Chapter 35

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Naruto's POV

"The wounds are almost healed." Tsunade says as she checks my body. Minato says,"Can't we do anything about his legs?" I tell dad,"Stop thinking about it dad. I still can live without them." Dad doesn't say anything as a reply.

Tsunade turns her head to face everyone in the room. She says,"I think a change of weather would be good for him. He should go and visit some place for refreshment." Kushina says,"Will it be safe for him?" Sasuke who is also in the room speaks,"I'll go with him. I can protect him." Obito says,"You can't do that Sasuke. You are the king, you can't be absent." Sasuke says,"I'll leave it to you and Itachi for a few days. You can take Shikamaru's help."

Jiraiya speaks,"That won't work. I think, you should leave it to Mikoto. She'll be the right person in the absence of Sasuke. The Mafia won't have that courage to attack the main state. Sasuke should take Obito and others with him. It's going to be a great vacation for all of you." I look at all of them. All of them are there to give me the best security but it's going to be troublesome for all of them. What if the Mafia comes after the palace? I tell them hesitantly,"I don't need any vacation. I'm good here."

Sasuke says,"No, you need it. I told you I'm going to be there for you. There's been a lot of times, my mother helped to run this country. It's nothing new. She has her allies. You don't need to think about all of that." I remain quite. Jiraiya says,"Don't worry. If it's needed, I'll be there to help too. You guys go and have fun for once. After all you boys are still young."

It's settled that all of us are going to have a small vacation. I don't know if I'm being a bother for them. I even told Sasuke that all of these are unnecessary but he isn't even listening.

Kiba says while helping me to pack my stuffs,"Aren't they rushing?" I tell him sighing,"Yeah. Lord is being impatient." Kiba chuckles and says,"I don't care. At least I'm going to see a ocean after a long time." I tell him smirking,"You are happy that Sai is going too." Kiba's face become red. He yells,"When are you going to stop teasing me about that!"

I laugh. Then kiba turns to me and starts to smirk. He says,"And when are you going to tell your parents about you and the king?" I bite the flesh of my lips. It's not that, I didn't think about it. What if they don't agree with us? What if they end up being in an argument with Sasuke? I tell him,"I'll leave that to Sasuke."
Kiba says grinning,"Now you are calling him by his name, huh?" I smack his arm playfully and say,"Shut up before I kick you out!" Ohh now I can't even kick him haha.

Days passed quickly and today's the day we are going to leave for the vacation. "Oh my god Obito you look so funny!" Mom makes fun of Obito who's standing there wearing a colorful half sleeve shirt and a half pant. Obito rolls his eyes and turns to face Kakashi who's looking handsome as ever. I wonder why they are always together.

Then I see Sasuke entering through the front door. Why he is wearing a formal shirt like he's going to attend a business meeting? It's not just him, Itachi is wearing formal clothes too. Then I see Deidara who's trying to talk with Itachi who is trying to avoid him. He really likes to annoy people.

The hall is filled with people now. What am I going to do with so much hot people around me? Sasuke makes his way toward me. Within so much hot people, there's a god. How can he be so good looking?

Sasuke's face was cold without any expression until he saw me. He smiles and says,"You look good, Naruto." I blush and tell him,"You don't look bad my lord." Sasuke says,"Why don't you start calling me Sasuke?" Then he brings his face closer to my ear and says seductively,"You can call me lord during sex. It kinda turns me on." I become red again. He chuckles and moves up to stand straight.

Sasuke asks Sai who's standing beside Neji,"Is everything ready?" Sai nods and says,"Yeah, we can leave anytime we want." Mom comes to me. She says kissing my forehead,"Eat healthy foods while you are away and try to avoid alcohol, okay?" I tell her,"I don't drink mom." Mom smiles and says,"I know." Dad says who was standing behind,"I want you to be safe. Don't go anywhere without telling anyone." I nod.

All of them have privet jets of their own. I ask Sasuke who just get in,"Where are we going by the way?" Sasuke says,"I have a privet island. We can enjoy staying there without any unnecessary crowd." I nod. Then he says,"We can spend all day together and all nights too." I look at his face and see him smirking. I know what he is thinking. I tell him being embarrassed,"Don't you have any shame! People are going to hear us!" Sasuke comes closer leaving a little gap between us. He says,"Who is going to hear us? It's just you and me."

I tell him avoiding his eyes intentionally,"You should learn to wait." Sasuke says kissing my jawline,"What am I going to get if I be patient?" He starts to trail kisses all over my neck and jawline. I tell him trying not to moan,"Anything you want." He stops kissing me all of a sudden and faces me. He has his signature smirk and his eyes looks greedy now. He says,"Anything I want, huh?" I gulp and keep looking at him. Did I make the wrong deal? He says letting me go ,"Don't forget what you've just said then. I'm gonna be a patient man and see what you can do for me."

"Oh my... This place is so big. Why can't I remember coming here?" I hear Deidara saying. We all just entered this big mansion after reaching this island. Itachi says,"Because you've never came here. It's not my island, it's Sasuke's." Sasuke asks me,"Did you like this place?" I nod and tell him smiling,"It's perfect." I hear Kiba's voice,"Naruto won't be able to go upstairs using those staircases." I looked up the stairs. I have to use wheelchair to go anywhere. How can I climb those stairs?

Sasuke says,"Shit, I forgot about them." Then he looks at me and says,"It isn't a problem. I can carry him." All of them are staring at us. I yell at him being embarrassed again,"No! I'm staying here, downstairs then!" Sasuke says,"No you can't do that. My bedroom is upstairs." I yell again,"Why would I use your bedroom! Give me my own!" Sasuke says,"I'm not ready for a fight now. You'll have to stay with me."

I start to yell at him like a madman but he ignores all of my ramblings. He takes me in his arms forcefully and starts to carry me. All of them were looking at us in awe. He says,"Let me show you our bedroom, the most important part of this place." He starts to go ahead leaving everyone behind. This is so embarrassing.

"Why did you do that!" I tell him after he put me on the bed. He says,"You are so stubborn. So what else could I do?" I pump my face and look away being angry. I hear him chuckling. He says,"You look cute. I'm enjoying this." I find a pillow beside me and throw it on his face. Who cares if he is a king or not? Sasuke says catching the pillow,"You want to fight, I see." Then he starts to unbutton his shirt he was wearing. His eyes are on me. I ask him being nervous,"What are you planning to do? Why are you unbuttoning?" Sasuke's smirk grows wider. He says,"It feels stuffy. I'm going to get rid of this."

I tell him,"You told me you are going to be patient." Sasuke says totally getting rid of his shirt and standing there with his pale white chest,"You still remember that?" I nod but my eyes are still on his ripped body. There's no part on his body which doesn't look perfect. How can I resist a god like him?

I hear him talking,"You told me to be patient and also you are the one who's devouring me just by looking." My eyes are wide and I quickly look away. I tell him,"Who told you that I want to devour you! Stop being delusional."

Sasuke comes closer and says kissing my already red cheeks,"We'll see who wants who tonight. Let's just change and go out for now. Everyone is waiting for us." He carries me again and head toward the bathroom to shower at first. I wanted him to be patient and here I'm the one who's thinking those perverted things. I'm the one who's delusional.

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