Chapter 31

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Sasuke's POV

"As a king, I don't want to have anything to do with Sunagakure from now on. And formar king Rasa will be imprisoned after we catch him." I tell everyone. Shikamaru says,"I don't know if it's a good idea to cut ties with Sunagakure. You can put former king Rasa into prison but I want you to think about the first part."

I say to them,"King Gaara is guilty too. Kidnapping is a crime and he helped the Mafia to accomplish their plan. I can't let that slide." Itachi sighs and says,"I think I agree with Sasuke." King Rasa is still out of our reach and I already put my father former king Fugaku in the prison cell. I can't forgive him after what he did. He is one of the traitors.

I am walking alone in the garden. I told Neji and Sai to leave me alone. I know I don't need bodyguards around me but it's a formality for the kings to have bodyguards. I really don't compare myself with those weaklings.

It's becoming hard for me to live without him. Always I saw him yarning for me, waiting for me to return his feelings. I always knew he loved me. But I was a coward trying to win against myself telling that I'm not in love with him. But I almost lost him. Seeing his senseless body is already too much painful for me. I haven't seen his eyes shining brightly for a long time, I haven't hear him chuckling. It hurts like hell. Now I know a little about how he felt that day when I told him off. I hope he forgives me for what I did. I really want him back.
I send a text,"Get my car ready."

It's becoming something normal to me coming to the Namikaze mansion. They didn't let me take Naruto with me that day. I couldn't argue or do anything about it. After all I'm the reason, Naruto is like this.

"I'll wait for you, go ahead." Neji says to me. I nod and go inside. The maids who were walking bow their head seeing me heading inside. I ask the butler who was following me,"Where's Mr. and Mrs. Namikaze?" The butler answers,"They are out for some business purposes." I nod and head to Naruto's room.

I open the door and see him lying on his large bed. He looks so fragile, so delicate that it seems I can break him just by touching him. I go closer to him. There's a chair kept beside his bed. I bring the chair closer to his bed, closer to him and sit on it.

His breathing is normal and all the cuts on his neck and face are visible. Still he looks so beautiful. I take his hand in mine and bring it closer to my face slowly enough not wanting to cause him anymore pain. His nails are gone or some of them are broken. His wrists has marks on it. I grit my teeth just by imagining everything he has gone through. I would do anything to end his sufferings.I kiss his wrist. I wish he knew how much I love him.

Naruto's POV

What is this place? So dark. It feels like I'm floating on water. I feel cold. This darkness is scary. I get up. I look everywhere and there's nothing but darkness. Did they leave me? Am I alive?

I go ahead, spreading my hands trying to feel anything around me. What's this? This thing feels cold. Suddenly I hear a sound like someone is breathing. Then suddenly the whole place lightens. And I see in front of me a large creature. I scream and back away.

The large creature talks making me surprised,"I never thought my vessel would be scared of me. Don't act like you are unaware of me." I am already scared enough to see this large creature in front of me. I reply,"May I ask who are you? And this place?" The creature frowns. He says,"I'm the beast sealed inside of you and you are talking with me in your mind."

My eyes grow bigger. I ask him,"Then, am I alive?" He replies,"Miraculously yes." The beast in front of me is kept behind a large bar. He looks like a fox. The color of him reminds me of fire, red-orange.

The beast speaks,"Are you not afraid anymore? I can take over your body right now and you won't be able to wake from the deep slumber." I reply,"Ohh, I already heard about it. Do as you wish. As you see I don't wish to live any longer." The beast frowns. He says,"But I thought the kid is pretty tough, I can't be wrong. I can look into your memory and tell what kind of a person you are. In your whole life you were naive and kind of dumb. But you were a good person surprisingly."

I reply being uninterested,"Is that so? Just tell me, when you are going to kill me?" The beast replies,"Are you really eager to be dead? What if I don't want to kill you?" I frown and keep looking at him being confused. The beast says,"Listen kid, I could take over your body and keep using it until you die but I decided not to do it. I've looked into your memories. You didn't seem like a bad person to me. All the people who were used as my vessel in the past tended to have me to gain power to accomplish their ulterior motives. I've killed all of them except you and your mother. But there's no use killing you. I'll reside inside of you until you die."

I ask him,"Can I ask you about your name?" The beast says,"Why are you even bothering to ask it? Nobody in the past bothered to do it." I reply,"We are going to live together from now on in one body. So we should know about each other a little, right?" The beast clicks his tongue and says being annoyed,"I'm the legendary nine tailed beast, they call me kyuubi. But my name is Kurama." I was about to introduce myself to him but he cuts me off saying,"I already know everything about you. I already told you I can look into your memory. Now stop being a nuisance and go back to reality. I'll help you to gain your consciousness."

Before I can say anything I feel myself on a soft bed. I try to move a little but I can't feel the lower part of my body. "Naruto?" I try to open my eyes, even my eyelids feel heavy. The figure beside me moves a little and calls for my name again,"Naruto? Can you hear me?" The voice sounds familiar. I call for his name,"Sasuke?"

The figure moves again and I feel my hands warm in his hands. I open my eyes and feel light piercing through my eyes. Everything looks blurry. Sasuke's dark hair is quite visible. I hear his voice,"Naruto? Oh my god. Can you see me?" Suddenly I feel thirsty. My voice came out like a whisper,"W-Water." Sasuke's body tenses. He lets go of my hand gently and says,"Please wait for a second. I'll bring water to you."

He leaves the room immediately and comes back again in minutes. He helps me to drink water even though I can't sit properly. Now I can see everything clearly. I'm grateful that they didn't cause any harm to my eyes. I see him looking at me, it's visible that he looks worried about me. He asks me,"How do you feel now, Naruto? Do you want me to call the doctor?" I reply,"No, it's alright. Where's mom and dad?" Sasuke says being impatient,"Ohh, I totally forgot. I should inform Mr. and Mrs. Namikaze."

I see him typing something on his phone quickly. I try to move my legs but all I can feel is numbness like my legs didn't ever exist. I say smiling nervously,"I won't be able to walk again, right?" Sasuke's body stiffens. He says coming closer,"Don't worry, I'm here." I tell him,"Till when you are going to stay with me? We'll end up being separated eventually." Sasuke frowns and says,"What are you saying? We'll never be separated. I'll always be with you."

I still remember what happened that day. He reminded me about my actual place. I can't ever be more than a slave to him. I reply,"I don't know anything. It was really painful for me. The words you spat that day was more painful than these much torture. All those days I waited for you to return my feelings but I was naive to realise I was trying to catch the moon that's out of my reach."

Sasuke eyes show me different emotion. He looks somewhat desperate. He says,"I didn't mean any of that Naruto! I was drunk and my mind was filled with anger. I spat nonsense. I never meant anything of those."

I look away,"I'm not sure of anything anymore. I even gave up on my life, I wanted to die. I'll try to erase my feelings I had for you as soon as I can, I promise my lord. You won't ever see me bothering you."

I try to close my eyes trying to avoid his face which is showing unknown emotions that I can't understand anymore. Then a sound makes me surprised all of a sudden. Is Sasuke sobbing? I hear him saying in his shaky voice,"Naruto, don't go away from me. I-I love you."

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