Chapter 16

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Naruto's POV

"Naruto, give me your hair or your nail if you don't mind." The long white haired old man says. I ask them,"Why do you need to take those things?" He replies,"To test your DNA, we need to take some of your cells to see if that matches Minato's DNA or not." I say,"Oh." And they take whatever they need from me.

The red haired woman kisses my forehead saying,"I'll go for now. I already love you my boy." I smile gently. The yellow haired male pats my head before leaving. Suddenly my life became complicated all of a sudden.

I'm still standing inside the room and Sasuke's here too. I can't leave until he tells me to. Sasuke speaks,"How do you feel having them around?" That question caught me off guard. I reply,"I don't know my lord. All of it is kind of overwhelming for me." Sasuke says,"Hn. They really seem so desperate to have their child back." I chuckle nervously and say,"Yeah, it's a pity for them that they haven't found their child."

Sasuke turns around. His expression is unreadable. Sasuke says,"Come here." I do as he says and stop in front of him. He grabs my hands and makes me sit on his lap. Sasuke says,"Would you like to be stuck in here for your whole life Naruto?" Hearing my name from his name feels so good to my ear.

I reply,"I wouldn't mind staying here. This place has everything I didn't have. And I am a worker too." Sasuke sighs. He says,"They are finding their lost child. What if you really are the child they lost years ago?" I don't know what to reply. I really I want it to be true, that they are my real parents.

I left that room after some people entered the room to talk to their king Sasuke .

"So you are saying, you potentially can be their long lost child!?" Kiba yells. I whisper yell,"Keep your voice down Kiba." I told everything to Kiba and konohamaru after I returned. Konohamaru says snickering,"Doesn't that sound like a cliche story?" I glare at him and say,"And I'm not any protagonist."

Kiba says,"If you become their child, you are about to inherit a large sum of money and properties. Are you gonna forget us?" I smack his arm making him hiss in pain and say,"Stop saying bullshits Kiba. Do you really believe that's gonna happen!" Kiba says,"It isn't something impossible as well."

"What are you doing? Did they hire you just to gossip? Do you want me to kick you out?" The old lady yells. Kiba says rolling his eyes,"Yeah we know. You can shut up now you old hag."

Nobody's POV

In Gaara's palace

Gaara was working alone in his room. He still remembers that guy from Sasuke's palace. He was quite embarrassed when he got to know how misunderstood he was until the boy rejected him. He has never been rejected like that.

"May I come in Gaara?" He hears Temari's voice. "Yes , come in." Temari lets herself in. She's the boldest princess among other princesses. She isn't into marriage, she only wants to look for his brother.

Gaara asks his sister,"Do you have something to say Temari?" Temari nods and says,"Yes, I do. Maybe it isn't even that important." Gaara says not averting his gaze from the laptop in front of him,"Just spit it out." Temari says,"There's a rumour going on in Konoha."

Hearing about Konoha Gaara looks up. After all both village are famous for their rivalry. Gaara asks,"Which rumour? Wait, don't tell me you still didn't fire that spy who's working in Uchiha palace." Temari says,"I thought we still need him to spy for us." Gaara says,"It'll be troublesome if he gets caught. However, which rumour you are talking about?"

Temari says,"Remember, The Namikaze family lost their child years ago?" Gaara says,"They didn't loose the kid, the kid was kidnapped." Temari says,"That's not our concern. They are saying Mr. Namikaze has found his long lost child." Gaara's eyes widen. He says,"After all those years, they really found him huh?"

Temari says,"The strange thing is, the rumour started not long ago and Mr. and Ms. Namikaze visited the Uchiha palace along with Jiraiya recently. I don't think they should have any business together." Gaara says,"What are you trying to say?" Temari says,"They are saying the heir is in the Uchiha place. Who has the same hair as Mr. Namikaze."

Gaara's mind starts to flash some images in front him. He remembers that boy who was told to serve him. He mutters being shocked,"It can't be.." Temari notices his brother's expression and says,"Does it ring a bell?" Gaara nods. Temari says,"Yes, that boy who was clinging to us that day. Doesn't he look like Mr. Namikaze with the same yellowish blond hair and blue eyes?"

Gaara says,"Yes, those gorgeous blue eyes." Temari frowns hearing what he just said. Gaara also realized all of a sudden what he just said. He curses under his breath and says,"These affairs aren't important for us now." Temari says,"How can you say that!" Gaara cuts her off saying,"Stop right there! We were told not to mutter anymore words from that incident. It's forbidden, Temari!" Temari cools down immediately. Her brother isn't wrong.

In Namikaze mansion

"I'm feeling anxious Minato. I don't want to lose all my hopes once again." Kushina says feeling restless. Minato says,"Stop overthinking Kushina. You will collapse." Kushina takes deep breath.

Jiraiya enters the room with Kakashi. Jiraiya speaks,"The result will come out soon." Kushina asks,"When Mr. Jiraiya?" Jiraiya says,"It'll take two hours more and that's all." Minato turns to Kushina and pushes her head against his chest. He cooes,"It'll be alright Kushina."

Not only the Namikaze family was anxious, Sasuke wasn't feeling good too. He doesn't know why he is feeling this tightness in his chest. He feels like he's about to loose something precious.

Two hours felt like 2 years for Kushina. She loved her child so much that she couldn't agree to give birth to another child again. The shock was too much for both of them. They tried to find him for 16 years but didn't find his trace, not a single bit. They saw a lot of boys of their child's age with blond hair and blue eyes but they never reminded them of their lost child. But seeing Naruto, they felt like he's the child they are looking for.

"Minato, Kushina. It's time." Both of their breath is hitched and they are literally holding their breath. Jiraiya hands them a file which is supposed to be the test result. Only for testing the DNA they hired the best doctor of Konoha, who's name is Tsunade.

Kushina looks at her with hopes in her eyes. Tsunade says boldly,"See it for yourselves." Kushina opens the file. Minato is standing beside her having his eyes on the file. Kushina mutters,"The test says..." "Oh my god Kushina! He really is our son!" Minato screams before Kushina could finish the sentence.

Minato hugs Kushina and the file falls from her hand. Jiraiya says,"Congratulations." Kushina cries her tears out shuttering,"I-It's really the happiest day of my life. Minato, let's take him home with us. Our baby..." Minato nods wiping his tears saying,"Of course we will."

Kakashi says,"It shouldn't be a problem. He lives as a slave in their palace." Tsunade says,"It's a shame that the Namikaze heir is living his life as a slave. You should take him back as soon as you can." Minato sighs and says,"Trust me, we will."

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