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"Today is the day hoochies!!!" Ray yelled walking into Aaliyah'a room with Mia on her hip
"You're being loud" Aleesha said walking out of the bathroom with her makeup bag
"Can i not be excited because my baby is graduating?" Ray asked setting Mia on the floor where she started waddling towards Aaliyah who sat absent mindedly staring at her reflection in the mirror
"Aye Mami, help please" Erick asked coming in with his tie
"Earth to Aaliyah" Ray said snapping her fingers in front of her face
"I tried that, she's been like that since this morning" Aleesha sighed
"MAMI MY CURLS ARN'T CURLING LIKE THEY SHOULD" Richard yelled from his room "HELP"
"Excuse me, i have a child to get to" Aleesha said slipping out the room
"Perfect" Ray smiled kissing Erick's cheek "now leave"
"But i" Erick started
"Sienna's clothes are on the bed" Ray smiled shooing hun away

When Erick left, Ray closed the door and turned to her best friend, walking up to her and opening her arms and embracing her. Which was all it took for Aaliyah to start crying

"I'm sorry baby" Ray said rubbing her back
"I'm so tired, i put my life on pause for this man and all he wants is more babies... that's all i am to him" Aaliyah sniffed
"No you arn't" Ray said to her "You're more than that and you should know that!"
"Mi amor" Zabdiel said knocking on the door
"Lemme give you 2 some space" Ray said walking out "and if you step outta like i will beat the hell out of you"
"Got it" Zabdiel said bringing his hands up in surrender

He walked over to Aaliyah kneeling in front of her to look her dead in the eye.
"The way i approached the topic wasn't the way, and i am so sorry mi amol, you mean the absolute world to me and you arn't just a baby making machine. You are the love of my life, the mother of my children, my entire world" Zabdiel spoke "and i love you so much"

Aaliyah sniffed, looking Zabdiel in the eye before bursting out into tears.
"I'm sorry nena" Zabdiel said holding her
"You're still on probation" Aaliyah sniffed "and you earned an extra week for making me cry with make up on"
"I'll take that" Zabdiel smiled kissing her forehead
"LETS GO HOOCHIES MY BABY IS GRADUATING!" Ray yelled walking down the hall

Everyone piled into the car, Richard driving with Joel on aux duties. Christopher sat in the back, having none of the girls speaking to him the guys had only given him encouraging pats on the back when they passed him in the car. He wrung his hands nervously as he rehearsed the speech in his head through the whole ride, tuning out everyone

When they arrived the valedictorian had already spoken and the principal was 2 students in. Opting to sit at the back the group waited until Kat was called before standing up and making a noise for her earning concerned looks from everyone.

"Another hand for our graduates" The head master said into the mic
"Now we have one last speech before you may all be dismissed" He said once the clapping had subsided

Everyone looked around confused before Christopher made his way up on stage. Locking eyes with Kat.
"I had a speech prepared but honestly seeing you sitting there looking beautiful in your gown has me speechless" Chris said into the mic "Kat, we met at a party, i know shocker, but she's been my rock, didn't care that i was famous she loved me for me and i took it for granted and now i lost the only good thing in life. And i wanted to apologise, i know no apology can heal the pain i caused you but i am so sorry Kat, i didn't get engaged to you because of all that nonsense i got engaged to you because i love you so much so so much. I wanted to publically apologise to you because i didn't mean to hurt you and wish you goodluck going forth, i am so proud of you"

With that Chris walked off the stage, leaving the entire hall quiet until the headmaster announced where lunch was being held and where they would be taking pictures. Kat bolted out of the auditorium, running to find Chris walking towards the car

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