Chapter 25

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Naruto's POV

The man who was standing at the corner, with a glass of wine in his hand already shattered into pieces. I push Gaara away immediately seeing Sasuke looking at us. I run to Sasuke, I need to explain everything, there's no way he won't believe me, right?

"Lord Sasuke, it's not what you think. I can explain." Sasuke isn't looking at me, he was looking at Gaara with such cold expression. I'm looking at his stone cold face, trying to find any other expression in it. But there's nothing. There's no anger, just nothingness. In my mind I somehow feel scared, I want him to be angry, I want him to scream at me or push me away. It scares me to see him this cold.

Then Sasuke's eyes fell upon me. He says coldly,"Come downstairs if you are done. We need to go back." I see him turning his back and leaving me with Gaara. I was trying to call him but my voice isn't coming out. I know I mean nothing to him but why do I feel like I cheated on him?

Gaara calls my name from behind,"Naruto." I ignored him and run trying to find Sasuke. But he's already gone. Coming downstairs I see the party is still going on. My eyes land on Sasuke who was standing with mom and dad.

I run toward them. All of them notice me. Everyone has smile on their lips except Sasuke. He was looking at somewhere else. Suddenly I see the same Sasuke I met at first, the cold and cruel one. I need to explain that it wasn't my fault there.

"Lord, didn't you tell me that it's time to go back?" I tried to get his attention desperately. Mom and dad look surprised. They say,"But the party is still ongoing Naruto." I reply,"I-I'm sorry mom and dad. I don't feel well." I look up to Sasuke who is now looking at me. I tell him,"I-I think we should leave now, my lord." He nods and goes ahead. I follow him from behind ignoring every other one in the hall.

Leaving the mansion, we are standing in front of the car. I waited until we get into the car. Sasuke closed the door after we get into his car. The driver started to drive. The silence is killing me. Sasuke is looking at his phone screen and I'm looking at my fingers trying to find the perfect word to say.

I speak breaking the ice,"Lord, about what happened at the roof, I have explaination." Sasuke says,"Keep it to yourself. I'll listen to you later. I have important things to do here." I look at his phone screen which is blank. Is staring at a blank screen that important then listening to my explaination?

I nod and decided to stay quite until we reach the palace. I don't want him to be mad or make him madder. After a long awkward ride we reach the mansion. Getting out of the car Sasuke didn't look back. I see him going inside leaving me behind. I feel tears in my eyes. Sasuke, don't go.......

I was feeling restless in my room. I was walking through the whole room feeling extremely anxious. Why king Gaara did that to me? I refused him once. I hate him for what he did to me. I shouldn't have gone with him.

I lay down on my bed, trying not to overthink but ended up feeling suffocated. I get up quickly. "I'll explain everything no matter what." I said to myself and leave the room without thinking about consequences.

Soon I find myself in front Sasuke's locked room. I knocked on the door. In seconds I hear his voice. "Come in if you have something important to say." I open the door without hearing the total sentence. My eyes go to him. He's standing in front of the window having a cigarette in his hand. I never saw him smoking.

He notices my presence. He asks,"What are you doing here?" I tell him lowering my head,"I... I need to tell you what happened." He ignores what I just said. I go closer to him feeling desperate. I plead,"Please lord, just hear me once! I didn...." He lets out the smoke right on my face making me cough. I never liked the smell of cigarettes.

He says,"What explaination do you have? And who told you I need your explanation?" I was about to say something but he cuts me off saying,"I don't care if you start whoring around. You never was someone special I should care about in the first place." My eyes widen. What's this sudden pain in my chest? I speak,"Please don't..." Sasuke continues,"What do you think? Did you think that I cared about you just because I was spending every nights with you? If you are thinking like that, you are wrong. Why would I care about someone like you? You always were a mere servant for me."

The tears I was holding started to fall. I never felt this much pain in my whole life. Somehow I thought he cared for me even for a little but all this time I was wrong. Sasuke grabs my arm making me flinch in pain. He says gritting his teeth,"Enough of this shits. I want you out of my palace. Seeing your face is enough to make me feel disgusted." He pushes me violently saying,"stop being delusional and get out of my palace!"

My legs start to run on their own. I run away from him without thinking. With blurry eyes and an empty head I see myself running downstairs, passing every hallways toward the main door. The security guard came running to me seeing me running like that. He says,"Where are you going? You aren't supposed to go outside." I yell,"Your king told me get out! If you have doubts then go and ask him yourself." He looks at me in hesitation. But with a shaky hand he opened the door for me.

I start running and running. The roads with very dim lights feel so scary but the most scariest thing Is,to him I was a delusional maniac all this time. I start to remember.


Shikamaru says,"Look, I know what's going on here. Sasuke isn't that simple. You aren't aware of him that well. He's always being rebellious and reckless. I don't know when he'll become tired of you and then maybe he can toss you aside."
End of the flashback

He was right all along. He didn't have sex with me because of love, he did it with me because he wanted to try it with a male. He already told me that in the first but I fall in love with him like a dumb idiot like they call me.

My legs feel like jelly. I can't run anymore. My legs start to wobble after I stopped running. I fell on the ground. I already sprained my legs. I should go to my parents house. I should have go back to them when they tried to take me.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain on the back of my head. So much pain that made my eyes more blurry. Someone hit me on my head making me fall on my face. Soon everything went black. I mumble before I fainted,"Sasuke.. help.."

Sasuke's POV

I wake up having the worst headache. Yesterday I drank too much. I was always good with alcohols but yesterday I did it too much. I was trying to walk and talk straight but my mind was blank.

After I saw Naruto kissing that bastard I lost it. All I remember, leaving them at that roof and then Naruto ran toward me saying he wanted to go back to home. After coming home, I don't remember a single thing. I think I should go to him and hear he wants to say. I hate him for what he did.

I leave my room making my way toward his room. The door of his room is open. He isn't inside. Where is he? I see a glimpse of someone sneaking glances. I speak,"Who is there? Come outside." The guy shows up. Isn't he the friend of Naruto who's name is supposed to be Kiba? He quickly bows his head seeing me standing in front of him.

I ask him,"Where is Naruto?" Kiba looks nervous. He says lowering his gaze,"I was trying to find him but he's nowhere to be found." I frown. My head starts to spin and the headache has become worse. Then I start to remember yesterday's events little by little.

After remembering everything my eyes widen.He didn't run away, did he? I quickly run downstairs. I see the security guard standing in front of the door. I ask him feeling anxious,"Did you see Naruto?" The security guard frowns and then he says in his shaky voice,"He left, he left yesterday night." I yell,"What!" The guard says,"He told me that t-the king himself told him to get out."

I start panicking. I run toward the telephone kept there at the table. I took the phone and start to dial the number of Mr. Namikaze. I mumble before calling him,"Naruto, you better be safe."

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