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"oh my god can you smell that?" Aleesha yelled
"Yup" Ray commented "that's the sweet smell of the carbon emissions from the cars of day to day consumers and producers making their way to work"
"ah, the city" Aaliayh smiled
"We're going on a cabin excursion soon-
"Nope, bye no amount of lace panties could convince me- eat a penis" Aleesha exclaimed making her way up the stairs to hers and Richard's room

After 3 days of camping the group had finally made their way back home, from the early morning they arrived around noon and to say the girls were happy to be in civilisation and nowhere around those 3 puppets was an understatement. It wasn't bad at all since they got to stay at the new house even though it wasn't fully furnished

"Lock ourselves in our rooms for the day?" Christopher suggested
"Yup" Joel said grabbing his bags
"Like that idea" Ray said going up the stairs

Ultimately, Zabdiel and Aaliyah were the only ones left downstairs
"Wanna go to studio and mess around?" Zabdiel asked "with the beats and what we recorded of cause"
"i know what you meant!" Aaliyah laughed
"Just making sure" Zabdiel smirked "plus i need to give you a house tour"
"I'd like that very much" Aaliyah smiled intertwining hands with Zabdiel

Aleesha hummed in satisfaction as Richard ran his fingers through her soapy hair, the warm water cascading down their bodies. Aleesha turned to wash the shampoo out of her hair, Richard watching her with loving eyes. When she turned her back back to Richard he laid a kiss on her shoulder

"You know how happy it makes me to know that you're getting along with Aaliyah" Richard smiled as Aleesha squirt some shampoo into her hand
"She's an angel, easiest person to get along with" Aleesha said applying it to Richards hair
"Well she's never gotten along with anyone like she does with you you know"Richard hummed
"Oh so you've introduced her to your other bitches?" Aleesha teased
"don't do that to me ma, you know you're the first one because Yocelyn never gets along with any of my girlfriends enough for them to stay" Richard sighed

Aleesha moves so Richard could wash the shampoo out. She came up and she pulled him down for a kiss.

"Hey, i'm here to stay, weather that dusty hoe likes it or not" Aleesha smiled running her fingers up and down Richards chest
"I want you guys to meet, under better circumstances and y'know talk" Richard said slowly
"No" Aleesha said blandly
"Aww please mami, for Aaliyah, and me" Richard said putting on his best pout
"only for you and keep her in check or it's going down" Aleesha threatened playfully

Richard laughed at his girlfriend leaning down to kiss her sweetly but being abruptly stopped in his tracks at the banging on the bathroom door

"If you 2 could get the fuck out, i need to shower" Joel yelled before storming off making the couple laugh as they finished up their shower

Aaliyah bopped her head to the beat while bouncing on the balls of her feet, chicken nugget and sauce in hand as she munched on them. Zabdiel sat leaning against the chair trying to perfect the beat and come up with some lyrics along with it

"Okay wait here's a concept, right you're trying to get back together with your ex and you wanna start things all over again" Aaliyah said turning to Zabdiel
"okay" Zabdiel said starting the beat all over again "something like this"

Zabdiel hopped into the booth quickly, putting the headphones on before giving the lyrics a go

Niña, tanto tiempo
¿Qué estás haciendo?
¿Qué es de tu vida?
Dicen que estás sufriendo
Creo que tengo
Una salida

He looked at Aaliyah who gave him the thumbs up. She pressed a button so Zabdiel could hear her

"Try the chorus, something like Y de cero empezamos" Aaliyah suggested

Zabdiel nodded

Y de cero empezamos
Otro chance nos damos los dos
Mejor dejemos la estupidez
Que el amor llega solo una vez
De cero empezamos
Otro chance nos damos tú y yo
Mejor dejemos la estupidez
Que el amor llega solo una vez

Zabdiel clapped and put the headphones back on the mic before walking out, he played the vocals back and added them to the track, smiling excitedly as he heard it all come to works.

"That was some great freestyling baby" Aaliyah complimented
"Just a random question" Zabdiel said "why this concept"
"Nothing really" Aaliyah shrugged setting her drink down
"c'mon nena" He said sitting on the couch
"Okay but you have to promise to keep an open mind about it" Aaliyah said worriedly

"A couple years ago i lived in LA, i was pretty much living the life at that point, I was in university i had friends, i had a pretty good instagram following and everything was perfect at that time until i kinda got into a toxic relationship with a guy. He cheated, i wanted to leave but he swore that even if i left he'd find me, i packed up and came to Miami got a new phone number, Instagram, basically cut my entire life in LA out of my mind" Aaliyah explains
"So wait you wanna start a new life with you ex?" Zabdiel asked
"No, oh God no, I found a picture of us during our relationship and it brought back so many memories" Aaliyah said taking Zabdiel's face into her hands "but i'm with you, and i'm way happier"
"i would hope so" Zabdiel joked giving Aaliyah an eskimo kiss

"Hey Li, i need help with- oh, oh shit am i interrupting?" Aleesha asked pointing between the 2
"Yes, what do you want" Aaliyah playfully snapped
"Girl, i would have gone to Ray but they locked the door and it's dead silent in there so i'mma need to borrow your girl Zabdiel" Aleesha said grabbing her best friends hand and pulling her out of the room despite Zabdiel's yells.

Aleesha pulled Aaliyah towards the kitchen, sitting her at the table before sitting in front of her.

"Richard wants me to have a sit down with Yocelyn" Aleesha spat
"You really pulled me out of the studio for this?" Aaliyah asked cocking an eyebrow
"Yeah, this is serious Li! I'm meeting the mother of my boyfriend's child here this is a big deal!" Aleesha panicked
"Look, just stay calm, wear something simple so if things go down you don't ruin your $300 jeans" Aaliyah smiled simply before getting up and making her way back to Zabdiel


Joelito🐙 we need to go furniture shopping before we move into this house

Rich👻 agreed... how does tomorrow sound

Lee🦋 can't.... promised my mom i'd call her

Zabdi 👩🏼‍🦲 that surely isn't going to take the entire day though

Leech🧚🏽 Mexican mother you idiot.... it could take 3 day's minimum.

Lee🦋 yeah i havn't spoken to my mom in a while

Leech🧚🏽 okay where's the 2 babies??

Christopher🤡 i would assume they're sleeping cause i hear nothing from that took apart from their phones singing

Joel🐙 well hopefully they get the message

Cubano💕 can you guys stop texting.... you're going to wake Ray up

Lee🦋 no❤️

Cubano💕 you can deal with her crankiness.

Lee🦋 i have been.... for too long actually

Leech🧚🏽 we should get paid actually

Lee🦋 lmaooo yeah

the end was pure trash but yeah :)))

🎈drop ideas

-Ray 😔🤚🏽

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