Chapter 33

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Sasuke's POV

"Why did you do it?" I hear Kushina asking Nagato who's seated on a chair. Both of his hands and legs are tied up. We were questioning him for quite a few days but he isn't easy to break. So Mrs. Namikaze decided to pay a visit because she's his cousin.

Nagato's eyes are bloodshot red. Mr. Namikaze is also here to support Mrs. Namikaze. Nagato chuckles mockingly and says,"So my dear cousin came here to question me? I never thought I could see a glimpse of the Uzumaki princess." Then he starts to laugh like a maniac.

Kushina's eyes widen. She says,"Why are you acting like this? You always were like my little brother." Nagato stops laughing catching his breath. He says,"I never was your little brother. All of it was an act. I never think of you as my sister and I won't ever!" Kushina frowns. She asks,"But why? What did I ever do to make you my biggest enemy?"

Nagato replies,"It's not only you! It's your parents and whole family too. If I could do that, I would kill all of you! Also that little brat who is unfortunately still alive." I ball my fist and landed a punch on his face. How dare he talk like that about Naruto! They are the one who made him like this and still they have the nerve to talk like that?

Nagato says looking at me,"Did I trigger something or what, huh? Who is he to you that you are acting like this? Isn't he your little whore? Calling your name, crying for your help?" I grit my teeth. Minato says,"Keep your cool, Sasuke. He is doing this to cause a fight." I take a deep breath and focus on the conversation.

Kushina asks again,"Can you please tell me, why did you do that to my son! You never had any reason to join the Mafia. Why did you do that?" Nagato's eyes are full with anger. Kushina backs away just by looking at Nagato. Nagato says,"I wanted revenge." All of us frown.

Nagato speaks,"Where were you when the police were dragging my parents to the prison? I was a kid, I couldn't do anything to help them. You guys took everything away from me." Kushina defends herself saying,"It wasn't my fault. Your parents were laundering money and doing illegal things behind our back. Dad told them to stop and gave them a lot more chances but they didn't stop what they were doing. Millions of dollars were stolen. That's when dad decided to report it to the police and call the authorities."

Nagato yells,"Then what happened after that! Where were they? Why did they never come back!" Kushina tries to open her mouth to say something but couldn't find suitable words to say. Nagato says with tears in his eyes, voice full with anger,"Did they deserve to die just for that little amount of money? It was nothing for the Uzumaki group. And then I was left alone with no one beside me."

Nagato speaks again,"And then, I went abroad to study, trying to forget everything. Then I met Yahiko. I opened up to him. He was a nice guy. I got to know he's a Mafia heir who is on a mission. He was the one who told me that I shouldn't live with regrets, I should do what my heart wants me to do. That's when I decided I should take revenge. Then I decided to help Yahiko who wanted to kidnap the Namikaze heir who is also the Uzumaki heir. He wanted the demon and I wanted that brat to be dead."

Kushina is standing there looking at her feet silently. I don't know what she is thinking. Maybe Nagato had reasons to do all of these but still I can't forgive after what he did to Naruto. I tell Nagato,"Nothing can justify what you did to Naruto. He didn't deserve any of those. I'll pass the judgment soon. I'll make sure, you'll want death rather then enduring all that."

After saying that I left. The situation is still messed up. I didn't let Naruto know that Yahiko managed to escape. The security was so heavy for any criminal to escape but Yahiko isn't a normal criminal who'll sit behind the bars doing nothing. It happened like I thought. We couldn't stop that.

It's been so many days I haven't seen Naruto. He needed time, I gave him that. I'll give him everything he wants from now one. I want to win him over again. I want him to give me second chance not for the fact that I rescued him. I want him to give me another chance, even if it's the last one out of love. I want him to love me again.

I feel exhausted after all those activities. We still are brainstorming after Yahiko escaped. We still didn't manage to wipe the Mafia organisation off totally. The thing we can do now is to give Naruto the best security. After hearing everything, I'm sure Yahiko won't be satisfied just by taking the demon. He's sadistic. He'll do everything to see Naruto suffer.

After showering, I go to the bed. Everything reminds me of Naruto. He used to wait for me sitting on this bed. I smile and lay down. I can't wait to embrace him like before.


"I think I managed to fool all of them." I look behind and see none of them. I chuckle and say,"They think, they can win against me, the great Sasuke Uchiha hahaha." I see a lake right beside the big tree. I'll just lay down here for some minutes.

The sky is partly cloudy and the grass feels soft too beneath me. It would be good if I just build a small house for me and my brother. I roll my eyes right after realising it isn't possible. I close my eyes feeling the wind hitting against me. I'll just wait for the guards to find me lying here.

I close my eyes and starts to hum a song. I hear a little sound of footsteps. It's maybe the guards. I mutter without even looking,"How annoying." I wait for them to speak, to tell me going back to the palace but there's no sound. But a feeling of someone breathing against my face. I open my eyes and see blond hair right before my eyes.

I quickly get up and his face hits against my forehead which was very close to my face. He falls on the ground filled with grass and flowers. I frown and see a little guy who is wearing dirty clothes and a lot of dirt stuck on his blond hair. I ask him frowning,"Who are you?"

He gets up looking at me. His blue eyes are glassy, he has tears in them. I think I hit him too hard. He wiped his tears which were almost coming out. He asks me,"Where am I?" I frown again. He's the one who sneaks into this place and he's the one who's asking me that? I ask him,"How did you manage to come here? Do you work here?"

The guy shakes his head and says sniffing,"I don't know about this place. Do you know Where's my mom and dad?" He seems a lot more younger than me. I go near him and ask him,"Are you lost?" He nods. I ask him,"How did you manage to come here?" There's no way someone normal could come here avoiding all the security around the palace. This place is a garden which belongs to our palace.

He points to a bush right at the corner. There's a wall right behind the bush. The guy says,"There's a little hole there. I came through it." I go to the wall to check if he's right or not. I mumble seeing a small hole,"He's indeed right." I look at him. He's so small that he managed to came through the small hole.

I ask him,"Why did you come here? Where did you see your parents last?" The boy says looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes which are now shining brightly,"I don't know. They told me me they are not my real parents, so I came to find them myself. Did you see them? I'm here to take them with me."

I don't understand what he is saying. I ask him,"Why did you come this way? You know, this is a royal palace right?" He stares at me for seconds and then replies,"Yeah! Everyone knows. But they told me I look like a kid of someone noble, someone rich. I couldn't think of anyone except for the king. So I came here. Everyone in here is noble right!" He grins after saying all that.

I smack my head mentally. This guy is so dumb. The guy grabs my hands out of nowhere. He speaks,"Hey! Who are you? You were looking so pretty lying down there." I quickly take my hands from his little hands and feel heat on my cheeks. He looks like a cute puppy now. He says grinning showing all of his teeth,"I want to kiss you hahahaha."

I quickly get up from my bed. I was dreaming! The same blond hair, the same blue eyes I was seeing in my dream continuously. How could I forget all of that! After seeing the dream, the one person came to my mind. It wasn't just a dream. I smile just by remembering his face, I can't believe I met Naruto when I was a kid.

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