Chapter 41

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Naruto's POV

The wind is hitting against my face and I'm sitting here alone by the sea. Today's the day we are leaving this island. The mansion doesn't look the same anymore. Half of it was almost destroyed but Sasuke managed to fix some of it. I don't know what happened that day but all of Yahiko's subordinates were wiped off.

The whole place was drenched in blood. Yahiko isn't alive as well. It's really astonishing to see such a Mafia like Yahiko dying like this. When I opened my eyes and found myself in the arm of Sasuke, Yahiko was already dead.

It's like I fell asleep and the massacre happened. I don't know what to feel about the whole thing. It's just too much confusing for me. "Naruto, let's go inside." I hear Kiba's voice. He pushes my wheelchair and we both head inside.

"Do you want more pancakes?" Deidara asks me smiling. I shake my head as a no. All of them are seated together during breakfast. It's like nothing happened last night. I don't know why but I don't have that courage to ask about last night.

Sasuke says,"You should eat more Naruto. You are nothing but bones." I tell him being embarrassed,"I was always like this Sasuke!" Sai chuckles and says,"Does Sasuke feel anything except bones during.." Kiba smacks Sai loud enough. Sai hisses.

Itachi says,"We'll land by evening. Did you guys pack all your belongings?" Deidara says,"I left all those things for you. Pack my stuffs for me." Obito laughs mocking Itachi who's glaring at Deidara,"The great Uchiha has become a slave to another human being!" Then I hear Kakashi chuckling lightly. Obito shuts himself after looking at Kakashi's face.

I am still thinking about last night. It feels suffocating for me to be like this without knowing everything. I gather my courage and decide to ask Sasuke about what happened last night. I cough and turn to face Sasuke. Sasuke notices my expression and asks me,"Do you have something to say Naruto?"

I tell him,"Actually, I was thinking about last night." All of their facial expression change except Kiba. Looks like all of them know about the whole thing except me and Kiba. Sasuke says,"The discussion can be done later. At first finish your breakfast." I tell him,"But I want to know now! I still can imagine those dead bodies in front of me! I can't just sit like this without knowing anything. I don't care, just tell me now."

Neji says to me being annoyed,"Isn't it immature of you to be like this right now?" Shikamaru says,"Wait, he should know everything. They will have to talk about it sooner or later. So why not now?" Neji says to Shikamaru being pissed,"What the heck is wrong with you!"

Sasuke says,"Stop fighting. I guess I am telling him now." All of them sigh. Looks like, this matter is more serious than I think. I tell him,"Tell me about everything. That night I wanted to ask you about the things you are hiding from me. Kurama already warned me about everything and also told me that there are things that you are not telling me. I want you to tell me every single thing you guys are hiding from me."

Sasuke speaks,"The thing is, we all were out all these days to surprise you. I was trying to propose you for marriage that's why we were trying to arrange something grand so that I can propose you like a king should propose his bride."

My eyes grow bigger. I never thought Sasuke had all these in his mind. I'm feeling happy inside but I don't know how to express that feeling. Sasuke speaks again,"But last night when we came back to this place, we started to have doubts about the surrounding. I felt like there's something wrong. And we saw that bastard here after everything."

"I knew there's no way for me to save you. If he really took you away with him, you'd die or something serious could happen to you. Then there was only one option for me. The power I used last night was something forbidden for Uchihas to do. This is the legendary power we Uchihas are rumoured to have. This power can kill everyone within a second. But there's a saying that if we keep using this power we Uchihas won't be able to get out of the cycle of curse. People will keep hating us and we won't be able to stop ourselves from killing."

Itachi says,"History says, one of the founders of Konoha Madara Uchiha lost his brothers after using this power. From his time, the Uchihas has become the most powerful clan as well as the cursed clan. After that time this power was forbidden for us to use. This eyes of us can become so dangerous that it can massacre the whole nation. Not every Uchiha has the power to their fullest though. The strongest ones can use the full power."

Obito says chuckling,"You won't believe that Sasuke didn't even unleash his full power last night. You didn't even get to see everything." Kakashi says to Obito,"Stop talking like it's easy for everyone to see mass murder like this. Naruto could become insane after seeing all those blood."

Sasuke says,"I put him under genjutsu last night while the whole massacre was happening. Naruto already saw too much in his age, I didn't want him to witness those after everything happened to him."

Kiba says,"I heard the Hyuga clan also has the same kind of power." Neji answers,"It's not totally same but our eyes are also special just like the people of Uchiha clan. But we can't kill people using our eyes like Uchihas can. We can see through human body using the power." Deidara says smirking,"They can even see those pervy things. That's why Sir Jiraiya wanted to have those eyes, I see."

Itachi says to Deidara being annoyed,"It's not time for you to make jokes Dei." Deidara mumbles an apology. Sasuke says to me taking my face in his hand,"I don't regret a single thing I did yesterday night. I couldn't loose you again. Those bastard deserved to die more painfully. But it couldn't be helped."

I press my head against his chest. I can hear his rapid heartbeat. I tell him,"I didn't go anywhere. I'm here, you see?" Sasuke says,"I already told you everything. I guess I'll have to do it now."

Sasuke lets go of me. Is he going to do it? Is it really what I'm thinking? Kiba runs to me saying,"I'll help you." Kiba pushes my wheelchair a little ahead. I see Sasuke taking a small box out of his pocket. Deidara and Sai start to make noises trying to cheer me.

Sasuke kneels down in front of me. I look at Sasuke's face. He has that warm smile on his lips. I can't help but feel tears in my eyes. I never thought of getting married before meeting Sasuke. I never loved anyone like I love Sasuke. The man I fell in love with is now kneeling in front of me proposing me to marry him.

My life changed completely after meeting with Sasuke. The meaning of my life changed. So much things happened to me. But now I don't have any regrets coming to the palace working as Sasuke's slave. Who would have thought the great mighty king would fall in love with a mere servant? Isn't it just like fairytale?

"Naruto,will you marry me?" I hear his voice while he opened the small box in his hand and showing the shiny ring in front of me. I forgot how to react. My eyes are a mess with tears and my vision is blurry now. If I had strength in my legs, I would run and hug him.

I shake my head in excitement and I almost yell,"Yes, Sasuke!"
Sasuke moves ahead and takes my hand. He put the ring on my finger. The diamond on the ring is one of the brightest thing I've ever saw. Deidara says peeking,"The ring is perfect like I told you." I hear Itachi scolding him,"You need to shut up for now."

I chuckle. Sasuke surprises me by coming to me and hugging me all of a sudden. I hug him back tightly like I wanted to. I want to hold him like this forever. I hear him talking. "Naruto, I've always seen you in my dreams before you even came here to work. I used to search for you without even knowing myself. I have always loved you. But if I was brave enough to tell you everything sooner, I could prevent everything that happened to you."

I pat his back. I know Sasuke is emotional now. I start to sob. The tears just won't stop. I ask him finding everything unbelievable,"It isn't a dream, right Sasuke?" Sasuke says,"It's not. It's really happening Naruto. You are finally mine. It was fate from the moment I saw you. I-I love you Naruto."

I close my eyes and inhale his scent. If this a dream, I don't want it to end ever. I smile and tell him back,"I love you more than you can imagine."

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