Chapter 4

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He told me to bring food for him. If I'm here to work for him, as his slave I should adapt this type of situations. I'll have see him a lot more, bring him food, clothes, clean his room or his palace. I shouldn't be this nervous around him. Every time I see him I feel chills. Like his cold gaze, he makes me cold. Sometimes in fear, sometimes in uneasiness. You call it nervousness in one word.

Being close to prince Itachi is lot more easier. It doesn't feel like he'll throw me out or kill me out of nowhere. He's sitting there quitely waiting for his food that I'm serving. Both of them same in one thing, both of them don't like to talk that much and talk a little more in both of their presences.

Blood relationships in royal families seem a little complicated than any other family but seeing them it's clear both of them are normal siblings who could joke with each other, talk about their personal things.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that Prince Itachi had to cut me off,"You can go now, send another maid to clean this up. You should go to Sasuke's room." I bow down my head and leave right away.

The palace is so big that I could be lost in it. The difference between nobility and lowborn like us are clear. Our country is divided into several sides. One side is given to lowborn slaves like us, another side is for noble men and rich people. Then there's some place which is only for royal people.

I don't know from which family I came from. Nobody can tell if my parents are alive or not. But I'm raised in Kiba's family who are considered as lowborns.

I make my way inside the kitchen and find chefs are already in there. They saw me entering and look at me with questionable expressions. I clear my voice and say politely,"Actually, I'm here to tell you Prince Sasuke Sama wanted me to serve his food for him. I'd like you to hurry up and make his food."

A young guy says raising his voice,"Do you really expect me to believe that Prince Sasuke wants you to bring him food? He doesn't even allow unknown people to go in his room that easily. I'll bring him his food."

Then someone smacks him on his head. That girl from before. I look at her raising my eyebrow asking her silently,"What's the matter?" She says glaring at that boy who is around my age,"He's just really fond of Sasuke Sama. Please wait a little, we'll warm his food up."

I'm sitting on a chair given by that girl and the guy is glaring daggers at me. I look at him, he humps and turn his face away like a child.

The girl hands me another tray saying,"Here you go." He turns to the guy who's acting childishly and says smiling at him,"Could you please take him to Sasuke Sama's room? He's new you know?" I see them talking to themselves by eye contacts.

Then suddenly the boy agrees to take me to Sasuke Sama's room. He says,"Follow me idiot." I follow him as he said. He took me upstairs. The way he's taking me is lot more quite place. He shows me a corridor and says,"Go ahead and you'll find his room end of the corridor." I nod and go ahead.

I guess I'm good at serving food to these noblemen nowadays. I let out a shaky breath and open the door revealing a modern and elegant looking room unexpectedly. The room is mix with white, gray, black. Doesn't look like a future king's room, more like rich classy bachelor's room unlike Itachi Sama's.

I bite my tongue remembering I forgot to knock before opening the door. I quickly tried to correct myself and say,"Ma-May I come in Prince Sasuke Sama?" I think my whisper like voice wasn't enough to reach his ear. But he quickly answers it,"Yeah, you already let yourself in I see." I shut my eyes and start to blabber,"Pl-Please forgive me Sasuke Sama, I didn't know what I was thinking."

Sasuke comes out wearing a towel, water dripping from his hair and droplets of water shining upon his pale looking body. I feel envious looking at his well built body, so smooth looking skin.

A handsome grown up man like him could steal every heart of the women of our nation. I shouldn't even be envious of him. He's an older male who gets to work out, have hundreds of responsibility in his head and I'm just a teenager in his 18's.

He says in his cold voice,"Don't stand there, come in." I quickly speed up my pace and go in. There's a table where I put the foods and stand there being confused about what I should do next.

Then the thing I saw made me shocked. Sasuke got rid of his towel and standing there naked with all his glory. Heat rose up on my cheeks and I'm sure now I look like a tomato.

Sasuke was looking at a bunch of clothes in front of him which are kept tidily. I'm looking down on my feet ignoring this scenery. I hear his voice,"You, come here."

I startled and look up. I can't defy his orders. I quickly go to him, afraid that I'll act clumsy in front of him. I stop behind him waiting for him to order. He motions me to stand beside him. I do as he says.

He says,"Help me to choose my attire." My eyes widen. I say trying to be polite,"Sasuke Sama, how can I help you in matter like these? I can't remember if I have seen expensive outfits like this in front of me."

Sasuke says,"Well, that's right I guess. Wait for me there then." I nod and go back where I was standing before. I see him pressing a bell. Immediately I hear a voice from outside. "May I come in Sasuke Sama?" Sasuke says,"Come in."

A girl comes in side. My face becomes crimson red. How can he stand in front of a girl like this? The girl goes near him helping him to dress up. Royal people are really this much useless that they can't even put on their outfits?

Then my eyes goes to the mirror in front of Prince Sasuke. I couldn't realise until now that Sasuke Sama is staring at me while the girl is dressing him up. I'm embarrassed to think what might he be thinking seeing me blushing like this. I really am an idiot.

After Sasuke is all dressed is he dismissed the girl and the girl quickly leaves the room. Sasuke comes toward the table where the foods are kept. It's already dinner time and he's in his night suit.

Sasuke glances at the food and says,"I don't feel like eating anymore." I startled and quickly say,"Why? Does the food seem cold? Should I go and warm it up?" Sasuke says,"No, it isn't necessary. I wasn't hungry in the first place."

Then why did he tell me to bring him food? I couldn't possibly ask him that. He is a prince. I can't ask him whatever I want whenever I want.

Sasuke says,"Make that bed for me, it look untidy." I quickly bow my head and go to his bed. I don't know what I should fix. It looks perfect to me. I touched up the pillows and the sheets. I don't know what to do do anymore.

I say to him,"I think it's all perfect now Sasuke Sama. You can sleep now." Sasuke says coldly,"When did I tell you that I'm going to sleep?" I mentally smacked myself. I really should shut up in front of him. Maybe I could annoy him or disturb him by my voice.

I couldn't think of anything else so I say to him lowering my head,"I think I'll let you sleep now. I shall leave." I stand there waiting for his permission. My eyes was closed and my head was down.

Suddenly I feel him coming closer to me. I stand there still, not moving even for a little from the place. I open my eyes and found him in front of me. With this much hight difference it feels like he's hovering over me.

His hand move up to my face. I'm squizzing my eyes shut. His finger rubbing my lips. He says dangerously in his low deep voice,"You lips look smooth and soft." I couldn't find a better answer so I speak looking into his eyes,"What do you want me to do for you Sasuke Sama?"

I see his eyes widening a little bit but quickly became normal and cold. Like there's no emotion in them. Is it really possible for someone to mask his emotion like this? Like it doesn't exist?

I was on a verge of forgetting about what I said earlier. Then I hear him answering, making me choke on the air," Please me." I quickly look up and try to find the meaning. When my eyes stop at his lips, I see them curling into a smirk. What is he thinking?

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