Chapter 17

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Sasuke's POV

"Tch.. I can't sleep." Sasuke's grumbles. There's some uneasiness he's feeling from that day when Minato Namikaze came here to find his legal child. And I can see with my eyes clearly that Naruto is their child and it can't be wrong. It's just a matter of time for them to come here and claim him as their child.

"Naruto, where are you taking me?" He says nothing and laughs. He's holding my hand and leading me to a garden. I saw this garden before. I ask him again being a little annoyed,"Why did you take me here? I've unfinished works there." Naruto says smilingly,"Why are you acting like you don't like this place? I'm sure you are happy to come back here again."

I ask him being confused,"What did you mean by coming back here again? I'm seeing the place for the first time." Naruto leaves my hand and says ignoring my question,"Come play with me Sasuke." Naruto doesn't look like a teen anymore, he looks like a kid.

He starts running and giggling. My legs start to run behind him on their own. Suddenly the scenery changes. Naruto isn't running anymore. He was crying. He says wiping his tears with the back of his hands,"Did you see my mom and dad sasuke?" He starts sniffling and sobbing.

I felt sudden urge to hug him but suddenly two figures appear. A woman and a man. The woman says,"Here we are Naruto." Naruto turns his back and sees those figures. He starts to giggle again. He starts to run toward them without looking back. I start panicking, I start to run behind him too to catch him. But he starts to fade away with those two figures.

I quickly get up and start huffing. I'm drenched in sweats. "It was a dream." When did I fall asleep? And what's with the sudden dream? I look at the clock and see it's pretty late at night.

I quickly get out of my room. The whole palace is illuminated by dim lights. Looks like a fancy place from a horror movie. Should I go outside to have a smoke? Or go to the garden to walk for awhile.

"What am I even doing here?" I found myself in front of the room where the servants supposed to live. I got to know about this side of this palace from the ceremony of crowning the new king.

I sigh and open the door. All of them are asleep. I try find the switch to turn on the lights. "Found it." I pressed it to turn the lights on with a flick. Some of them start to wake up all of a sudden when the lights hit their closed eyes. Like I care...

"Oh my god! It's our king!" Someone starts to scream being surprised. Others start to wake up soon. "Hey wake up! What are you doing! The king is standing on the door!" Everyone starts getting up from their bed in fear. "Bow your heads down!"

My eyes starts to look for those yellowish blond hair. Where is he? Suddenly I notice the brunette guy who was caught sneaking glances that day trying to wake Naruto up. Naruto wakes up and sits on his bed folding his legs. He starts to rub his eyes with his hands. He looks sleepy.

He looks up and see me staring at him. He froze right there and after that clumsily get out of his bed and join others to stand in front of me. Why did I find that cute?

I say loudly enough to reach his ears,"Naruto?" I see him flinching while his eyes are low. He says in his sleepy but loud voice,"Y-Yes my lord?" I reply,"Come to my room." Saying that I leave my room knowing he is following me from behind.

He comes in after I enter my bed room. I order him,"Lock the door." I hear the sound of the door closing. I turn to face him. He's standing there stiffly. I don't know what came over me, I go closer to him and attack his lips without letting him think anything.

I start to rip his clothes and touch his body impatiently like it's going to disappear. He says,"Mmph... My lord, wait a little." I reply giving my attention to his pink and hard nipples which are waiting for me to devour them,"If I could do that, I wouldn't wake you up in the middle of the night to make you come here."

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