru says,"It's because, she passed down the demon to her own son when Naruto was in her womb. It's a easy way of getting rid of it. But extracting the demon straight from the human vessel is too painful. Painful then the death itself. The demon can't be extracted if it's not awake. The only way of waking it up is causing the vessel too much pain mentally or physically. Physical pain the easy way to extract it. But a body can't endure that much pain and usually the vessel dies."

Shikamaru researched about the whole thing. He knows the ultimate fate of Naruto. He's not the only one who knows what is going to happen. Shikamaru finishes,"In the end, Naruto is going to die."

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