Chapter 2

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Sasuke's POV

"Sasuke, Sasuke take it!" The ball went over my head. The guy I was playing with starts to laugh showing me the sigh of mockery. He says after laughing and catching his breath,"You really aren't that good player Sasuke!" I groan and say,"Just watch me!"

I start to run toward the bush where the ball went off. I step into the bushes without looking. I hear a small yelp. I got scared and get a little away.

I caught a mere sight of blond hair. I shout,"Who's that!" No answer. I shout again,"I asked who's that! Who dares not to answer prince Sasuke!" No answer. I turn around and see the guy I was playing with disappeared too.

I got up from the bed breathing hard. It really was a dream, a strange dream. And what's with the blond hair I'm seeing continuously in my dream.

A maid enters my room after knocking with a trey full with my breakfast. She puts it on the table and leaves my room after bowing her head. My head is killing me. I drank too much yesterday.

After having a bath I got out of my room. This luxurious palace, full with wealth, beautiful girls seems so dull to me. The perfect facade I'm putting on doesn't seem so perfect to me. I just want to leave everything behind and do whatever I want. I don't like the life chosen by my father, my big brother.

I was passing by the corridor. A butler comes running to me. He says catching his breath,"My prince, King Fugaku is waiting for you. He looks furious." I don't make any effort look at his face, just wave him off.

I make my way to the room where usually my father waits for us. I knock on the door which is closed. I hear my father's voice,"Come in." I go inside and see my father sitting on his chair with the usual serious look on his face. He says in his rough and deep voice,"You are late Sasuke."

I reply,"I woke up late that's why. Is there anything important you need to tell me?" Father snaps,"Stop giving me those excuses! Do you have any idea what it takes to be a king! Representative of a whole clan! You are acting like a teenager."

I say to him not giving it much thought,"I never acted like a teenager, father. even when I was a teen. Now when I'm adult and still wondering what it'd take to be a perfect child." Father says,"You can never be like your brother Sasuke. If you act like this, you'll never be someone to remember forever." I chuckle lightly and say,"Then escort me out from this palace, throw me out. I really don't want that throne. It's cursed."

Fugaku says,"That's why I gave you that throne. You'll get a taste of it. How it feels to be the most hated man. We Uchihas can't be kind, can't be merciful." I say to him,"And the result is me. Look, now I have no emotion. You succeeded to make a perfect replica of yours and I'm rather disgusted"

I leave him there not wanting to listen anymore of his rambling. On my way I  see a girl talking with another girl. I call for the long red haired girl who looks pretty appealing. I need to take out my frustration.

I call for her,"Hey you!" She looks at me. Seeing me her eyes widen. She quickly bows her head down showing me due respect. I ordered her,"Come here." She looks surprised but do as I ordered.

The other girl leaves us knowing her presence is unnecessary right at this moment. She says downing her head,"Do you need anything from me, young master?" I touch her chin and make her look at my eyes. She's pretty enough to satisfy my needs for now. Her cheeks are pink. Why are they pink?

I run my fingers against her lips. She already got the signal about what I want. I order her,"Come to my room." She bows her head and says,"Yes, my master."

She follows me from behind. After coming to my room, I motioned her to come near me. She kneels down in front of me. She can't look at my eye if I don't give her permission. She says seductively,"What do you want me to do for you, my majesty?"

How can a girl change so suddenly? A few minutes ago she was acting innocent and now she's being seductive. What's her true colour? I sit on my bed facing her and say,"I'm hard down there, blow me."

She bats her long eyelashes. She says,"As you like sir." She gets down and falls on her knees. She took a hold of my hard member. I quickly got rid of my pant half way to my knee. Her eyes widen looking at my member. I say to her,"It won't be good for you if I feel your teeth on them." She says being a little confident,"You won't, master."

I see her gulping all of my semens. She looks satisfied and turned on. I don't have any mood for satisfying her too. I say to her zipping my pant,"Now get out." She looks a little surprised hearing those rude words but quickly left as I said.

I quickly wore my royal suit. I have a meeting with a certain clan member. I leave my room leaving my untouched breakfast right there.

I pass the large corridor with too much unnecessary rooms on both sides. Two guys joins me from behind. Neji and Sai. They are appointed here as my bodyguards which I don't need. Both bow their head to me and I nod. Sai says cracking a joke,"You already had your morning sex right?"

If you are wondering how he can crack those jokes in front of almighty Uchiha Sasuke, it's because I consider them as my friends too. Neji is from another prestigious clan of our land, Hyuga clan. Which comes after Uchiha clan. Sai is an orphan but came with great skills in combat. He can even kill with a pencil which he uses to draw. He's also known as a famous artist.

I ignore his lame question and continue walking pass the corridor. After passing those stairs we see a crowd down there. I ask them,"What's happening?"

Neji says,"A butler took them for your new palace. You'll need new slaves there." I nod and ignore those pitiful human being. They disgust me. Not because they are lowborn, it's because they seem so weak. Can't even defend themselves whenever someone is beating them.

Sai says,"Let's just ignore them. He's waiting for you at the garden." I follow them. Then suddenly a blond haired guy catches my eyes. Those yellowish blond hair are shining like sun. The noticeable orange thing he's wearing making him look exceptional from all of them. It's not that much fashionable although.

My eyes goes to his face. Seeing him made my heart rate go faster. What's happening to me? That young teen took my breath away. Those ocean blue eyes is creating magic around it. He's sitting on the pile of concrete. His head resting on his knees and looking straight. He isn't listening to the guy who's continuously talking beside him.

The attraction I'm feeling toward that teen guy is undeniable. I mutter,"Interesting." Sai shouts sarcastically,"My lord, we have to hurry up." I see the blond haired guy looking up, looking at me. His eyes shine brightly when they landed on me making me feel unknown feelings.

I don't know what's happening to me all of a sudden. But one thing is sure, I'll have to get to know him more after I return.

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