Chapter 19

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Naruto's POV

Sasuke was with me the whole night. Opening my eyes having him beside me is enough to make my whole day better. No other sight can be as gorgeous as him.

"Enjoying the sight?" He startled me. I tell him being surprised,"My lord! You are awake!" Sasuke pulls me closer to his body and says snuggling a little more,"It's a habit of mine. I wake up every time when I feel any presence around me or someone stares at me." I apologize saying,"Uh I'm sorry for staring at you my lord." Sasuke says,"You can stare at me as much as you want. I like your attention." I blush hearing his comment.

Sasuke says,"One more thing I forgot to tell you. Mr. and Ms. Namikaze invited you to their house." I ask him,"Shouldn't it be my house too?" Sasuke says,"Maybe... But now that you live in my palace, this palace is our house." He just said "our house". I'm really acting like a school girl.

Sasuke says,"I'll accompany you." I jump in excitement and say,"Really? You'll go there with me!?" Sasuke smiles and nods. He says,"Yeah, right now I don't have that much work to do."

Sasuke went to his room and told me to get ready. What should I wear. My whole closet is full with expensive clothes that Sasuke bought for me. I'm not used to any of this. I wear a simple white shirt I found in my closet. That goes with my taste.

"Are you ready, Naruto?" Sasuke barges in. I tell him in annoyance,"Shouldn't you knock before you come in?" Then I suddenly realize I'm not taking to any ordinary man but the respectful king of this country. I quickly bow down my head and apologize,"I-I apologize for what I said right now my lord, please forgive me." Sasuke chuckles making me kind of shocked. He says,"This feisty behaviour of yours kinda turns me on my little Naruto." I blush under his gaze. He notices my outfit and tells me,"white suits you Naruto."

Sasuke's behaviour is improving. He treats me well, never makes me feel like a slave like I used to feel once. He's really treating me good like he promised to my parents. Sasuke takes a look on his watch and says,"I think we should leave now." I nod and wait for him to leave the room first so that I can follow him from behind. But seeing him standing still I ask him,"Won't you go out first my lord?" Sasuke says,"No, won't you hold my hand first Naruto?" I startled hearing what he said. I say to him,"Wh-What?"

Sasuke's wearing his signature smirk. I don't know if he's teasing me or not but I don't want to miss the chance of holding his hand and go out walking beside him. I quickly go to him and take his hand. His hand his bigger than mine. He looks at me and nods. We both leave the room holding hands like that.

We get into the car which was standing in front of the large gate of the palace. Sasuke opens the door for me and waits for me to go inside. He follows me after I take a sit inside his car. There's a driver who's seated in front of us who'll be driving the car for us. Sasuke orders the driver to start driving.

I feel nervous. I'm feeling more nervous about the fact that Sasuke is the one who's accompanying me to go to my parent's house. Sasuke looks gorgeous and royal as ever. He's wearing a black shirt, his hair is styled. The cologne which is coming from him smells so good.

The car ride we were silent. The car stops in front a house, not a house but a mansion. I was right about one thing that the Namikaze mansion will be this big. The driver opens the door for us.

There's a large gate in front of the big mansion. All of them are there to greet the king who's here with me. I gulp looking at everything in front of me. Does my father really own these much things?

"It's really great to see the king visiting us." Father comes ahead to shake his hand with Sasuke. Mother is already hugging me. She whines to Obito who's already here with Kakashi,"Why won't he let my baby to stay with us?"

Father turns to us and says smilingly,"Why don't we go inside and talk there?" Mother pushes my back and says,"It's your house Naruto. Please come inside." I smile and go inside with everyone.

The mansion is no less than a palace. I wonder what's the relationship between the white haired male and my father. Father says turning to me,"Do you want to have a tour of this house Naruto?" I nod several times in excitement. Father smiles and turns to the white haired male. He says to him,"Can you give him a tour of this house Kakashi? I'd like to discuss a few things with our king." Kakashi nods and says to me,"Come with me Naruto."

Kakashi leads me to upstairs. The whole mansions is so modern and elegant. I ask him,"Can I ask you something mister?" Kakashi says looking straight,"Yeah, go ahead Naruto." I ask him,"May I ask who you are?" Are you my brother or something?" Kakashi chuckles and says,"No, I'm not but I live here. Minato sir is almost like my teacher and I was helping him with his business with Obito." I ask him,"Isn't Obito Uchiha a prince?" Kakashi says,"Yes but he isn't interested about those royal things. He wants be a businessman." I nod.

Kakashi speaks,"Do you study Naruto? You still look young." I reply feeling a little bit embarrassed,"No, I don't study." Kakashi says,"Well that's a pity." He takes me to a room and says,"This is your dad's study room Naruto." The room is big and decorated so nicely. I mutter,"Being a businessman must sucks." Kakashi chuckles and says,"You are not wrong." Shit, he heard it.

He takes me to parents bedroom and says,"This is where sir Minato and Kushina lives." I see a large picture on the wall. There's a baby in that picture with blond hair like mine. I ask him,"Is that my picture?" Kakashi nods and says,"Yes, that's there since the day they lost you."

He gave me tour of the whole house and told me a few stories about my parents. "Naruto?" I turn my head and see Sasuke standing behind us. Kakashi says to him jokingly,"Oh our king is here?" Sasuke says,"Yeah, you can go ahead. I'll be taking Naruto there." Kakashi looks at both of our faces for a few seconds and then nods smilingly. He leaves us saying,"Come downstairs after you are done."

After Kakashi left us here, the environment became heavy and awkward. I tell him turning around,"We should go downstairs now my lord." I was about to go ahead but he catches my arm and stopped me on my track. He says,"That palace is a little bit crowded. Why don't we spend some times personally here for a little bit?" I turn to face him and ask him lowering my gaze,"What do you want to do here my lord."

Sasuke pulls me closer with force that I ended up crashing against his hard chest. He says lowering his voice that made his voice more sexy and seductive,"Are you provoking me intentionally Naruto?" My eyes goes to his eyes and I tell him shaking my head,"N-No I'm not!"

Sasuke says smirking and bringing his face closer to mine,"Why don't we enjoy ourselves a little bit here?" I ask him even though I know what he's referring to,"How?" He says,"Maybe with a little make out session or..." Before he can go any farther I stand on my toe and slam my lips against his ones.

Sasuke was a little bit shocked but quickly matches my pace and kisses me back loosing his patience. He holds my arms and slams me against a random door of the mansion. His hands make their way inside my shirt and finds my hard nipple. I feel his hands pinching those and rubbing them. Soon he becomes rough. I was already lacking the air.

I start to push him away but he wasn't letting me go. When he let go of me, we both were panting. The shirt was already unbuttoned and I was a mess. Sasuke says smirking,"I'll postpone it until we reach my palace." He comes closer and helped me to button my shirt properly.

Sasuke says,"Let's go downstairs." I see him going ahead. This man has it all. We do everything a couple do but my feelings are unknown to him and maybe he doesn't even feel the same. Can it be like the typical romantic stories? Can he return my feelings like the princes do?

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