Chapter 27

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Naruto's POV

"Ugh, my head hurts too much." I open my eyes and see myself in a room with dim red light. The room is big with almost no furniture except this bed. I try to move a little but my leg is tied with a chain. I start to remember. I ran away from him and ended up on the street. Then I felt like someone hit me hard on my head. "Am I being kidnapped?" I questioned myself.

I look at the shirt I'm wearing right now. Did someone change the old one for me? My throat feels dry and no sound is coming from it. I try to call for someone with this rough voice after coughing a little bit. "Is someone out there? I-I'm feeling thirsty. Can I have s-some water?"

The door opens and a big mascular guy barges in. He looks scary even though his face can't be seen that clearly. The guy says in his rough and deep voice,"You are awake I see, I was ordered to take you to boss after you wake up. Now stand on your feet and follow me." He unlock the chain and let me stand on my own.

I know I'm being kidnapped by some creep but I'm not foolish enough to run in this state. This big guy will surely catch me if I try to do that. For now I'll go along with whatever he says.

"Vinnie!" The man shouts. Another man enters who looks just like him. The man says to the other man who just entered,"Follow him from behind." The other man nods and do as he said. Right now I'm walking between these two scary looking men. I ask them being scared,"W-Why did you kidnap me?" The man says,"Shut up for now! You'll get your answer after you get to see our boss." I gulp.

The man stops in front of a door which is closed. Both of the men look nervous now. The man whispers something to the other man and then they both nod. One of them knocks on the door. A voice of a male comes from inside,"Let him in." Both of them sigh and open the door enough to let me in. They pushed me a little bit making myself go into the room. I hear the door closing behind me.

The room looks like a office. There's so two people standing in this room except for me. One is a male and another one is female. The man looks thin and he has red hair. The girl beside him has something like purple or blue hair. Not to mention the girl is extremely beautiful.

Both of them notice me entering. Both of them don't have any kind of expression on their faces. The woman says to the man beside her,"Looks like the foxy is awake." The man beside her says,"He was pissed seeing the bruise on that shrimp's head." What's with the weird nicknames?

The woman says,"Where is he by the way? He was excited about the whole thing." The man says,"He'll come here in no time." The woman looks at me after the conversation. She has a flower kept on her hair that looks somewhat pretty. Should I admire my kidnappers?

The woman says pointing to me,"You, come here." I purse my lips and gulp again. Both of them look intimidating. I do as she says and go ahead. She touches my hair coming a little closer. She says observing it very closely,"He really has these unique yellowish blond hair like we saw in the picture." The man says,"Yeah, he got them from Minato."

"Am I late?" The door from another side opens and a man walks in. The man looks tall with a perfect slender body. He has orange spiky hair and he looks jolly unlike the other two. The woman says,"Yes you are late Yahiko."

I see them talking to each other like they are best friends. I can't believe the boss of these intimidating and scary people is someone who has a nice boyish look and can make joke all the time. I hear them talking. "We finally have him after all these years."

The man with orange hair who is the boss turns to me. He has a smirk on his face. He says coming a little closer to me,"So you are the vessel. Quite a beauty you are, aren't you?" I feel uncomfortable under his gaze so I back myself off a little bit. He chuckles and turns his head to the woman. He says,"Look Konan, how he is squirming under my gaze." Then he turns to me again. He says coming closer again closing the distance,"Looks like someone I can hurt without being bored."

The red haired man says without any emotion in his voice,"You should stop being a sadist Yahiko." Yahiko replies not taking his eyes off of me,"How can I resist if I see a delicate looking piece in front of me?" Konan says,"He isn't delicate if he has the demon inside him. He wouldn't have been a vessel if he wasn't strong enough to contain it." Yahiko nods and says,"Understandable."

I don't know about the topic they are taking about. What is this demon thing? And what did they mean by calling me a vessel? Yahiko says with amusement observing my expression,"Is my dear Naruto confused about anything?"

I'm not surprised about him knowing my name. I ask him,"Uh, why are you calling me a vessel? And the demon..." Yahiko laughs. He says,"You really don't know about anything huh?" Then he stops laughing and his face looked serious for some seconds. Then a smirk appears on his lips. At first I thought he's someone who's jolly but looking at him closely, he looks like a psycho, something pure evil.

"Ohh my naive Naruto, you really don't have any idea what's going on around you. You really thought that we are some petty kidnappers, didn't you?" He says with so much mockery.I gulp and start to remember I was thirsty all these times. Now in this pressure, I feel like passing out.

"Well, let me enlight you with some things that you should have known from the very first. Now listen to me attentively. This whole body of yours is a container of a demon that is residing inside you. You are a vessel of that demon since the day you've born. Now the demon is unconscious. But when it will be awake you may see it's wrath. It's up to you if you can survive everything I've planned for you."

His fingers go up to my face and I feel him touching my skin, caressing it. He says almost whispering,"It's a shame that I have to cause all these harms to your beautiful body. Maybe I'll keep you if you survive the hell. I can't waste such beauty."

My eyes were in the verge of popping out. I have started to question my whole existence. Did Sasuke know about all of it? I ask him,"Is that the reason you've kidnapped me? Do you want the demon?" Yahiko answers,"Yes, I want that demon." I ask him,"Why do you want it?" His eyes looks so evil that he could just devour my soul just by looking at me. He says,"It's the last piece that I need to create a dangerous weapon. I can destroy everything with it. I'll destroy Konoha, I'll destroy the Uchiha clan."

Is that the reason Sasuke hold me captive with him in his palace? Is that the reason Sasuke wanted me? Yahiko smirks again. He says,"If that demon fox wakes up, you'll go to that rampage and I'll capture the demon inside you. If you survive what's coming to you, you are lucky. Then maybe I won't have to waste this beautiful body of yours. I already saw all of you if you don't remember."

I frown. What does that mean? I stare at my cloth again. I shutter being scared,"Did you change my clothes!" Yahiko chuckles. He says,"No I didn't." I was about to feel relieved but then he says,"But I was there when they were changing it for you I was observing you so closely."

My eyes grow bigger again. I look at this guy. The guy who looks normal, could blend into the crowd like a normal guy. But he really isn't normal like it seems. He is something else that I have yet to see.

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