Chapter 11

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Nobody's POV

The couple enters the palace like they just enlightened the whole palace and made it brighter than before. People are looking at them. The man isn't any king but he's richer than most other kings out there including kings of the great nations. A perfect rival for the Uchiha family if it's a competition about money. But the Uchiha family holds the main power but that man who just entered, Minato Namikaze is the famous business tycoon, who owns the successful company "Namikaze Industry".

The woman who entered was an famous model once but quit her job after they lost their precious child. Kakashi goes to them right after they noticed the couple entering. He says to Minato,"Sir, I thought you wouldn't come." Minato chuckles showing his beautiful heart warming smile and says,"How could we miss such an important event?" Obito says to the red haired woman who's name is Kushina,"You seem more fat than before, shouldn't you be on diet being an ex model from a famous brand?" Kushina snorts,"You don't have to think about me young man, just find a girl for you like your cousin doing."

Naruto is standing at the corner after loosing Gaara in the crowd once again. He can't bother him when he's talking to important people. Some of the people only came here for business purposes, not because they are interested about King Sasuke's wedding.

Fugaku and Itachi goes ahead seeing the Namikaze family entering. Fugaku was once Minato's classmate. They never managed to get along. Because Fugaku was always quite and never tried to make amends with other people like Minato could do. Minato's persona is just like the sun, who can make anyone feel warm in minutes.

After the formal greetings ended Itachi says to Minato,"Mr. Jiraiya is here too. You can meet him if you want." Minato says,"Yeah I'll find him."

The whole palace is buzzing with a lot of people coming and roaming. Hinata is sitting there alone with some other princesses who had to attend the ceremony. All of them are confident that Sasuke can choose them but in their heart they were afraid too. This chance is comparable to finding treasure.

Minato's eyes are roaming through the whole palace filled with people. He wants to meet his old sensei who taught him everything. Kushina is holding hand of his husband. Kushina says to Minato,"Minato, I'm feeling weird." Minato looks at Kushina and frowns. He asks her,"Are you feeling sick?"

Kushina shakes her head and says,"No, I don't know." Then they hear the voice of Jiraiya,"Isn't that Minato?" Minato turns his head and sees his sensei who looks like an old fool even though he's a cunning businessman.

Minato goes and hugs Jiraiya. Jiraiya says patting Minato's back,"Didn't see you for awhile. Seems like you are quite busy now days." Minato says,"Yeah, you can say that. After making deal with that foreign company, things became a little more busy." Jiraiya nods and says,"Makes sense."

Temari approaches Naruto not being able to find both of his brothers. She knows Kankuro is drinking his feelings up somewhere so she needs to find Gaara. She says to Naruto,"Shouldn't you follow him wherever he goes?" Naruto replies being a little hesitant,"You told me I didn't need to stick around him whole time." Temari says,"Ohh, did I say that?" Naruto nods his head. She says to Naruto,"Then go and find him."

Naruto quickly runs off after bowing his head. Where ha can find King Gaara now? He's really being cautious about his surroundings, he's afraid that he'll run into someone, ruin their suits by spilling drinks or something.

Minato is in the middle of a conversation with some people who are seemed to be important. His mind is in somewhere else. He doesn't like these public gatherings, he rather wants to spend time with Kushina at home and talk about their old stories, about their child who once came brightening their life. Until they lost him suddenly like a unknown disaster came and took everything from their perfect and happy life.

His mind is running here and there feeling a little weird. Suddenly he caught a light which was shining brightly and running through the crowd. That light was not a thing but a living person with the same hair as him. It feels like Minato is seeing his smaller self in that guy. Suddenly he lost him from his sight. Loosing that unknown guy made him remember loosing someone precious from his life. He never felt like this in those years until now. He excuses himself from the group of people who are talking with each other by saying,"I think I've to go somewhere else. Please continue gentlemen."

Minato leaves the crowd, the people were a little shocked seeing Minato's behaviour leaving an important conversation. But for Minato, finding that boy is more important than any other business deal.

King Fugaku sees the watch and he had to start what he needed to do. Queen Mikoto joins her husband who has a cold stare and his eyes are trying to find both of his sons. King Sasuke comes along with his brother, both of them seem to talk with each other.

King Fugaku says to Sasuke who's looking annoyed,"You saw your mother after months. Shouldn't you greet her and talk to her a little bit?" Sasuke says,"What should I talk? If she found the perfect bride for me? Some stranger who'll get to marry me like they have got their desirable possession?" King Fugaku says coldly,"You'll get to know your future wife after you get married." Sasuke chuckles mockingly.

Kakashi and Obito joins them too. Itachi says,"I think we should start now." He turns to mom who's eyes are cold too. He says to her,"I heard you talked with Mr. and Ms. Haruno. Then you'll want Princess Sakura Haruno to marry Sasuke." Mikoto says,"Nobody can be a better bride for Sasuke then that Sakura. She's clever and beautiful too. I know she can give us a perfect child in future." The whole time Sasuke was keeping himself silent and listening to all the bullshits they were saying.

Mikoto climbs up on the stage. People already moved their attention to the queen who's about to say something. The woman in front of everyone is one of the most influential women in the world and her intimidating aura can tell everyone how much powerful she is.

Mikoto speaks,"I'd like to announce the bride of my son Sasuke Uchiha." She spoke without any introduction
and tell everything blatantly. Fugaku is standing beside his wife who's talking in front of everyone. King Sasuke is standing beside his brother, both of them are standing straight with such royalty. Maybe if some normal outfit like others were given to them they'd still manage to stand out among everyone and manage to look like someone special.

Mikoto extends her hand and soon princess Sakura Haruno comes up on the stage grabbing Mikoto's hand. It's already clear who's declared to be Sasuke's wife. Mikoto speaks,"Princess of Haruno clan, she's a beautiful and
an independent lady. Someone who's perfect to be an Uchiha bride."

She turns to Sasuke and says to him,"Can you come ahead, Sasuke?" Sasuke does as she says. She takes a small box from the tray the butler was holding beside them. She gives it Sasuke saying,"Put it in her hand." Sasuke takes the small box and opens it.

Princess Haruno has a smile on her face and her chest it up in pride. She has always loved Sasuke, she isn't just marrying him because of the power. She has always wanted him.

Sasuke takes the ring opening the box. The diamond on the ring is shining brightly. That ring can cost an eternity. Sasuke extends his hand, so does Sakura. But their hands didn't met, the ring landed up on the floor. Everyone's eyes widen. What is happening here?

King Fugaku says gritting his teeth,"What are you doing, Sasuke!" Sasuke says,"Sorry father, sorry mother, I don't want to marry her." Mikoto's jaw is clenching but she's still quite. King Fugaku lost his mind and yell,"It's not up to you! You agreed to do what we proposed. Why are trying to oppose us now?" Sasuke says coldly,"Because I don't want to marry that's all."

Sakura is standing there holding tears. Her world is collapsing. Fugaku says,"How dare you! You really are a man with no backbone, just like your brother over there." Sasuke clenched his fist. Then a smirk appears on his face. He chuckles lightly, not that kind of chuckle which heels warm, It feels like dark, a very dark aura is coming from him, like he can destroy everything in front of him.

King Fugaku says somewhat being terrified of his own son,"Why are laughing?" Sasuke says after being silent for seconds,"Watch you tongue, former king Fugaku." Fugaku's eyes grow bigger and he says in disbelief,"What?"

Sasuke looks up in his father's eyes and says smiling evilly that sent shiver through everyone's body who got to watch his face,"The man who's standing in front of you is not some kid. You are talking to the king of the greatest nation, Sasuke Uchiha."

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