Chapter 3

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Naruto's POV

This palace is huge. How anyone can think of leaving this heaven? Far, I can remember of a small house where I used to live with Kiba's family. I don't know about my parents, they possibly left me when I was a kid.

Kiba bumps into me making me yelp. He says,"Why are you sitting here like you just lost everything? It's a great day for us." I reply,"Indeed, I was just checking this palace sitting here. They won't let us go for sightseeing."

Kiba says,"Wanna sneak out?" I reply glaring at him,"Stop acting like a brat here. We are in an actual palace. We can't afford to loose this job or maybe they can even kill us."

Kiba pouts and says,"I hate to say but you are right." Then we hear a man shouting,"Here, you have to follow me. I'll show you where you'll stay for a few days until the new palace is ready." I jump in excitement and say,"They really are letting us stay here!" Kiba nods several times in joy.

The man leads us. We are going downstairs, which is leading us to underground. The place is quite dark and shady. Kiba whispers,"It doesn't look good, I think they are going to kill us secretly."

I shutter,"I ca-can't tell." The man who's leading us says,"This is the place you are going to stay for these few days. We'll supply you with some of these bed sheets and pillows." Everyone starts to talk about the place. A girl says,"Are they really going to make us live here? It looks like a prison cell."

The man shouts,"Shut up you lowly creatures! You shouldn't even get to see palace like this!" I sigh. We were born human with same arms, same legs, same blood but we are treated worse then stray dogs.

Kiba whispers,"I'm not minding staying here. At least we got rid of that old hag." I chuckle and say,"Couldn't ask for more."

We explore the place. This place is dark but not dirty. We see everyone making their own places. I and Kiba chose a place at that corner just to sleep. It's not like we are staying here forever.

A girl who looks older than me wearing a maid dress stops before us. She says with her polite and gentle voice,"Can I have someone to help me in the kitchen?" Everyone is silent. The way she's talking, it doesn't sound like an order so anyone isn't giving it any attention.

The girl's face becomes dull. I get up seeing her smile gone. I say to her showing enough enthusiasm,"If you allow me, I'd like to help you." She hesitates at first seeing me offering her help. She says looking down,"I was expecting a girl to help me." Then her face lights up. She says,"But it doesn't matter! Please follow me."

I hear kiba muttering from behind,"It wasn't necessary Naruto." I ignore him and wave him off. She took me upstair where the beautiful side of the palace is built. She says,"Are you hired for our prince's new palace?" I reply,"Yes, he's going to be the next king I heard." She nods and says,"Yes, I'm happy for him."

That made me kind of shocked. She sounds happy talking about prince Sasuke. The more I heard about him I got to know people feared him, despised him. I tell her,"You sound happy. I mean I thought you fear him too and don't want to see him as the king."

She hushes me with her finger and comes a little closer. She whispers,"You shouldn't openly talk like this in this palace. And if you think I hate him, well I don't. I'm aware of his condition actually. I don't why I'm saying this to you but he's suffering from his childhood."

She leads me to the kitchen which looks so huge and clean. There's no one in the kitchen right now. I ask her,"How do you know about his childhood?" She chuckles and says,"Actually I was born here. My mom works for the king too. The crown prince is a little bit older from me. I remember I used to follow him wherever he went. I used to watch him secretly. I wasn't allowed to go near him you know?"

I say to her,"Ohh, I see." She speaks again,"I'm really dumb enough to talk this much with a stranger I just met." I smile and say,"Not to be rude but you are right. I'm not to saying that you are dumb but you shouldn't trust anyone you barely know."

She pouts and says,"That's the same thing. Anyway could you help me to cook? We didn't know Itachi sama will return this early. There's no one here right now so I have to cook for him." I nod and help her with everything she asked me.

She stretches her arm and says,"Well, I cooked everything he likes. Naruto kun, can you please help me to carry this to his room? I'm not actually allowed in his room." I ask her,"Why?"

She looks awkward. She says,"Actually, we don't know. But he forbade all of the girls in this palace to go inside his room." I mumble,"That's strange." I was about to take the tray but she says stopping me from my actions,"First Naruto kun, you have to clean your hands and wear those gloves."

I frown and say,"But my hand is clean, I'm sure." She chuckles nervously and says,"I know that Naruto kun but it's one of the rules in this palace." I nod and reply,"Okay then, wait a second."

After doing all rituals I took the tray from her hand and say, "Please lead me" She nods and tells me to follow her .

I heard prince Itachi is well mannered and isn't that much cold. But I really feel nervous. He is an actual prince. I never saw any prince with my own eyes in front of me. Now my hands feel shaky.

She stops in front a big door. She says,"Here you go, this is Itachi Sama's room. Don't forget to knock before you go in." She leaves me there giving me all kind of instructions like "Don't talk unnecessary things in front of him." "If you see any other person in his room, leave right away." "Serve him before the food gets cold."

I sigh, here goes nothing. I knock on his door and say,"May I come in Prince Itachi Sama?" I hear a voice from inside,"Yes, you shall come in."

I get my hand on the door but surprisingly it's tough to open it. I open the door with all of my strength and was really trying not to stumble with all of these foods in my hand.

I go inside the room. The room looks so elegant and royal. Large bed, expensive paintings, huge bookshelf. I see a man with dark hair sitting on his bed and writing something in a diary. I clear my voice and say politely,"Here's your food Itachi Sama. Where should I put it?"

The man looks up and stares at me for several seconds. He coughs and says,"Put it there." He points to the small table. I ask him,"Could you please tell me if you want to eat now or I'll have to wait."

The man was about to say something but a voice cuts him off,"Who are you talking to otouto?" Another man enters with same dark hair but his hair is longer in a ponytail."

Both of them almost look same. The longer haired man says,"Who's he Sasuke?" My eyes widen. I mistook him for prince Itachi but he actually was the future king Sasuke.

I quickly bow down my head and apologize,"I-I apologize for my unforgiving behaviour! I di-didn't know! I'm sorry!" Prince Itachi looks at both of our faces and chuckles. He says to Sasuke,"I didn't know you are that kind of man who likes to prank other people. You clearly could tell him that you are not me."

Prince Sasuke's face is emotionless. He says coldly,"Why should I? Why did they even hire inexperienced people like him in the first place?" He turns to me says,"Do you live under rock that you can't tell the difference between him and I?"

My head is still down. I don't want to make any mistake that can cost my life. I say to them,"I'I apologize my lord. I'm new here actually." Sasuke gets up and says,"I don't really care about those small things."

Itachi is seeing everything in an awe. Sasuke gets up and makes his way to the door.

Before he can pass the door he stops right beside me. He says in his cold deep voice making me shiver,"Take my food to my room later after serving him."

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