Chapter 32

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Naruto's POV

"Mom, it's sour. I don't want to drink it." I tell mom who's trying to feed me a soup which will help me to cure my wounds. Mom says not listening to me,"You have to drink all of it. Your wounds are healing faster than we imagined. It must be for the demon inside of you." I correct her saying,"His name is Kurama." Mom raises her eyebrows and asks me,"How do you know that?" I reply gulping the soup,"He told me." Mom looks scared now. I tell her trying not to make her worry,"Don't worry. He told me he won't cause any harm to me." Seems like mom didn't totally believe what I just said. But she doesn't say anything about that.

"Naruto, how are you feeling?" Kiba comes forward. Kiba came to look for me from Sasuke's palace. I reply smiling weakly,"I'm feeling better." Kiba smiles back and says,"The weather is nice. Do you want to go for sight seeing?" I nod. Mom says,"Then please take him with you, Kiba." Kiba says lowering his head a little,"Of course mam." Mom says to Kiba,"I want you to call me by my name. You are not some servant to us. You are Naruto's only friend after all." Kiba smiles and says,"Of course Mrs. Namikaze."

Kiba moves forward pushing my wheelchair. This mansion is so big and this garden is big enough to get lost inside it. Kiba says,"It's been so long we talked properly." I reply,"Yeah." Kiba says looking up to the clear sky,"I still remember how small you used to be. You still aren't that big."

I tell him being annoyed,"Stop messing with me Kiba!" Kiba chuckles and says,"We used sleep in one room together and used to share same clothes. It'd be good to be like that again." He sighs. I know he feels bad to see me like this. He has always seen me like his little brother and always protected me. I tell trying lighten up the mood,"We still are the same. Nothing has changed that much."

Kiba says,"Yeah. I wish I could protect you like I used to do before." I reply,"You did your best, Kiba. You couldn't do anything against them. It's really embarrassing you know? How I'm causing trouble to you with my broken legs." Kiba says being offended,"How can you say that! I consider you as my other half. It doesn't feel good to see my other half suffering like this. I can devote my whole life just to carry you around like this. Let me do it!"

I reply,"Thanks for all that Kiba." Kiba hums and keeps quite for minutes. The warm breeze of summer hitting my face. It feels good. I hear Kiba asking,"How come king Sasuke doesn't come here to visit you anymore?" I reply looking at those white flowers blooming in front of me,"I needed space."


"don't go away from me. I-I love you" I open my eyes and look up to him. I blink several times but his expression doesn't change. He looks serious and desperate at the same time. Surprisingly he has tears in his eyes.

I tell him,"Don't say things like this out of pity. We shouldn't use those words meaninglessly." Sasuke says grabbing both of my hands and holding them tightly in his hands like he doesn't want to let me go ever,"It was a battle for me against myself to finally realise that all this time I've loved you. That's why my mind was messed up that day when I saw Gaara kissing you at the roof. If I thought rationally that day you wouldn't end up like this. I know it's my fault. Still I'm going to ask for a second chance. I'm sorry that I'm so selfish. But I don't think if I can ever let you go."

Suddenly my eyes starts to become blurry. Tears are pouring up into my eyes. Finally I let myself loose and start crying. I let out every grudge I have against him,"Do you know what I went though! I thought I was going to die! If that was the case that was okay too. But after everything I nearly got raped! If it wasn't for Kurama, I wouldn't have been saved. If he didn't wake up, they'd...." I couldn't finish the sentence. I start sobbing unable to utter any more words.

That day when Yahiko tried to assault me, I ended up loosing my sense. That's the worst thing they could do to me, enough to break me totally. Maybe they had realised that they didn't need to assault me anymore. Kurama was already awake Inside me. And I was left behind completely broken, physically and mentally.

I'm grateful to Sasuke that he came for my rescue. But that isn't enough for me to forgive him. After all these, after almost dying I still love the man who acted cold heartedly. Now the same man who couldn't have any feelings for me falling on my feet, begging for another chance. Is it worth it?

I tell him looking away,"If that's what you want, I'll think about it. After all you are the one who rescued me. I want some time for myself. I-I can't forget what happened to me. I want you to give me time and space." Sasuke nods hurriedly and says,"You can have all the time you want." Then he kisses my both hands gently. I feel his cold tears falling upon them. He says smiling warmly that reached my heart,"I'll wait for you. Even it's for an eternity."
End of the flashback

Kiba says being surprised,"Who thought the almighty Sasuke Uchiha would fall for our little sunshine, Naruto." I see him chuckling. I smile and look at the flowers. Kiba says,"Those flowers are just like you. They shine so brightly and makes everyone mesmerized by it. When the ray of sun fall upon them, they look happier. That's the moment they almost look like you. Blond and happy." He chuckles again and says,"I'm talking weirdly, right?"

I ask him,"Do I still look happy? Like before?" Kiba looks at my face and says,"Somehow you do. I don't know how." I tell him,"It's because of you guys. All of you care for me. I have my parents now, a friend who cares for me and a lover who loves me."

Sasuke's face starts to float before my eyes. That day those eyes told me how regretful he's and how much love he holds for me. There's no way those tears could lie. I don't know why, I forgave him right at that moment and decided to give him another chance. Maybe things will end up good.

Then I remember one thing. I ask him,"One more thing! That day someone mysterious gave you a shirt as a gift! Did you find out who was it!" I see Kiba pursing his lips together. Is he blushing! I ask him again,"Hey! We shouldn't have any secrets!" Kiba finally replies,"I know it's not even believable but I got it from lord Sai."

I raise both of my eyebrows. I ask him,"Why would he do that? Does he like you?" Kiba nods and says even blushing harder,"That's what he told me." I ask him,"And you like him too, right?" Kiba says,"I know you can see through me, Naruto. But I didn't give him any clear answer." I tell him,"I can understand. I thought him as some kind of playboy." Kiba replies,"Yeah, I thought that too."

I ask Kiba,"And what happened to king Gaara?" Kiba replies,"Konoha has cut ties with Sunagakure. King Rasa still has not been caught .king Sasuke made sure to send former king Fugaku to prison." Many things came to light after the kidnapping. Nagato came out as my mom's cousin. The three of them pretended to take internship in Mr. Jiraiya's company in the past. I still don't know about everything totally.

Then I remember Yahiko. I felt cold just by remembering him. In this world there's a lot of people. Some of them are good, some of them are bad. But people like Yahiko are monsters. How they enjoy their victim's pain sadistically. People like Yahiko can become you best friend instantly, people like him can manipulate everyone to death. You can see a evil monster residing inside them just by looking at their eyes. People like them don't deserve to be forgiven.

Kiba says,"The heat of the sun is increasing. Let's just go back to the mansion." I nod. He moves the wheelchair I'm sitting on. I look at my completely broken legs which I can't use anymore to stand up. I've already heard I won't be able to walk anymore in my life. Still I'm grateful, that I'm still alive.

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