Chapter 8

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"Don't hold back. Scream as much as you want." That words sent shiver through all over my body. He's on his way of getting rid of my pant. He says," Looks like it's your first time, don't worry it'll be worth remembering."

I'm exposed in front of him. He says noticing my member down there,"It's cute." He draws circle on the tip with his finger. He's eyeing me, seeing my every reaction. I look away in order to avoid his eyes.

Sasuke hovers over me once again and takes ahold of my face in his large hand. He says,"I order you to look into my eyes." I clench my jaw, this is embarrassing but I can't avoid his orders. I look into his eyes then my eyes fell down to his lips which are smirking.

He says huskily,"I'll try not to be too rough on you but no promises." I gulp which is pretty much hearable. He pulls down his pant and boxer under it revealing his hard member. He spreads my legs with his hand, being too much embarrassed I squizzed my eyes shut. I feel the tip of his member against my butthole. Is that how it's supposed to be done between two men?

Sasuke orders,"Look at me!" I open my eyes and look at his dark coal eyes which is filled with lust. He pushes his member without giving any warning. My hips buckled in pain. I scream,"Oh my god! Master, please take it out!" Sasuke thrusts it in groaning a little bit. Feels like my butthole is ripped already. Sasuke says thrusting it more,"I couldn't wait, I had to go there raw. Endure it."

With each thrust it felt like hell. I couldn't help but cry in pain and my face is scrunched up. Tears are flowing from my eyes. I didn't know all of it was noticed by Sasuke. He sighs and stops in the middle. He says getting up,"It's no help then."

I see him going to somewhere naked and coming back after some minutes with a bottle of lube. I ask him being scared,"What are going to do?" Sasuke says pouring a lot of lube over my abused butthole. He massages it a little bit. Then says,"I already loosen you up when I went there raw."

He places it again onto my lower body and rub it a little before pushing it in. He spreads my legs wider and thrust it in farther. It's still burning down there but the pain lessened a little bit but not fully recovered. He curses,"God, you are so tight. Feels like my dick is going to burst."

He starts to push and pull like a madman who lost his control. The room is full with cricking noises of bed, weird sounds and moans. He comes to my lip biting it hard, we both tested the metallic test of my blood. His fingers are playing with my nipples and his mouth is busy to make marks on all over my body while he's thrusting his member deep inside me.

Suddenly I start to feel weird. I say to him trying to stop myself from screaming,"I f-feel weird." Sasuke smirks and says,"It isn't weird, it's pleasure what you are feeling." Suddenly I see something thick coming out from my member which was continuously twitching.

Sasuke says groaning,"Fuck, you already came." He grabs my hand and pull me closer to him and I find myself sitting on his lip and my legs beside his hips while he was pushing himself inside me.

I don't know how many times I came but it felt like Sasuke has stamina to keep fucking me the whole night not being exhausted. We both are lying naked below the sheet. His hands around my waist and my head on his chest. He's sound asleep. I close my eyes too feeling too much tired to keep open my eyes and quickly I drifted into sleep.

The next morning

I open my eyes feeling a little bit cold. There's no one beside me. No, it wasn't a dream because my lower body is still sore after all that yesterday night.

I get up and find my clothes are all torn up. Buy I found new clothes folded onto the table. I quickly wear
it and leave the room before anyone can barge in.

I have to go to our floor and shower quickly because I'm a mess. The bathroom we use for shower isn't a personal one for each of us. All of the guys shower together and same goes for the girls too. The ones who came here to work are in between 18-27.

I quickly go inside the bathroom finding a few boys inside it. I go to the quite place and strip myself turning on the shower. There are a lot of red marks which are almost bruised on my bodies. I must cover it so that no one can find out about it.

I hear the boys talking,"Few princesses are invited here I heard." "King Sasuke has to choose his bride, former king Fugaku wants a heir as soon as possible." "What about prince Itachi? Doesn't he have any bride? I mean he's the older one." "I heard a few rumours about him. I heard he fell in love with a man and refused to marry any Princess. That's why King Fugaku abandoned him." "Have anyone see the man who managed to steal an Uchiha's heart." "I don't know."

What's with all those rumours? I shrug it off. It's none of my business. But if it's really true, the old king won't tolerate these kind of behaviour. What'll he do if he gets to know about it?

I quickly wore one of my dresses and leave the shower which is a gossip place for all those boys. I go to hall and find Kiba standing there idly. I say loudly,"Oi.. Kiba." He notices me immediately and comes to me running. He says eyeing me head toe,"Are you alright?" I nod and say,"Yeah I managed to leave the hell, what about you?" Kiba says,"He didn't punish me. He became busier seeing all those guest and let me go off from the hook this time."

Kiba says,"Look at that girl, is she a princess?" I look at a girl who's coming down with two men who are following her from behind. She's wearing a royal dress. A girl with blue hairs and purple eyes. Doesn't her looks match that guy from before who's from Hyuga clan?

Kiba says,"I think she's Lord Neji's sister Lady Hinata." She's a princess after all. Seems like he's finding someone. Then her eyes fell upon us. We gulp feeling her eyes on us. She says something to one of her men. The man looks at us as well and shouts from there,"Hey, you two. Come here."

I look at Kiba and Kiba looks at me. We both shrug our shoulders at the same time and go to them. We bow our heads immediately when we got closer. I say looking down on my feet,"Is there something you need, my lady?" Hinata says,"I was looking for my brother, I mean lord Neji. Can you tell where he should be?" She looks inexperience because there's no way people like us will know about where he is.

I reply,"I have no idea My lady. I think he could be with King Sasuke. They are his subordinates after all." She bows her head and says,"Well, thank you for your help mister." It isn't normal for a princess to act like this in front of some mere slaves.

We see them going upstairs again. I ask Kiba,"Why did she bow down her
head in front of people like us?" Before Kiba could reply the girl from kitchen replies out of nowhere,"She was recently founded that's why she doesn't understand all these rules. The whole Hyuga clan didn't know about her existence until they saw a girl with same eyes as them at a enemy kingdom."

Kiba says,"That was unknown to me." That girl says,"Hyuga clan works under Uchiha clan and respectful to the other kingdoms. Lord Neji was announced as the heir and representative of the mighty Hyuga clan and appointed here to work under King Sasuke when King Fugaku decided to make formar prince Sasuke to be the future king."

I ask her,"What about lady Hinata?" The girl replies," That isn't something I know. She's in line to marry our king Sasuke as you can see how beautiful she is." I nod and suddenly our attention drifted to a small group who are coming downstairs.

King Sasuke in middle who's talking about something with a guy who has high ponytail and bored looking face. Lady Hinata, Lord Neji and Lord Sai following them from behind.

Suddenly King Sasuke's gaze falls upon us and all of us bow our heads. I can't see them but hear their footsteps. Feels like they are coming closure. Suddenly I feel Sasuke's presence right in front of me. He says to me,"You can look at me." I do as he said.

He looks at my appearance. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of a red mark made by him at my neck which was unknown to me. A smirk grows on his lips. He brings his face closer to my ear and says fanning his hot breath,"I want you to be my personal maid."

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