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Aleesha groaned and threw her phone on the bed, running her hands through her just washed hair. She placed her head in her hands letting out a big sigh just as Richard was coming out of the bathroom.

"Hangover?" he asked her with a slight laugh
"I'm too grown for that" Aleesha said looking up at him "it's your mom"
"Again?" He asked looking at her phone
"I'm about to pull up and drop kick your mother" Aleesha said looking at Richard sternly
"Look baby, how about we just have lunch with her and my dad this weekend and explain to her that we're not trying for babies anytime soon because we're going to focus on raising Aaliyah" Richard smiled at Aleesha
"I dare her to send me another "Tips on how to get pregnant quicker" message and i'm pulling up" Aleesha said annoyed
"I give you full permission mami" Richard smiled kissing her cheek

Once Richard had dressed the couple made their way downstairs to the kitchen where Ray was setting out the beautiful breakfast Aaliyah had slaved over that morning.

"What's got you so happy?" Aleesha asked
"Nothing particular" Aaliyah smiled finishing up with the bacon
"You made a whole feast" Ray pointed out
"I made bacon and waffles for Ray and Christopher. Pancakes with cream for Richard and Erick. Protein shake for Joel. Fruit salad for Aleesha, Kat and Kendall. Peaches for Sienna and oats for Zabidel" Aaliyah listed
"And you?" Ray asked
"I'm kinda full already from tasting all this and i had an apple" Aaliyah shrugged
"Morning!" Erick smiled coming down with Sienna on his hip "why didn't you wake me?"
"Cause you looked so cute" Ray cooed "and i didn't wanna cut into daddy daughter time and don't give me that 'there was none' bs because i heard you 2 talking in the bathroom"
"I wasn't going to give you that bs" Erick smiled
"Right" Ray drew out
"Morning everyone" Kat smiled coming into the kitchen with Christopher
"Food!" Christopher said immediately sitting down
"No, we wait for everyone" Aaliyah said swatting his hands away
"I'm here" Zabdiel said coming into the room a twin in each arm
"Look at your guys fathers of the year" Richard laughed at Zabdiel and Erick

Before anyone could answer there came a big bang from upstairs catching their attention. Kendall came down the stairs angrily, Joel following her, hot on her tracks as he huffed as well

"I'm not done talking to you Kendall!" Joel yelled
"I think you're done" Kendall said stopping to face him "what more are you going to do? Tear me apart even more?"
"I'm just telling you i don't like the way he looks and touches you" Joel justified
"Justin and I are friends from school and nothing more! he was helping me with my form" Kendall said "I actually thought you were different but you're just like every other jealous prick i've met"
"Kendall" Joel began only for her to slam the door in his face
"I scared" Sienna said cuddling into Erick more
"Joel" Zabdiel said only for him to bolt upstairs
"I'll go see how she's doing" Ray said pointing to Kendall

Ray jogged out of the front door, catching up with Kendall on the curb. She grabbed her wrist and brought her into a hug.
"I would never cheat on Joel" Kendall sobbed
"I know, i know baby" Ray chanted rubbing her back
"Why won't he believe me?" Kendall asked pulling away to wipe her eyes
"Because he's heated right now, all he believes is what he's been telling himself, give him some time please Kenny" Ray pleaded
"he finished with me" Kendall whispered
"I'm so sorry baby" Ray whispered pulling her into another hug
"I have to go" Kendall said sniffing
"Text me if you need anything" Ray smiled

Ray jogged back to the house to find that things had resumed all to normal. She took a seat next to Erick, laying her head on his shoulder as she looking at Sienna who was sitting on the table attempting to messily feed herself the peaches Aaliyah had nicely cut up

"How's she?" Aaliyah asked
"I'm not going to lie, it's not good" Ray sighed rubbing her eyes
"Joel really hurt the girl" Kat said
"She has to go to work and act like everything's okay when in actual fact she feels like breaking down and crying" Ray said looking at the girls "we have to do something for her"
"I was thinking the same thing" Aleesha agreed "A movie night?"
"Where we can pig out and cry?" Kat asked "I like it"
"And you can deal with the kids" Ray said to the guys
"But- Joel's also hurting" Richard justified
"Hurting from what? breaking her heart?" Aaliyah asked
"Men don't deserve shit-
"Children present!" Aaliyah scolded Ray
"Still. i stan by what i said" Ray said
"Mama don't cry" Sienna said cupping Ray's face
"I'm not crying nena, i just have something in my eye" Ray laughed
"So the plans been put into place, let's get ready and get some snacks" Aleesha said finishing her breakfast off

The girls got into some sweats and made their way into Aleesha's car, driving to the nearest connivence store and grabbing nearly half of the snack isle before making their way to Kendall's apartment which they easily had access to curtesy of Ray steaming Joel's key a couple of weeks back. They set up a little blanket fort, Aleesha popping some things in the oven while Aaliyah ordered some Post Mates and Kat got the movies ready.

They hadn't realised the time until they heard keys jiggle in the door and Kendall walk in with a big sigh. She almost screamed at the sight of the 4 girls smiling at her sympathetically

"What is this?" Kendall asked
"A 'gals before pals' night" Ray smiled getting up
"Yeah we figured you would want a shoulder to cry on" Aaliyah smiled at her
"And food" Aleesha said pouting to the tray of dinosaur nuggets "sorry, we didn't have adult food"
"I honestly should have you guys arrested for trespassing"
Kendall joked
"You would never" Aaliyah winked
"Now let's have a toast!" Kat said handing Kendall a cup of soda
"To fück men and bitches all the way" Ray said raising her glass
"You're still wearing your wedding ring" Kendall pointed out
"What Erick doesn't know won't hurt him" Ray smirked

The girls laughed as they clinked their glasses together in a toast before making their way to the fort of blankets and pigging out while watching the variations of movies they had lined up.

🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
anyways..... the Beso mv.....

🎈drop ideas


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